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Frustration Thread

Guest Maase

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People who don't 'get' the power of the scientific method.


Black people.

Over-zealous passport control duty managers (this happened yesterday - one of my fellow foot passengers was a Yank, so there was a half hour delay)

People who hate the police.

Anyone who thinks it's acceptable to insult, assault, and threaten traffic wardens - you got the ticket because you're not supposed to fucking park there!

People who assume I'm very rich - I grew up in Hertfordshire, so I enunciate well, live with it.

Canadians who get frustrated by entirely unimportant details relating to brands of electronic goods. :wink:

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This thread is good timing:


My Sixth Form who just got off the phone to me asking me to drop philiosophy because it's full. I don't care what I "prioritised my subjects"... I'm not having a change of course 3 fucking days before term starts.


Hopefully it'll grind down to comparing English GCSEs, then this boy will rise well above the less intelligent chaff.

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My college who always seem to believe the worst of people, and unless you get the education board on their fucking asses, then they believe they can do whatever the crap they like and get away with it by looking all smug. They've already caused me enough agro, and now they're doing it to a mate of mine just because they know he won't stand up for himself. I LOATHE people like that, ones that take advantage of someone just because they know they can get away with it.


Anyone that's Homophobic ( I don't mean for instance where someones just not sure how to act around someones thats gay because they've never really met someone "like that" before - but someone that catagorically hates people because they're gay), Racist ( I mean, what the hell is the point?) etc. The don't deserve to exist in our society.

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My college who always seem to believe the worst of people, and unless you get the education board on their fucking asses, then they believe they can do whatever the crap they like and get away with it by looking all smug. They've already caused me enough agro, and now they're doing it to a mate of mine just because they know he won't stand up for himself. I LOATHE people like that, ones that take advantage of someone just because they know they can get away with it.


Anyone that's Homophobic ( I don't mean for instance where someones just not sure how to act around someones thats gay because they've never really met someone "like that" before - but someone that catagorically hates people because they're gay), Racist ( I mean, what the hell is the point?) etc. The don't deserve to exist in our society.


That's not Homophobic :\


Homo - Homosexual

Phobic - Phobia = Fear


Fear of Gays, there's a difference between Racist (who hate people of other races) and Homo phobics (who have fear of Homosexuals)

Just to add that :P




Most of the time genuinely disabled people aren't like this and want to be treated fairly. the ones like that are usually the fat fucks who have a mobility scooter because they are too fucking lazy to walk and are claiming benefits because they are scum who contribute nothing to society and don't deserve to live. Those people are the reason that I've had to change my name and have plastic surgery just so the police don't catch me and give me multiple life sentences for trying to make the world a better place.




yeah and then we can look down on them and feel better about ourselves.




Anyway, more frustration!!!





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That's not Homophobic :\


Homo - Homosexual

Phobic - Phobia = Fear


Fear of Gays, there's a difference between Racist (who hate people of other races) and Homo phobics (who have fear of Homosexuals)

Just to add that :P



"an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuals."


It's used as a term for it all nowadays. If someone dislikes someone because they are gay, they would be called Homophobic.

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And I'm not racist because my friend is black :p


What grinds my gears is that I think I'm having a heart attack. Major chest pains are painful.


Sorry. I didn't mean I have anything against disabled people, its more just the ones who go up to you and shout move, or something like that.


Wow, Emashers list is full of stuff i often do... but then again his anti piracy/pro apple/anti anything Nintendo attitude is second to none! ;)


(Above comment was not a flame, simply a friendly jib.)




This list looks familier. Have you posted it before?


Sort of. Part of it was in the last thread like this. I updated it alot though.


Most of the time genuinely disabled people aren't like this and want to be treated fairly. the ones like that are usually the fat fucks who have a mobility scooter because they are too fucking lazy to walk and are claiming benefits because they are scum who contribute nothing to society and don't deserve to live. Those people are the reason that I've had to change my name and have plastic surgery just so the police don't catch me and give me multiple life sentences for trying to make the world a better place.




yeah and then we can look down on them and feel better about ourselves.


