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Argh fuck them....I hate DLC that is announced before a game is even launched... The only thing that interests me is new modes....I hate it when stuff like this happens. Companies should wait to see how a game is recieved, how it sells, also looking even further when comes to online as well. Keep a track on what maps are popular, what weapons are used, what kinds of modes people play with what maps etc... I mean they may be doing this but I doubt it. I can't blame developers as its easy money past the normal life cycle of selling the game at full price and making maximum profit, but if it means holding off content that could have made the disc, which lets face is happening all the time then this plain out sucks.


If it is free of course none of this applies. Look at Burnout for example no one would begrudge paying for the upcoming DLC as so much has already been given for free. I think companies need to watch out with DLC before people start to get really pissed off with it.


LBP gets away with it because of the nature of the product and its position almost as a platform, but games likes this I can't excuse it.

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The website above says they think its maps, weapons and modes.

I'm pretty sure it's actually saying that when presented with the possibilities — maps, weapons, modes and characters — Guerilla suggested it was most likely to be maps.


As for DLC being available close to release, the game went gold January 21st so it's not that strange that they have something in the works. I'd be somewhat surprised to see anything on the Store before April, though.


Well that is shit if they release it shortly after K2 comes out. OK I guess the game went gold and they can't work on it if it is in production and they want to get the game out in the shops, but cmon.

That is blatant cash in. Why should we have to pay for modes and weapons? This should all be available to everyone, there shouldn't be some superior consumers that can afford to waste money on this stuff.


Having said that if it does turn out to be free that would be awesome, especially the new weapons part. The more weapons the better imo (up to a certain level) it keeps it fresh and makes your play style more personal.


If it came out 5 months down the line then yes.

I'm not the one making assumptions. also bit selective being critical of one game nowadays.


I'm not making assumptions it says in the article;


be launched on February 27 and shortly thereafter can expect new content in the PlayStation Store


I mean I know its only rumoured, but if true it is a worrying trend to see occuring. Sony are by no means the worse for it. Look at Namco what they did with Beautiful Katamari, effectively charging for code that unlocked content that was already on the disc. Likely they have done the same with Soul Calibur 4 recently. My rant was more with the attitude of developers who announce this stuff before a game has shipped. Take the Prince of Persia DLC, that carries on the story right from where it finishes there is little doubt in my mind that this should have been on the disc to start with. Why should someone pay extra to view the games true ending when they have just dropped X amount on the disc and the DLC was likely in production way before the game went gold.


I mean yes Bad Company is another good example and there is one constant between it and Burnout Paradise. EA...for all people hate them, they have the money and the resources to help these developers offer up free DLC. Something that if they were independent or attached to smaller publishers they would not be able to achieve


I wasn't knocking you when I said you'd defend it to the hilt. Just your love for the game means no matter what people say and how much they dump on Killzone 2, you would defend it till your blue in the face. Don't worry I'll be just the same as soon as someone comes in hating on flower in a major way.



How many levels are there?


There are 10 levels. Most are pretty lengthy, between half-an-hour to an hour in length, depending how good you are of course. The only exceptions are levels 7 and 8 i think which are much shorter. One is the vehicle level i mentioned and the other is just quite short. Still, the last level is epic.


I guess the single player will last between 10-15 hours depending on your skill.



What DLC was free for Resistance 2? None. There hasn't been any, only a patch. No new maps or anything has been added since release.

Choze was talking about the original. It had two map packs, I think, and both were made free of charge when the sequel came out.


I feel people are overreacting a bit, essentially complaining about the indefinite release of some supposed DLC that's mentioned as a rumour on a Dutch website that, if it does indeed exist, could potentially be free anyway. If you want to complain about the practise of releasing DLC 'too early' then your ire would be better levelled at Gears of War 2's Combustible map pack which appeared just over a month after the game went on sale, as at least that's something you can look back on rather than squint at through a crystal ball.


I finished the game today. Just under 10h.



Without the Multiplayer I give the game an 8/10.

The game is solid and well done. Amazing lighting effects and enemy animation. Probably the best I'w seen so far. Hope they open the multiplayer servers soon.

10 hours is good. COD4 was like one evening. Its going to be cool watching people get into the multiplayer.


Not on Veteran it wasn't. Of course that's just because death is inevitable. :/

Veteran was broken. The spawning so cross the invisible line gameplay needs to stop, it was old straight off in CODWAW and is cheap design.


