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Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd


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I've just read this on GoNintendo and at this time nobody can confirm this so take the news with a pinch of salt.


Reader Nintendo-Outeside let me in on a bit of information, but unfortunately, I cannot confirm it for you guys. There is a Japanese source that states that there will be some sort of Nintendo event on October 2nd, but no word on what would be there. It seems a bit strange to do a show before TGS, instead of just attending TGS itself.


It would be interesting if it turns out to be true. I wonder if Nintendo have planned this or whether they are doing it due to the gaming press/gamers kicking of over the lack of software shown at E3.

Personally I think it would make sense to hold an event. They could showcase Disaster, AC and Wii music while at the same time gives us a few teaser trailers for titles we can expect early next year. Also its been a while since the whole storage issue has been mentioned so it would be a good time to announce their solution.

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They always have their own at that time instead of attending TGS. Could be anything, though, big or small. I sort of hope public opinion hasn't pushed them to announce some big games that we won't see for a while. I'd rather go into 2009 with a clear schedule, and have it so Nintendo makes fairly regular announcements of games that are to be released within 8 or so months of being revealed.


But that won't stop people from going on record:


(around the TGS time of year)

2005 - Revolution Remote

2006 - Wii Launch blowout

2007 - (see above link)

2008 - "zomg!! must be mega hardcore blowout!1"

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More of this from GoNintendo


Now we have yet another mention of an event for Nintendo on October 2nd. I’ve put the machine-translated information below…


Fall in the game industry event of the season rush. The focus was on October 2, “The Nintendo conference in autumn 2008,†October 9-12, “Tokyo Game Show 2008″. Nintendo (7974) to announce new products and attention. At the foot of the deployment have been weak, but come late this month between the field and picking up?

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"New products and attention"


Going by last year's conference, I wouldn't expect massive things. One new game at the very least, probably Punch-Out!! I expect a few WiiWare games too, judging by the fact that it was not mentioned once at E3. Sales are apparently crap on the service, and Nintendo aren't doing anything to get it out to the mainstream...

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Late last week Nihon Securities Journal set out a notice regarding "Nintendo Conference Autumn 2008". The event will be held on October 2nd, and according to NSJ, Nintendo will be announcing "new products".While Nintendo traditionally does not attend the Tokyo Game Show, an early October event would certainly help the company from getting lost in the shuffle.



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"New products and attention"


Going by last year's conference, I wouldn't expect massive things. One new game at the very least, probably Punch-Out!! I expect a few WiiWare games too, judging by the fact that it was not mentioned once at E3. Sales are apparently crap on the service, and Nintendo aren't doing anything to get it out to the mainstream...


Maybe if they gave us a bigger fridge we may buy more effing games!!! I know I would! I have a back cataologue of games on VC and Wii Ware I want to buy, but haven't because I don't want to delete anything yet.


To help me delete Strong Bad and get Bomberman, is there any point in collecting everything in Strong Bad!?!? The comic book, the snake manual etc. Don't know whether to do it, or to delete it and buy Bomberman.


BACK ON TOPIC. I would cry blood if they unveiled Punch Out!!

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Maybe if they gave us a bigger fridge we may buy more effing games!!! I know I would! I have a back cataologue of games on VC and Wii Ware I want to buy, but haven't because I don't want to delete anything yet.


To help me delete Strong Bad and get Bomberman, is there any point in collecting everything in Strong Bad!?!? The comic book, the snake manual etc. Don't know whether to do it, or to delete it and buy Bomberman.


BACK ON TOPIC. I would cry blood if they unveiled Punch Out!!


You don't get anything special, just the satisfaction of achieving maximum awesomeness. You know you don't have to delete the save file right? That's separate to games when you delete the Channels.

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I've got a feeling a MotionPlus-enabled Punch Out would be the moment any remaining sceptics (myself included) are convinced motion controls really are a giant step forwards.


Other than that, I'd really like to see Zelda and Kid Icarus - just something done in the colourful Nintendo style that proves motion controls really can improve traditional games. I really want to be convinced!

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Other than that, I'd really like to see Zelda and Kid Icarus - just something done in the colourful Nintendo style that proves motion controls really can improve traditional games. I really want to be convinced!


Zelda will be another year. Since Shingsy confirmed KI (in some form) at E3, its probably possible. Pikmen 3 is very likely I think, and that would be a good opportunity for amazing motion controls.


F-Zero and Star Fox are other games I would like to see, but I'd imagine those will be next year at the earliest. Maybe they'll surprise us and bring back a nearly forgotten NES franchise, Perhaps Clu Clu land (I think that was Nintendo). Though, I really don't want to get hyped about this event.

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GoNintendo have even more about this event. Looks like the US is getting a event at the same time as Japan.