Thats more what I meant.


Canadians who get frustrated by entirely unimportant details relating to brands of electronic goods. :wink:


How did I know you were going to say something like that. I more mean I'm annoyed by people who just go out of their way to do it just to annoy me, and not in a friendly sort of way.

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Most of the time genuinely disabled people aren't like this and want to be treated fairly. the ones like that are usually the fat fucks who have a mobility scooter because they are too fucking lazy to walk and are claiming benefits because they are scum who contribute nothing to society and don't deserve to live. Those people are the reason that I've had to change my name and have plastic surgery just so the police don't catch me and give me multiple life sentences for trying to make the world a better place.




yeah and then we can look down on them and feel better about ourselves.

Your on my wave length. =]]]]

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I asked my mother to stay with them, AND SHE DIDN'T ACCEPT, I HAVE TO GO WITH MY PARENTS




Anyways, at least i found a way to use Wi-fi connection, so it isn't that bad.

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Everything! I feel like such a complete twat. You know when you just look at yourself and think "why did do you do [insert things]" - well after my mum moaning at me/a rather substantial amount of booze I've done the same thing. I mean, I'm just so angry at myself, thats all. I know this is a little bit of a drunk post, but hey, I'm typing mostly correctly so give me some credit.

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How can you type when you're drunk?


When im 18, i'l do an experiment like that :P


Because I haven't lost all my motor skills like some people seem to when drunk. I can (mostly) type fine. Sometimes, I;m worse (as Triforce :p), but for the most part I can type fine. Drinking never gets me like this, Im always so happy. It's just the argument I had that's made me all emotional. Apologies

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My parents always blame me for things that are broken or arn't done around the house. I have a full time job and get home roughly 10 minutes after they come home half the time, my sister is usually home an hour before everyone else. Then she always, and i mean always rushes to get ready and get out the house before everyone comes home so she can avoid doing anything in the house, even her own room (thats another rant coming up). I come home and the parents shout at me for not washing up, doing the laundry or hoovering which needs doing on a daily basis when she is home to do these things but avoids them. And weekends are similar except everyone except her is home and she says she has just come back from work and is too tired to do anything, which is my next point. I work all week so do my parents and we all still do things in the house after work. Her excuse is invalid and has no point to it.


The back door was broken this morning and they blamed me for that even though my sister was last through the door at 12am this morning, i came home at 11pm. They told me i owe them a new door of which they are going to purchase later today in the region of about £300 for a new set inc locks, if i got to pay that then i am moving out immediatly.


Another thing is my sister who leaves the house a shambles and expects everything to be done for her like cleaning the puddles in the shower room, tidying the living room and even her own bedroom. She is 16 nearly 17 and can't even do that, she gets my mum to do that for her. I ask whats the going rate for room cleaning as a joke and i get shouted at for that, with me saying leave her room alone and make her tidy it before going out. And my sister wants to join the army and can't even do basic cleaning, what chance she got in the army. Is she going to call mum in to clean her quarters, i hope not.


Old people who think they have the right of way in life, pushing in the queues for the tills, buses, trains etc. Same type of people who use mobility scooters and sticks to barge through me and loads of other people. I took a stand to this and stood still in the way of them until they said please, took them 10 mins to say please. Same type who just get in the way all the time, usually in town or at the pub. Reminds me of the OAP bunch who play bingo at my local on Wednesday, rude as anything and nearly made me quit the commitee because i couldn't stand them anymore.


Street hanging chavs who are just annoying to everyone. These even managed to drive out my favourite indian chef from across the road from my local, he came back 4 months later with some new staff. If i had a baseball bat i think i would just basically beat them up for being a waste of space in the area.


Anti-Nintendo Sony and Microsoft gamers who havn't even played a Ninty game to back their claims of Ninty being kiddy. They base their arguement on the graphics, but the gameplay isn't even looked at. I do wish these people would shut up and go back to their fanboyism forums.




