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Hang on, some wires crossed here. Paedophilia is the term used to describe someone who likes children, not actually comitting any acts. Homosexuality similarly defines a specific attraction, even though it is not a moral problem.


From an objective standpoint, the two terms are related in the sense that they define attractions to different subsets of people.


Yeah, fair enough.

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Last year I noticed one of my teachers had a folder on their desktop that was titled "C XXX". Latter that year we saw him creeping up behind a group of girls and trying to touch them, but then he saw us and stopped before they noticed. His name was Mr. Sebestiny(SP) but everyone called him Mr. Seb, we called him "The Sebophile" So throughout that year we left notes around his classroom (It was a computer lab just for the record) that said things like "Seb is a pedophile" and stuff like that. On the last day of school my friend and I tapped a note on his office door that read "Don't feed teh sebophile". I wish I could have seen the look on his face when he found it. We would have talked to the principal about it, however since the girls never new what he was trying to do, they wouldn't have believed us anyway. I hope he gets caught on "To Catch a Predator" one day.


I think thats a terrible story. There was no real evidence against this guy and his reputation, life, career and mental health has probably been tarnished by a bunch of hysterical teenagers.


Anyway, more generally speaking, I the root cause of pedophilia should be tackled - SEXY Children. Stop them, and you stop the paedofiles in their tracks.

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Nav, what are you saying?


You keep saying if being sexually attracted to Children became legal then no one would question it. But the thing is it NEVER will because we KNOW it's wrong and rightfully so. Whereas Homosexuality was wrongfully classed as illegal, but is now perfectly legal because there is nothing at all wrong with a man wanting to have sex with another man. Simple, surely?


Why bring up something for discussion that's never going to happen? Surely it will just cause arguments.


Not simple, no. You don't say why one is ok and the other isn't.


Anyway, I'm not letting any of you guys near my kids.

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I could cause harm. A gay man could cause harm. Harming someone you're attracted to isn't restricted to peadophilia.


Yes, but in the case of paedophilia the pedophile will ALWAYS harm the child.


Paedophilia has more in common with (potentially harmful to others)mental diasabilities, than homosexuality.



Both are diagnosable mental irregularities (whatever the term should be).


That's what I was trying and failing to say. :heh:

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Nav, what are you saying?


You keep saying if being sexually attracted to Children became legal then no one would question it. But the thing is it NEVER will because we KNOW it's wrong and rightfully so. Whereas Homosexuality was wrongfully classed as illegal, but is now perfectly legal because there is nothing at all wrong with a man wanting to have sex with another man. Simple, surely?


Why bring up something for discussion that's never going to happen? Surely it will just cause arguments.


He's not saying it could happen, he's saying, what if it did happen.

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Not simple, no. You don't say why one is ok and the other isn't.


Anyway, I'm not letting any of you guys near my kids.


Thats been said already. One would be consent with an adult who is perfectly minded to make a descision themselves. A child can not do that, that would be why it's illegal. Having sex with a child may harm them for the rest of their lives, having sex with a consenting male would not. You see my point?

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Having paedophilia = being attracted to children. Not wrong.


Committing acts of paedophilia = having sex with a child or watching child porn. Definitely wrong.


What do we classify as a mental instability? Both peadophilia and homophilia are sexual preferences, not instabilities. Instability is when the paedophile can't control his or her urges, which leads to committing acts of paedophilia.

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You keep saying if being sexually attracted to Children became legal then no one would question it. But the thing is it NEVER will because we KNOW it's wrong and rightfully so. Whereas Homosexuality was wrongfully classed as illegal, but is now perfectly legal because there is nothing at all wrong with a man wanting to have sex with another man. Simple, surely?


Some people KNOW that Cannibis isn't wrong and will continue to fight to legalise it. Some people would say it is wrongfully classed as illegal, others would not. Same with homosexuality and to an extent paedophilia.

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I think thats a terrible story. There was no real evidence against this guy and his reputation, life, career and mental health has probably been tarnished by a bunch of hysterical teenagers.


Anyway, more generally speaking, I the root cause of pedophilia should be tackled - SEXY Children. Stop them, and you stop the paedofiles in their tracks.


Trust me, if you were there, you would understand that this man was a pedophile and mentally capable of molesting a child. I didn't mention everything that we saw him do, and I simply cannot list all the evidence we had against him in one post.

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Trust me, if you were there, you would understand that this man was a pedophile and mentally capable of molesting a child. I didn't mention everything that we saw him do, and I simply cannot list all the evidence we had against him in one post.


If you had so much evidence against him, why on Earth didn't you do anything about it? Lets just say that he does go on to molest or harm a child. You could've possibly prevented that.

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Thats been said already. One would be consent with an adult who is perfectly minded to make a descision themselves. A child can not do that, that would be why it's illegal. Having sex with a child may harm them for the rest of their lives, having sex with a consenting male would not. You see my point?


A child isn't necessarily a baby or bellow 10, we all now the amount of times we thought of sex at the age or 11 or 12 and we were still a child. If at the age of 12 a hot 20+ year old women offered me sex I wouldn't exitate and it would be consenting.


I agree with what you say but not why.

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Trust me, if you were there, you would understand that this man was a pedophile and mentally capable of molesting a child. I didn't mention everything that we saw him do, and I simply cannot list all the evidence we had against him in one post.


If you had so much evidence against him, why on Earth didn't you do anything about it? Lets just say that he does go on to molest or harm a child. You could've possibly prevented that.


+1 with you Flinky. If he was that bad you'd have done something, or someone would have. Writing immature notes isn't the way to go about things.

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A child isn't necessarily a baby or bellow 10, we all now the amount of times we thought of sex at the age or 11 or 12 and we were still a child. If at the age of 12 a hot 20+ year old women offered me sex I wouldn't exitate and it would be consenting.


