dwarf Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 Hey Flameboy I saw you in one match and I tried to use my mic which fails to work, I tried to grab your attention by firing at you etc but to no avail. Maybe my PSN didn't standout to you... I came first in one of the team matches with you. My stats aren't too great at the moment because of my complete noobish first few games, but now I think I've got online controls sorted (Alt 2, hold aim, sensitivity 2 left from the max). Very fun. Managed to get 3 kills with a grenade by lobbing it from above But yeah, this game is the gravy when it comes to online.
Daft Posted February 26, 2009 Author Posted February 26, 2009 I love holding a grenade to shorten the fuse. I'll be on later tonight if anyone else is.
dwarf Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 Cooking grenades is great but you don't want to wait until they are overdone
The Lillster Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 i have made a standard warzone game. Feel free to join. Sent about a dozen clan invites. Ok i've accepted the clan invite, cheers. I'm going on soon.
Daft Posted February 26, 2009 Author Posted February 26, 2009 Cooking grenades is great but you don't want to wait until they are overdone I'm always tempted to do it as a joke. Which reminds me, earlier in the campaign I melee attacked a helgahst's head clean off. It was awesome!
Deathjam Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 Have to say so far what I have played of single player I actually prefer Resistance 2's solo offering! But multiplayer is a different thing altogether. I love it! So far my stats read as; Online Score 28 Number of Kills 23 Times Died 33 which is quite good for me... Had good game with Tegg and Deathjam before, helped by the fact that we won in a 7-0 white wash! So far so good...can't wait to really dig into come sunday/monday Got dced from this game. Was utra pissed as I was playing well too.
Domstercool Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 From the levels I've played so far, this game is brilliant. It's so more tactical advanced than any other shooter I've played. You actually have to think and hide behind cover or you'll get your arse handed to you. The hue and colour contrast is damn right amazing, brown has never looked so damn good because of the mixture hints of lighting from the surroundings sparking it up. It gets the setting spot on, beating all those other brown games like Gears and so on. I can understand people not "getting" the game, but damn it is a great shooter and the gameplay is brilliant. Run and gunners are gonna hate it, and I think that is where the hate is going to come from. Anyway, back to killing some orange eyed freaks of nature!
Deathjam Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 GAME IS AWESome. Getting a pistol headshot is very rewarding. And I love the way the objectives change on the fly.
Daft Posted February 27, 2009 Author Posted February 27, 2009 Awesome couple games that were! That last match was a bit annoying in that I started of awfully, I was 15th for like 10 minutes, and then as soon as I found out what the layout of the map was, BAM, the kills started coming. Noticed I popped Choze a few times. ...I'm sure that won't last long. Managed to claw my way back to some non-amazingly crap position. It's annoying having to get used to a map you've never played before. Currently got a pretty healthy 1.67 kill ratio.
MATtheHAT Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 I have really tried to like this game, and I even had a little fun there for a while with some fellow forumites. But its not for me. Whilst playing, in the back of my mind I am constantly comparing it to CoD/R2/Gears, and its just coming up second to those games. So in the famous last words of Theo Paphitis....... 'I'm Out!'
Cookyman Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 Flamethrower = awesomeness I'm loving it - defending the square was brill. Hardly touched online - will be doing that tomorrow night. I've signed up for the Clan.
Daft Posted February 27, 2009 Author Posted February 27, 2009 I have really tried to like this game, and I even had a little fun there for a while with some fellow forumites. But its not for me. Whilst playing, in the back of my mind I am constantly comparing it to CoD/R2/Gears, and its just coming up second to those games. So in the famous last words of Theo Paphitis....... 'I'm Out!' What don't you like about it?
MATtheHAT Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 What don't you like about it? The controls. Its hard for me to explain, but I share the same opinion as this guy...... IGN Blog So, I just put up impressions of Killzone 2 and then I scour the internet and find out that I'm not the only one who doesn't enjoy the game like everyone else out there. Crazy, eh? There must be something wrong with me - that or the aiming controls in Killzone 2 are just poorly done, plain and simple. It feels like I'm moving around underwater in the game, and that I have no problem with. Unfortunately, when I try to aim the game resists at first as if to say "you sure you really want to aim that way?" and then finally gives way and lets me aim. It must be the sensitivity, right? Well, I turned it up to full and the same thing happened. Surely, it must be something I'd get used to. Several demo play-throughs later, I'm still not digging it, and what was supposed to be a gorgeous but generic shooter turned into a headache. For some gamers, what Killzone 2 does is good enough for them, and they'll play it and enjoy it. For me, I'm not so sure. However, I fear that myself and other "meh"-sayers will get lambasted for our opinions as if we've done something horribly wrong. Tom Chick, and Scott Jones of Crispy Gamer and The Game Trust (an awesome group of professional game journalists) didn't seem to like the game much either, though for reasons different than mine. You can click on the names of either of the two writers above to see their respective Killzone 2 reviews. Tom Chick's review in particular has a giant flame war going on beneath it between a bunch of morons and, well, another bunch of morons. Surprise, surprise, business as usual - Right? well, you'll have varying levels of difficulty believing this part, depending on how seasoned you are in gaming news, but even Adam Sessler, who gave Killzone 2 a five out of five, was accosted by Sony fanboys. Yes, that's right. Adam Sessler was attacked by Sony fanboys for giving a Sony published game a perfect score. I like G4, not a huge amount, but I like them. What I enjoy more is Sessler's ability to verbally pummel the bejesus out of morons.