I'm also wondering if anyone has tested the custom soundtrack feature for multiplayer. Does it have remixing effects like Wipeout HD where it reforms the music in some sutuations? Like in an intense battle.


Actually, CoD has been that way since the beginning of the series. Point is though, a veteran playthrough was long because of those broke ass mechanics. Veteran would be plenty easy without infinite respawns....except MHC, just because of the time limit on Veteran.

I finished the game today. Just under 10h.


Most annoying boss fight ever :| Ruined the ending for me.

Without the Multiplayer I give the game an 8/10.

Hope they open the multiplayer servers soon.


Ah, it wasn't annoying, it was just tricky. There's a difference. I loved it personally.


Did you get all the symbols and Intel? Some of those are bastards to find, but i got them all :)


I've heard of people whinging about the previous boss fight too. I mean, whats going on with the anti-bosses? I love bosses, they're the best part of a game.

Ah, it wasn't annoying, it was just tricky. There's a difference. I loved it personally.


Did you get all the symbols and Intel? Some of those are bastards to find, but i got them all :)


I've heard of people whinging about the previous boss fight too. I mean, whats going on with the anti-bosses? I love bosses, they're the best part of a [Metroid]game.


fixed for clarity :heh:


I'm not a fan of fps bosses, personally. I prefered the way BLACK and Gears 2 ended where you get in to a really climatic, epic battle with loads of enemies. It's more dramatic and fits the rest of the game better.

Ah, it wasn't annoying, it was just tricky. There's a difference. I loved it personally.


Did you get all the symbols and Intel? Some of those are bastards to find, but i got them all :)


I've heard of people whinging about the previous boss fight too. I mean, whats going on with the anti-bosses? I love bosses, they're the best part of a game.


I like bosses, and all the bosses before that where good.

I did like the part when you finally fight him, but when you first arrive and you have to try damage him while he hides and runs and it spawns an endless amount of enemies was the part that I hated.



I didn't find a lot of symbols or Intel either. So there's no doubt ther's a lot in the game that will let you enjoy it over 10-15 hours. But I see no motivation to do so. I had to force my self to want to play through the game basicly. Some levels where top notch :) but a lot of them where getting from A-B with endless amount of enemies.


I'm not a fan of fps bosses, personally. I prefered the way BLACK ended where you get in to a really climatic, epic battle with loads of enemies. It's more dramatic and fits the rest of the game better.


I loved the last stage in BLACK. I always thought that game was ahead if it's time. I hope we see a BLACK2 soon.


Yeah me too. The only problem with black is that it's heavy reliance on scripting and stuff means that it's not aged amazingly. If they can make a sequel where the explosive action comes from something a little more unpredictable (Farcry 2 says hello!) they might have something really amazing on their hands.


I'm planning on buying a PS3 for RE 5 in particular, but if / when I do, this game's also a must-buy. (and also: "koopt Hollandsche waar":D)


Anyway, marketing is pretty spectacular for this game.. This is the first game I've seen a commercial for in a cinema! And I've seen it twice already (before Slumdog Millionaire and before Gomorra). I though it was pretty cool.

I like bosses, and all the bosses before that where good.

I did like the part when you finally fight him, but when you first arrive and you have to try damage him while he hides and runs and it spawns an endless amount of enemies was the part that I hated.



I didn't find a lot of symbols or Intel either. So there's no doubt ther's a lot in the game that will let you enjoy it over 10-15 hours. But I see no motivation to do so.


Well that initial part before the main fight has nothing to do with him. As the objective says its about fighting off his troops. Shooting him during that time is a waste of effort as it wont hurt him. I didn't even bother with him then as i knew it wouldn't help.



Not sure what the motivation is for getting the symbols and intel. Aparently when you sign in to the Killzone website you get something as a reward. Dont know what, i wasn't able to do it on the debug.


haha. Then everything makes more sense ^^

Just me rushing to my own conclusions. Well then the last boss is nothing to complain about ^^


Having a 5.1 surround sound sure made the boss fight good :)

Multiplayer has a ton of online stuff. was on beta.killzone.com but thats down now. All my stats are wiped as well as messages.


All i know is that stuff like making paper craft models instructions will be unlocked via single player.


So you unlock stuff from playing the game? As in actual tangible things?! pretty cool...

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