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Killzone 2


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OK I've played the demo now and I really enjoyed it, thought it was fantastic. Graphics are superb.

I have a preference for controls on Alternative 2, however, they need to add an option to toggle cover because it is awquard aiming with L1 whilst using L2. I liked holding L1 to aim because it is quicker than the click you get from R3 and also has become natural after Resistance 2.


Very glad I have my preorder in, the game is going to be insane.

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The demo is just the start bit of the level. I played much more after that. Wont spoil it. Graphics are different slightly but more polished i guess. Sound is improved! They added alot more explosives lol.


Anyone unlocked elite?


the 3d loading screen is motion controlled! Like Smash Bros.

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I just use standard. Worked well for me in the beta. Its not COD 4 that you are playing.


I really want to play multiplayer. My aiming is not so good right now. Shooting AI is very different from real people who cant roll, hide, lie on the ground etc. Its clear though that the guns are more accurate than the previous single player demo i played.


I prefer the Helghast gun btw.

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I hate these type of controls. Bearing in mind this is just my opinion so no need to flame me. But the controls suck. When you turn, the speed accelerates through the turn, rather than being a constant turning speed. I had my fears about this from watching vids on youtube. I might get used to it, but I doubt I will put the hours in to the multiplayer after I have completed it.


Best graphics ever though.

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Yeah it was short but I wouldnt want to try out too much more of the game to be honest, I enjoyed what I played and i'll probably go back through a few times to get myself used to the cover system so I dont keep popping up and letting myself get shot.


Yeah same here with the cover system it works amazingly well but you need to get used to it as its a bit different to a lot of other FPS. One thing that did annoy me about the cover system was if you zoomed in and then have to reload it goes back to the default view I'd prefer it to stay zoomed in.


I wish you could remap the controls. I would put the gun sight on X and move jump to the right stick.


Agreed that is my biggest bug bear about the controls.


Get this so we can chat:






Yeah they limited it to preconfigured controls. That was one of the criticsms in the beta. Just try the different ones and see. The default is considered the best for the game in multiplayer though.


Dpad btw is for class based functions. E.g Revive, medpack etc.


Got my good old jabra headset that most of the time works just fine, until it breaks or stops working gonna hold of getting the official headset.


I think I will have to try out all the different controls as I didn't think much of the default setting. Also like you suggested will defo have to speed up the axis controls the turning and aiming speeds were way to slow.


Oh, so that's why the screen thing was moving about while I was waiting (using a sixaxis),


Same here lol...was well confused.

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I strongly recommend the default controls. Especially when you gain more functions and in multiplayer. It works well with cover too.


Give it time to adjust. The demo isnt that best place but in the multiplayer beta the controls were certainly not an issue. Ofcourse i finetuned sensitivity ;) and was killing in no time.

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Okay, so I played the demo this morning after it taking forever to download last night.


Graphics are pretty top notch, shame about it being in 720p but you can't have everything. It doesn't have some of the astounding effects that Crysis Warhead has however, but thats probably a hardware limitation. Controls are pretty awful. They need to be fully remappable for a game like this, I ended up using Alternative 2 but fuck having to hold crouch with L2 and then trying to reach L1 to aim was just awful. And clicking to zoom on the PS3 pad just feels completely alien.


Gameplay wise? From the demo it just feels like any other FPS and not the best thing since sex as some people on this forum would have you believe. This game isn't going to break ground like the original Halo did or Goldeneye, but it seems like a very solid FPS experience. I cannot comment on the sound as it was 7:15am and I had to turn the sound on my TV down as Letty was still asleep in the next room, but I would imagine that its pretty good. These are only first impressions and I hope the full game has some good stand out moments. But man, those controls are going to do my head in.


To be honest i had more fun with Lumines Supernova. Shinin'... Shinin'...

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I strongly recommend the default controls. Especially when you gain more functions and in multiplayer. It works well with cover too.


Give it time to adjust. The demo isnt that best place but in the multiplayer beta the controls were certainly not an issue. Ofcourse i finetuned sensitivity ;) and was killing in no time.


I tried alternate 2 and found that worked quite well only problem with it is whilst being in cover you have to hold the triggers in quite an awkward manner to pop up and shoot.

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Played it again really wish they let you alter the controls...There doesn't seem to be a set up that is spot on each has its problems.


You can't cover in multiplayer and pressing the L2 and L1 is the only annoyance I have and I've gotten used to it already.


They should have just made X duck/cover.

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You can't cover in multiplayer and pressing the L2 and L1 is the only annoyance I have and I've gotten used to it already.


They should have just made X duck/cover.


Yeah the standard set up will perhaps be best for multiplayer owing to the lack of cover mechanic, but for single player don't like it. Gonna play it again when I get home from work.

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I go into cover manually and with the L2 pretty equally.


I've played the demo 5 times now. I love the AI. I wish I could select a harder difficulty to see what it's like.


I don't like that you can only have one main weapon. I really wanted to take the rocket launcher with me.

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I go into cover manually and with the L2 pretty equally.


I've played the demo 5 times now. I love the AI. I wish I could select a harder difficulty to see what it's like.


I don't like that you can only have one main weapon. I really wanted to take the rocket launcher with me.


So which control setup you using?


Yeah one main and the pistol is abit annoying, would prefer halo's system of just 2 outright.

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So which control setup you using?


Yeah one main and the pistol is abit annoying, would prefer halo's system of just 2 outright.


Alt 2.


Yeah, the Halo system is better I think.


I hope they do add co-op at some point. I can see myself playing through the campaign a couple times.

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Alt 2.


Yeah, the Halo system is better I think.


I hope they do add co-op at some point. I can see myself playing through the campaign a couple times.


Yeah can see myself playing through the campaign a couple of times. Also love how you can go into each mission and pick specific parts....

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Alt 2 would be the best choice if you could map cover to x or toggle it. As it is you have to use L1 & L2 simultaneously and that means you have to change your grip or get arthritis.


yeah thats what I found...any chance the controls will change before the final version? Personally don't think there is was listening to Rebel FM earlier and they said that they had played the final green disk review versions and they commented on how the controls take getting used to and that it doesn't feel like any other FPS but once you nail the controls it is great.

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I've played the demo 5 times now. I love the AI. I wish I could select a harder difficulty to see what it's like.


Can you unlock elite if you have fast finish times? I will have to try. I recall it being mentioned that elite is an unlockable in the demo.


These are only first impressions and I hope the full game has some good stand out moments. But man, those controls are going to do my head in.


The demo hardly shows anything. Thats my main issue. :) The should have shown the area directly after that. The graphics there are :o and you see some cool damage and more varied gameplay (turrent, motion sensor use, damage etc.). The main thing i like about it is the final presentation. As a demo it undersells the full game but it does show that the basics have been nailed.


For controls I strongly recommend the default. Just tweak the speed to your liking. In the beta it was found to be the best for the game. Even if it takes quite a while to adjust to, its worth giving a good go.

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Can you unlock elite if you have fast finish times? I will have to try. I recall it being mentioned that elite is an unlockable in the demo.




The demo hardly shows anything. Thats my main issue. :) The should have shown the area directly after that. The graphics there are :o and you see some cool damage and more varied gameplay (turrent, motion sensor use, damage etc.). The main thing i like about it is the final presentation. As a demo it undersells the full game but it does show that the basics have been nailed.


For controls I strongly recommend the default. Just tweak the speed to your liking. In the beta it was found to be the best for the game. Even if it takes quite a while to adjust to, its worth giving a good go.



I'm gonna play again and do that cos kinda dismissed them. I had the sensitivity turned up quite high but gonna go higher for next run through...

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