Daft Posted February 27, 2009 Author Posted February 27, 2009 I kind of get that feeling but I think it just puts more emphasis on positioning over reactions. Plus it's not like it isn't the same for everyone. If you don't like though, you don't like.
MATtheHAT Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 Have you tried multiplayer? The controls are different. For example if you run and turn in single player its very different. There is even a lean in single player. Multiplayer is very flexible though. So far based on the first two stages i'd say single player is ok. Nothing special so far but solid. Supposedly it picks up alot though according to others and by the end its pretty superb. Based on just what i have played its definately better than all of FEAR 2. Multiplayer is superb. Its also stable despite the launch, though i got some disconnects form the German game... I did jump straight back in the same server. Real test is the weekend. Its addictive as i am sure others will say. Most people havent even unlocked anything yet. Wait till many people actually get classes. Yeah, I had about 2 hours in online multiplayer. Its just not for me mate. I can see the appeal, and if it was not for the slickness that is teh CoDs, then it would probably be my online shooter of choice. But I think I will stick to CoD4/5 for now until Modern Warfare 2 comes out. Plus I absolutely love SFIV, and want to get seriously good at that. (In the top 5000 worldwide ranking at the moment:laughing: ) So yeah I won't say anymore about it, other than enjoy yourselfs guys, and hope the N-E clan does well!
Aimless Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 To me it's quite simple: the aiming isn't fun, therefore it's bad. I can look past a lot of flaws in games, but when the primary mechanic isn't satisfying I feel a lot less charitable. You see for all of Killzone 2's merits — and at its core I do think the multiplayer mode is one of the best around — it never goes out of its way to be enjoyable. It's so self-concious and po-faced that it'll never make friends, just acquaintances.
MATtheHAT Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 To me it's quite simple: the aiming isn't fun, therefore it's bad. I can look past a lot of flaws in games, but when the primary mechanic isn't satisfying I feel a lot less charitable. You see for all of Killzone 2's merits — and at its core I do think the multiplayer mode is one of the best around — it never goes out of its way to be enjoyable. It's so self-concious and po-faced that it'll never make friends, just acquaintances. Nicely articulated as usual. Are you a Journalist? Or an English teacher or something?
Daft Posted February 27, 2009 Author Posted February 27, 2009 You see for all of Killzone 2's merits — and at its core I do think the multiplayer mode is one of the best around — it never goes out of its way to be enjoyable. It's so self-concious and po-faced that it'll never make friends, just acquaintances. What a bizarre thing to say.
Aimless Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 Nicely articulated as usual. Are you a Journalist? Or an English teacher or something? If only. I'm just a regular loser that plays too many games. What a bizarre thing to say. Thanks?
Ganepark32 Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 I said I was going to have to wait to pick this up as I won't have enough money but I think I'll be able to get it today. Have had a few more runs on the demo to get a better feel for it and some of the control misgivings I originally had have gone but I do still hate the stick placement on the PS3 controller and some of the button choices. Have sort of stayed away from reviews, other than reading the score, so as not to get bogged down in hate before I play the thing but one thing I have read and think is correct from what I have played is that it really is ashame that Guerilla have wasted such graphical prowess on such cliched environments. Would have been nice to see them get away from the whole industrial look and see what they could do. Anyways, I'll see whether I can get it or not. Got a £4 off voucher for Gamestation for any chart title so that's a help. Wonder if my brother will mind if I get rid of some of the PS3 games? Haven't played many of them in ages and he rarely plays any of them at all.
Guest Jordan Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 To me it's quite simple: the aiming isn't fun, therefore it's bad. I can look past a lot of flaws in games, but when the primary mechanic isn't satisfying I feel a lot less charitable. You see for all of Killzone 2's merits — and at its core I do think the multiplayer mode is one of the best around — it never goes out of its way to be enjoyable. It's so self-concious and po-faced that it'll never make friends, just acquaintances. I'd have to agree here. At long range i feel like i can't get a proper shot because the aiming is loose... but then when someone comes towards you the aiming feels really tight and difficult to move how you want it. Why is it so resistive? I played a few games of MP last night and the aiming felt exactly the same. Its competent and the moving objectives is a good idea... But the next coming of Jesus it ain't.
flameboy Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 People who have concerns about the controls should really play multiplayer is a whole different ball game. the lack of cover actually opens up things and unfortunately does help to show how cumbersome the cover system is...It need to be more of a snap to system.
Domstercool Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 I wonder if the people who can't control it are the people who haven't really played with playstation pads before.... Most people have played the game fine, including me. I could stoke this game all day long I'm starting to think that this game is up there with HL2 for atmospheric setting.
Jav_NE Posted February 27, 2009 Posted February 27, 2009 I had no problems. I actually thought it controlled well. You guys are weird :p
Daft Posted February 27, 2009 Author Posted February 27, 2009 Thanks? I have no problems if you don't like the game but what you said was a load of rubbish imo. I'd have to agree here. At long range i feel like i can't get a proper shot because the aiming is loose... but then when someone comes towards you the aiming feels really tight and difficult to move how you want it. One of the reason I like the game so much is because I can headshot people from miles away. If I can do it, the aiming isn't loose. I wonder if the people who can't control it are the people who haven't really played with playstation pads before.... Most people have played the game fine, including me. This is my first Playstation and I think the controls are fine. I might want the sticks placed further apart but it's not like I notice when I'm playing.
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