This was in the IGN updates, but I just wanted to make sure you guys caught this.


Word through various sources is that Nintendo is readying a press event in Japan for October 2nd or 3rd. While we have yet to receive confirmation of such event from our Nintendo of America sources, this rumor is strengthened by a two-day event scheduled by NOA for October 2nd and 3rd in the US.


Two shows, both on the same date. You think Nintendo is doing to have something big to show off?!


Interesting. As for what I want out of this conference, storage solution please!

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Were there not rumours of a new Wii SKU some time ago. Since Wii is selling as fast as The Big N can manufacture, so perhaps not a major revision, maybe some new bundles?

Its likely we may see some storage solution, since Nintendo have been quite vocal on the subject. Games-wise, i can't see the point of promoting post-christmas games, so Animal Crossing, Disaster, Project Zero and third party stuff.

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The thing I want most from this conference is a playable CoD 5 - not seen all that much of the Wii version yet, bar some impressive screens.


It's highly likely that the Christmas lineup will be showcased. I imagine Nintendo are thinking that they can now appease the hardcore with Disaster and they will try to get some hype built up around that. Given the nature of the new philosophy of announcements shortly before games hit perhaps this isn't even about Disaster. Perhaps they were following the MP3 marketing route for Disaster - mainly internet (though there have been far more promotional videos) and this event is a different approach to marketing an altogether different title. I hope so as that would be far more exciting! But my hunch is nothing massive, just a showcase of what's coming soon.

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In a 'fantasy world' I would love the conference to go like this:


Reggie arrives on stage (is it a stage or more of a platform at this conference). Starts talking about stats, and appealing to the casual gamer and then says 'Nah! You don't want to hear about that'...'This is what you came for'.


Cut to a video of 'Nintendo's BIG 10!' a long, well edited video clip of 10 big games coming out for the Wii that we haven't really heard of before.


(The video is accompanied by a funky, rocking, techno beat)


10. New Fire Emblem Wii game

9. Donkey Kong Adventure

8. 1080 Snowboarding

7. Kid Icarus

6. Star Fox Wii

5. Pokemon MMO (I HATE pokemon, but realise a lot of peeps would want this)

4. F-Zero Wii

3. Brawl Add on Pack

2. Pikmin 3

1. Zelda MMO


When video has finished, Reggie goes onto say: 'but these are just what's coming from Nintendo, what about the 3rd party publishers?'


On that note out walks exec's for Capacom, Square-Enix, Sega and EA.


Capcom talk about Dead Rising, Monster Hunter 3.

Square-Enix talk about Crystal Bearers and Final Fantasy 6 remake:grin:

Sega talk about Streets of Rage 4 :grin: :grin:

EA talk about their new MMO, Hogwarts.


As they leave the stage 2 more execs walk on and say they are Chris and Tim Stamper from Rare and they have gotten together with the old team to remake Perfect Dark, with upgraded everyting including online modes. New title: Perfect Dark Redux :grin: :grin: :grin:


Reggie announces 5 new channels:


Mii Movie Maker Channel, Mii Life Channel, Mii Party Channel, My Wii Channel and The Brawl Channel.


Also announces a 80Gb Hard drive which will be sent, free of charge to all Wii owners.


Just as he leaves the stage, he says there is one more surprise. Video shows of a brand new Zelda Adventure.


End of conference.


Yeah so that would be my 'fantasy' one. But to be honest if they just announced something on a new F-Zero or Starfox and a solution for the storage problem, i would be happy :)

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That's the ultimate fanboy wet dream lol.


No doubt there will be Disaster DoC playable builds shown (in English), Animal Crossing and Wii Music will be massive too. Other than that? Iwata will talk about changing gaming and sales (again) and appeasing the hardcore fans. Hopefully more balance board titles will be on show (1st and 3rd party) and concrete HDD details will emerge.


If I was to dream, a boat load of tech demos of wii motion plus featuring Link and a certain punch-out character would appear alongside a newer Resort build.


Pilotwings would be nice too...

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I am a big Nintendo fan for over 20 years,but I couldn't keep myself for laughing by reading TC's post.

Anyway,if we must in this thread confess our fantasies and pipe dreams then here's mine.



-First of all, I wait a storage solution FINALLY!And I hope that this solution requires some sort of physical medium and not some crappy online storage option.

-From 1st party I hope for some secont tier IP announcements like F-Zero Wii,Starfox,Kirby,Donkey Kong and Yoshi's Island.We all know pretty much that the next Zelda and Mario are in the works.Let's have room for other franchises.

-Finally,3d party announcements are the most important for Wii,as this is clearly the Wii's weak spot.I would like to see the announcement of RE5,something BIG from Square,and a Metal Gear trilogy from Konami.)

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