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Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd


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This is what I've been thinking recently.


People: The Wii has no good shooters

Me: Try MOH:H2 and wait for the Conduit to come out next year.

People: WTF. There cannot be a good shooter on the Wii. Anything on another console is automatically better. Lets go tell so and so what a stupid thing you just said.


I talked to the person latter that day who I was referring to as "so and so". Apparently he's hyped more for The Conduit than anything on another console. Weird how that worked out.


Meh, its sort of on topic.


I like the Wii because it's NOT a PS3/360. Arcade games like Resi: Umbrella Chronicles (not a word, Maase), Ghost Squad and House of the Dead are perfect on the Wii, more so than FPS's in my opinion, there's hours of fun to be had with them, and I usually get more enjoyment out of them than traditional shooters. Of course I love online shooters on the 360, so I can't wait for stuff like the Conduit and CoD, but these arcade shooters are just perfect for Wii.

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Megaman has never appealed to me, I've just completed Wario Land and de Blob isn't jumping out at me. Everything else is just more of the same. It brings nothing new...its made me apathetic to the gaming industry


I'm sure you'll be fine when we get the Wii 2 and we can see Mario and Zelda updated to HD (amongst other things)! I've said before that I think MotionPlus is a halfway point measure (ie. Spring 2009) and that we will probably get the Wii 2 late 2011. Well, let's hope (naively, yes!) that it's really like the N64 RAM pak and that the 2010 prediction is right! :)

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I don't want a new Wii2, I payed good money for this one and it hasn't lived it's full lifespan yet. Just like my DS Lite...


By 2011 it will have lived a normal life-span of a Nintendo console. And by then it will look incredibly dated compared to other consoles. 2010 seems likely, I think they're going to need to do an earlier refresh as more and more people get HDTVs.

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I think with wii-motion plus and wiispeak and nintendo getting more games out the wii is gonna do really well next 2 years. I don't think it will be "dated" in any way just because of HD graphics.


I only know one of my friends with a HD TV and he plays wii on it, he has an xbox360 and he plays that in a small TV in his room. I don't think more ppl getting HD TV's will have much to do with it.

I don't really care about HD TVs anyway...

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So even more rumors are appearing about this conference now. Gamekyo is reporting that Nintendo are set to reveal a new title that everybody has been waiting for and it's supposedly a resurrection of a classic Nintendo franchise.


Not the first time this has been stated but it could be true this time. With all the rumblings over Kid Icarus earlier in the year, I hope it's that. But we'll have to wait and see.

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Nintendo seems to be hiding some more surprises for its upcoming Japanese press conference next Thursday. Everyone is talking about a new model of the Nintendo DS that includes a camera, but what you don't know is that Nintendo has a new game to show. We can announce today that Nintendo will reveal a new game for the Wii during this event which is actually an old franchise that everyone is waiting for. Nintendo press conference will be held in Japan on October 2nd.


I'm betting PunchOut or Kid Icarus. :heh:

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I really shouldn't get my hopes up but I really do hope that it is Kid Icarus. The fact that the franchise was abandoned up until Pit appeared in Brawl was shocking as Kid Icarus could be a great franchise for Nintendo to go with now on the Wii. Although I can see people will complain that it'll be 'too similar to Zelda' if it gets announced.

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Out of Punch Out and Kid Icarus!!?? It's tricky. I love punch out more, but Kid Icarus has got more potential; I also think it has more potential to be shit though..... Punch Out!! With balance board support, 2 wiimotes with motion plus; that would be amazing, but maybe goes against the arcade roots of the series.


An epic adventure for pit with Zelda/Metroid levels of conversion to 3d is probably too much to turn down.


Kid Icarus for me!!!

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I'd love to see Kid Icarus done as a 3rd-person Metroid, mixed with the overworld and bosses from Shadow of the Colossus. Dazzybee is right, though, there is a lot of opportunity for them to get it wrong. From some of the things Factor 5 allegedly said, I keep imagining it as a very simple, on-the-rails game like Star Fox, Panzer Dragoon Zwei or even Space Harrier.


Punch Out could be astounding with MotionPlus. Less likely is Zelda, but to me that would be the most exciting of all.


This really is just a rumour, though, and I'm still expecting only to see the new DS.

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NGamer appeared to have solid confirmation that Punch-Out!! was at E3, and then Shigsy went on to mention it in regards to MotionPlus. Matt Cassamassapassakassalassajassamassina is also convinced that Kid Icarus exists and should have been announced at E3. It'll be interesting to see what happens at this conference.

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Anyone know when the Japanese conference starts time wise on Thursday? If it's 9am Japan time (midnight UK) then I'll probably stay up. Although the last time I stayed up for one of Nintendo's conference's in Japan was when they revealed the Wii-mote and I was up at 3/4 in the morning getting the news in about it. If it's later than that, and I think it is, then I'll just wait till I get up in the morning and find out.

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They'll live blog the US one, which they'll go to, who knows about the Japanese one. Not worth staying up to early hours, just get up a bit early or even around your normal time and the news will likely already be up.


If I can find a site that will be blogging the Jap one then I will stay up, im off work all week anyway :)

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How could they live blog it though O.o Surely they didn't send some guy over to watch it :heh:


Though they haven't said they'll blog both have they? Or have I missed something? If they blog it i'll maybe stay up then, or go to sleep early, wake up, read/post news, back to bed.


Being a large site, they'll definitely have a Japanese correspondant.

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