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Favourite Remakes


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why do they disgust you mate? Most of these director's cuts are ports to other systems. It actually tells me that these people actually bothered when porting the game


When they get ported to other consoles, it's fine.


I'm talking about when they release the Director's Cut version in the same console. It cheapens, and takes away value from the original.

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I was thinking about my DKC to GBA "port" complaints and was thinking what constitutes the difference between a port and a remake? Is a remake a graphical change to a certain point or is this a port? Does a remake have to have extra features and a port is meant to have none? But most ports have extra features...


Isn't everything a remake then? Hmm, perhaps this thinking cap is too tight!

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A remake is a game that's been... remade. :heh: What I mean by that is its been given an overhaul and brought up to modern standards for the current audience. Take my FF IV example: its been remade in 3D, added cutscenes, voice work and other such features as well as some "directors cut" things too. The game still retains its classic feel, but its accessible and appealing to gamers of today. The GBA version of FF IV is a port, albeit with "extra content."


Are you trying to say that the GBA DKC Trilogy has been remade in the sense that it was downgraded in pretty much every way? I suppose there are a ton of remakes that don't do their source game justice, hmm. The DKC's are defo ports though and you know it. :heh:

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If we're starting to include bad ports, Tales of Phantasia for the GBA comes to mind. It basically combined all the problems from the SNES version and the PS1 version and then added problems of its own into the mix. After a certain point it's nearly un-playable thanks to the lag in the battles. I'd even go as far as calling it an anti-remake. Everything was worse.

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If we're starting to include bad ports, Tales of Phantasia for the GBA comes to mind. It basically combined all the problems from the SNES version and the PS1 version and then added problems of its own into the mix. After a certain point it's nearly un-playable thanks to the lag in the battles. I'd even go as far as calling it an anti-remake. Everything was worse.


Here I was, trying to erase the 10 minutes I spent with that game from my memory. I seriously can't understand why it went wrong in everything. It was behind the SNES version in graphics AND gameplay.

Oh, and the translations... I can handle Cless -> Cress, and even Klarth -> Claus is understandable (even if I hate the new name). But Seals -> Steels? And Ragnarok -> Kangaroo? What were they smoking?

*Even if I haven't played the entire game, I'm aware of those atrocities.




A port is when you take the original game itself, and do nothing but add or change a few things here and there.

A remake is when you rebuild the game from scratch, meaning it's a giant overhaul, and guarantees a different experience than the original (even if the story is mostly the same).

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Here's a quote of the opening paragraph of 1ups DQ 4r review:


Remaking videogames is hardly an exact science; if it were, we'd have fewer cynically clueless rehashes and more Bionic Commando: Rearmeds and Metroid: Zero Missions. A great remake requires a developer who understands both the good and bad aspects of the original work. Dated or broken game design elements need to be discarded or reworked to complement the strengths.


@ ZeroAX, the DKC GBA games may have passed as being good, but we hold that series in such high esteem (:P) that anything short of excellence is a disappointment. They worked wonders with getting DKC to work on the GBC, so you would think the GBA ones wouldn't have been so half-assed.

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Not exactly "own", and both the GBC and the GBA ones were done as second party for Nintendo.


The GBC one was an entirely different team to GBA ones and most of the graphics looked like they were redone from scratch.


What didn't help the GBA ones (mainly 1 and quite a lot of 2) was "oh we can just use the original SNES graphics... oh wait, you can't see it on a dark GBA screen, so just turn up the brightness until it's all washed out instead". (As well as all the other issues darksnowman can probably tell you about if you have a couple of hours)

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The GBC version was phonomenal. So amazing. And the graphics actually worked in a charming way. Sure, it never had the realistic edge to it that was so apparent in the SNES verions (nor the cutting edge soundtrack) yet the vibrant greens sitting alongside the wonderfully compressed sprites still made it THE best looking GB game ever :) The GBA original should have been illegal.




It still amazes me HOW good the original looks today. *Cries at the best game series ever...*

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For me it was Resident Evil Remake for the Gamecube. They took everything that was good from the PSone version and made so much better.


Yea Resi1 was a great recipe for a remake.


Anyone played Metal Gear Solid TTS, as well as the original PS1 version?

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Yea Resi1 was a great recipe for a remake.


Anyone played Metal Gear Solid TTS, as well as the original PS1 version?


I have played The Twin Snakes through 3 times.. but earlier this year I got the PS1 version for £1 so I'm gonna get stuck into it very soon :heh:


The Twin Snakes is awesome though :yay:

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Twin Snakes is immense.

Even though the original game is great...The offputting thing about the PS1 original is the horrific graphics imo. It really hasn't aged well on the PS1.


Twin Snakes was beautiful and the aspects takn from MGS2 (dogtags/lockers and lots more - which escape me this time of the day) really made the title more immersive.

I loved the cinematics in Twin Snakes, they were a great improvement - even though the original sported some excellent popcorn moments. Both the direction and love from SK oozed from every pore in Twin Snakes.

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Twin Snakes is immense.

Even though the original game is great...The offputting thing about the PS1 original is the horrific graphics imo. It really hasn't aged well on the PS1.


The graphics on TTS were done in a style that doesn't seem to have aged with time, either.


Just wish i wasn't so utterly crap at it, i never got very far whenever i tried playing.

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