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Wogan's Perfect Recall


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I watched the first episode the other day to see what it was. At first I thought it was a bit too easy but then tried playing the game without looking at the TV and I couldn't remember the answers as easily as I thought. :D


but yeah to go through all that and then the final challenge ramps itself up in to difficult. I thought it was going to be however many answers you get right you get that amount of money! but you don't start winning money until you get 11 questions right and you have to declare how many you are going for so to get the 100,000 you have to declare you are going for the 20 and if you don't reach it you get no money. :)


and with only a minute to answer all 20 it's hard!


Oh and the name should definately be changed to Total Recall. :p

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I've watched this, as well as Goldenballs (which is actually pretty awesome). This is worth watching alone for the Woganator. Dadum Dum da-Dum!


After reading Coolness's post, I think he really does deserve his name, haha. Good post, man.


Thanks. :D


Wogan is on good form though for some strange reason he reminded me of Alec Baldwin that day which I know he is nothing like, maybe the fact I'd watched 14 episodes of 30 Rock recently. :) and I was just seeing him in my mind.


Golden Balls is pretty cool, though does it teach good morals? :p


Man what a crazy bunch of liars! :heh:


There was another quiz I watched about 10 minutes of once called Duel? or something man that one just confused me. :confused:

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I disliked Golden Balls when I first got used to it. I was shocked that they were able to spread out all that bullshit over 60 minutes. But it's grown on me. Although that Amanda is just so plain I dislike seeing her on my screen.


RIGHT! I'll explain The Woganators Total Recall for you all.


ROUND ONE! Four contestants. Wogan will ask them 20 questions, each with a one word answer, could be a year/colour/number etc. Example:

When is someone is jealous they are said to turn. Green.


Whoever has the least points at the end is elimated.


ROUND TWO! Three contestants. Wogan will ask them another 20 questions, but the answers will all be from the first round. Example:

A Tom Jones song was the what grass of home. Green.


Least points = buggers off.


ROUND THREE! Two contestants. You get the idea.






This is where the piss is truly taken. There is something called a Money Ladder, from 11 correct answers up to 20 having a cash value. The person has to nominate how many correct answers they'll get. Example 16, if they answer 15, they get fuck all. 16, the monies. If they get 17+, they only get the monies of the number they nominated. So if they got all 20 right for 100k, they only get the £2500 they nominated earlier.


This is all done in 60 seconds with Wogan giving quick hints. However he likes to stumble his sentences.


When they lose, which they always seem to do. The consolation prize is a silver elephant, to rub salt into the wounds.

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When they lose, which they always seem to do. The consolation prize is a silver elephant, to rub salt into the wounds.


How can a silver elephant be a consolation prize? That'd be great, not only is it an elephant (which is heavy), its made of silver (which is expensive). Quids in, surely?

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How can a silver elephant be a consolation prize? That'd be great, not only is it an elephant (which is heavy), its made of silver (which is expensive). Quids in, surely?

Well the first time I saw it he said it was made out of sterling silver "if you believe that" So I daresay it's not real silver.

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