People who disrespect the police


The Police themselves who do absolutely nothing to move on the chavs or to prevent violence in the pub (namely the White Hart) and are more concerned at trying to arrest my mates for something.


The Bouncers of the White Hart who threw me out physically and violently because i got hit by someone and periodically banned me for a year for gross violence.


My mate Rob who has been out of work for about 2 years now (he's 21) and can't be bothered to get a job and relies on bingo calling for income. And who also claims free drinks for a duty he doesn't do and has the ordasity to have a go at me if i leave the bingo room to do my duty (which is tote), he also times me on duty nights with how long i am out of the room for. I could keep on and on about this guy.


I could go on and on in more details.

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I absolutely HATE people who say "I never get treated fairly" but BULLY other people. I mean, WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE!!! It's stupid.


Oh, and I hate it when people are nice to you and then start feeling brave because they've had a few drinks and say mean stuff about you (or they're just generally two-faced, backstabbing ba**ards!).

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this thread is silly. Negative emotions should be locked away inside you as nature intended.


I have to disagree there. All emotions should be kept inside, to make us perfect beings. Ahh, what a better world it would be with no emotions...


I'm frustrated because:


I have homework up to my neck.

One of my bes mates seldom hangs out with us any more.

But, more frustrating than any of these, is the fact that Leona Lewis will never be my wife. I'd put it down to hormones, but knowing that hurts. It hurts.


Creationists frustrate me. A lot.


You all saw that coming, though, didn't you?


I tend not to let other people's beliefs get to me. I'm not frustrated because there are Muslims whose religious beliefs differ to mine; I respect their beliefs. What, then, gives you the right to be angry about someone else's beliefs that don't concern you? They're not hurting anyone.

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My mum just keeps yelling at me for no reason these days. No matter what I do I've apparently done wrong the way she sees it. I can't wait until school starts again next week.


Creationists frustrate me. A lot.


You all saw that coming, though, didn't you?


I think rather than just telling them what you think about it, perhaps you should try to explain to them how genesis wasn't meant to be taken literally.

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Jimmeny Cricket you people can be moany things. Its not all that bad. Chin up :p


you are just itching to lock this thread aren;t you :D




anyway i'm always pissed off.. And I have my negative comments thrown everywhere on the forum so this thread for me is almost meaningless haha :)

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People who actually believe that what's within the Bible is completely true.


(Most religious people annoy me, simply because have that comfort blanket of faith, but that's my own jealousy coming into play. My own flaw)


People like true racists/homophobes etc.


People who are really annoyingly naive/behind the times. (Can't be arsed explaining, but like...drinking because you think it's cool, despite everyone else did that a year earlier and stuff.)

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I tend not to let other people's beliefs get to me. I'm not frustrated because there are Muslims whose religious beliefs differ to mine; I respect their beliefs. What, then, gives you the right to be angry about someone else's beliefs that don't concern you? They're not hurting anyone.


It's because it's wilful ignorance. They're ignoring scientific evidence, and trying to push their groundless beliefs into the school system as scientific ideas.

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It's because it's wilful ignorance. They're ignoring scientific evidence, and trying to push their groundless beliefs into the school system as scientific ideas.


You cannot simply force someone to believe something. Some people don't understand this. But do you honestly think that all religious people are like that? We aren't.

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Grrr. Just got passed a message from my old estate agents. Apparently British Gas have got bailiff's asking for me by name now. I've paid all my bills to them, but there's an in debt account held by a Mr. "The Occupant" which I've been repeatedly been told by BG is just an anomaly in their computer system, but evidentially it feels I owe cash. I'm sure I'll get it sorted eventually, but I don't need this shit, and I'm sick to the back teeth dealing with them. I haven't lived there for four months! I can't even phone them until Monday to get this shit sorted. I can't even double check my online account until 8am tomorow morning. What the shit is that? You can only use their online account service between specific times? Why don't they just post a big gif of a middle finger with shit dripping off it while they're about it? Graaaah!

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