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True or False?


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A few excerpts from a front-page Yahoo news article:


Analysts and game fans say PS3 is the sexier game machine with twice the processing speed of Xbox 360, next-generation DVD technology Blu-ray, and seven control pads that can connect wirelessly to the console.


Wedbush Morgan Securities said in an industry report in July that it expected worldwide PS3 and Xbox 360 sales to be tied at 23 million units each in 2007.


No mention of Nintendo except to poke fun at its 15 percent marketshare


So, True or False, is the PS3 sexier and twice as capable?

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Xbox 360 looks better than the PS3.

Xbox 360 pad looks better than DualShock3.


The consoles are technically pretty evenly matched, but Xbox 360 is easier to program for.


We'll see it out but right now we can't speculate anymore than what something "appears" to be like, not what it actually is like.

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PS3 is ugly, im guessing the guys that wrote this regularly read Breadbin monthly?


But this is all opinionated, the looks = opinion. The capabilities = fact.


No doubt PS3 is more capable than the 360, more can be done with its power, but im not suprised theres no mention about nintendo, 15 percent isnt alot and we dont exactly know much about revolution.

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Am I the only one who thinks they just bulged out the sides of PS2 and painted it silver? It looks so similar, except for the spiderman font instead of cheap looking squared off letters. 360 looks like a slimmed PC tower and Rev looks like a glowing DVD player, but at least you wont need a second mortgage to own it (for size and price).

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