I agree with what you say but not why.


Ok, I get you. I was being rather vague with my reasons. It's hard to put it into a post but I mean fine you may be able to say "Yes" - but at that age you are not a fully developed adult. You are still growing, you are changing and you are being shaped into the human being you'll become as an adult. Suddenly being thrust into the adult activity of having sex will obviously effect you in someway. I'm trying to get over what I mean, but I just can't find the words, so I'll stop trying.

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If you had so much evidence against him, why on Earth didn't you do anything about it? Lets just say that he does go on to molest or harm a child. You could've possibly prevented that.


There is a difference in evidence that will prove something to a person, and evidence that is legally able to stand up in court unfortunately. I'm not saying he's a pedophile because I just know he's a pedophile. It was blatantly obvious that he was, but there was no evidence that would actually stand up in court.


+1 with you Flinky. If he was that bad you'd have done something, or someone would have. Writing immature notes isn't the way to go about things.


I honestly hope someone else does something, but in the situation my friends and I were in, we weren't able to. If I ever get the opportunity in the future to do something about it, I will, but there really wasn't anything I could have done at the time and I don't think there is now. I'll try my best to explain it: One person saying their teacher is a pedophile, unless they were actually molested or something like that isn't really going to cut it. Multiple people might, however my friends had really bad records in the school and probably would have been dismissed as just trying to get out of doing their homework for his class. If the girls had actually turned around and noticed what he was trying to do before he noticed we were watching him, It would probably be a different story. If I knew for sure that the folder he had ("C XXX") actually 100% did contain child porn, It would be a different story. There were so many other things this guy did that you could easily tell what he was, but their were similar reasons why it just didn't work out very well for us.


And about the immature notes. I'm sure most people would have done the same thing. And him knowing that someone else knows might have been a slight put off from doing anything in the future, it might seem immature to you, but it was all we could do.

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I knew for sure that the folder he had ("C XXX") actually 100% did contain child porn, It would be a different story.



Everyone knows that porn is stored in C:\Users\workthings\


However if was there was a folder C:\Users\dullstuff then there would be no mistake that he was a peodifile.


actually, thats probably a whole new thread "where do you store your porn?"

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Peadophiles are wrong due to the age of consent, by law anyway.. by moral to most people. Its ilegal as children cannot make serious decisions for them self.


As you sad its no different to liking mixed race women, the ones you are attracted to will either look or be of a consenting age.


Everyone knows that porn is stored in C:\Users\workthings\


However if was there was a folder C:\Users\dullstuff then there would be no mistake that he was a peodifile.


actually, thats probably a whole new thread "where do you store your porn?"

Sounds like a job for me! Im on it!

Joke =]

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Everyone knows that porn is stored in C:\Users\workthings\


However if was there was a folder C:\Users\dullstuff then there would be no mistake that he was a peodifile.


actually, thats probably a whole new thread "where do you store your porn?"


It was a school computer so its quite a bit different. Everything would be work stuff, so a folder called "workthings" would be different. Plus nobody has access to C drive. I know what you mean, but this guy wasn't that bright either.


That could turn out to be quite an epic thread I'd imagine.

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People are still mixing the words Paedophile and child molester.


Just because someone is attracted to kids doesn't mean they're going to go molest one.


Saying they 100% will, is like saying, because I'm attracted to blondes or whatever means I'm going to go rape a blonde?



There is such thing as self control, and just because 10,000 people in the UK are attracted to kids, are you guys seriously saying every single one of them is going to try and have sex with one?

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People are still mixing the words Paedophile and child molester.


Just because someone is attracted to kids doesn't mean they're going to go molest one.


Saying they 100% will, is like saying, because I'm attracted to blondes or whatever means I'm going to go rape a blonde?



There is such thing as self control, and just because 10,000 people in the UK are attracted to kids, are you guys seriously saying every single one of them is going to try and have sex with one?


It's just meant to be like, progessive, or whatever. As in one thing inevitably leads to another, as a major thrill/part of it, is the "risk", apparently.


I'm just the messenger of this info. And it's not the same as raping a blonde person, it's part and parcel with the diagnosis of paedophilia.

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People are still mixing the words Paedophile and child molester.


Just because someone is attracted to kids doesn't mean they're going to go molest one.


Saying they 100% will, is like saying, because I'm attracted to blondes or whatever means I'm going to go rape a blonde?



There is such thing as self control, and just because 10,000 people in the UK are attracted to kids, are you guys seriously saying every single one of them is going to try and have sex with one?


This good man has cleared up the confusion.

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But that's the thing: He's asking the question. I do in now way condone paedophilia, nor do I think it should be allowed.


Now you "way" condone paedophilia? You disgust me.


Whats wrong in comparing them? For one, fucking a guy (who is also gay) wouldn't fuck up their life. Whereas an adult having sex with a child would :/


You comparing two different kinds of people. You're talking about a child molesterer so you should be comparing that to a gay rapist.


Nav, what are you saying?


You keep saying if being sexually attracted to Children became legal then no one would question it. But the thing is it NEVER will because we KNOW it's wrong and rightfully so. Whereas Homosexuality was wrongfully classed as illegal, but is now perfectly legal because there is nothing at all wrong with a man wanting to have sex with another man. Simple, surely?


Why bring up something for discussion that's never going to happen? Surely it will just cause arguments.


But who's to say that one is right and the other is wrong? Society mainly. I'm sure in the past people may have said, "But the thing is it NEVER will because we KNOW that homosexuality is wrong and rightfully so."


Anyway, more generally speaking, I the root cause of pedophilia should be tackled - SEXY Children. Stop them, and you stop the paedofiles in their tracks.


You're the root cause of paedophilia?


(also who did you steal that joke from? Jimmy Carr?)

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