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I never spoke against the review, I haven´t had a chance to read it....


I´m just expressing my opinion that this is a cheap tactic to mark up the review score on a game, and I doubt this will be the only game they will do this on.


Anyone remember Kane & Lynch and Gamespot? that was Eidos and no one came out looking good after that.

Edited by Mundi
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Thats a great price, now you can get the Play as the Joker dlc and it will still be below £30 overall, probably). Im waiting for reviews but it will will probably turn out well.


Even if it does I have no money so I will probably stick to the top tier stuff.

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Demo is out at the end of the week so we should get a good idea soon anyway.


Yes, EIDOS used sneaky tactics to get good advanced reviews.


They only needed to score it a 90 or over to get the review out early. Why give it a 96 if it isn't that good?


Thats a great price, now you can get the Play as the Joker dlc and it will still be below £30 overall, probably). Im waiting for reviews but it will will probably turn out well.


The Joker DLC is free.

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Im actually tempted to get the special edition of this, just because im a sucker for comicbook stuff and it comes with a batarang :p


Yeah, I was tempted but with finding this edition for only £22 I cannot in any way say no.


Wow free Joker DLC, that's an impressive move. The trailer for it looks pretty cool, well better than the batman combat at least.


Yeah, it's great. I wanted to get it from GAME to get the extra Scarecrow level but there is no way I can ignore a £18 saving.


Thats one annoying and buggy site, not letting me log in to enter my card details


Maybe try a different browser. I already had an account that I set up ages ago so it wasn't a problem for me. Good luck with it.


Anyone know how The Hut is for Pre-Order deliver times?

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The Hut has bought the online part of Zavvi. Apart from that, like you, I've seen them on Hotdeals. The comments look like it is fairly mixed but I don't especially mind waiting a couple days if it's this much cheaper.

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Yeah I went with the Hut too. Zavvi are good when it comes to delivering stuff in stock so hopefully that refelcts well on the Hut. Oh and thanks for the link Daft. Was not interested till I saw that review score and then the game at a dirt cheap price.

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I can't wait for it. It sounds like something I could really get into. Has everyone seen the video of the Joker's challenge rooms on PSN? I love that trailer. Seems to get the atmosphere spot on.


I hope they offer the Scarecrow's challenge room as a download later on.


The demo is out tomorrow. Finger's crossed it's good.

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I can't wait for it. It sounds like something I could really get into. Has everyone seen the video of the Joker's challenge rooms on PSN? I love that trailer. Seems to get the atmosphere spot on.


I hope they offer the Scarecrow's challenge room as a download later on.

The demo is out tomorrow. Finger's crossed it's good.


Thought it was Friday?

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It is Friday. Sony's intern will have to get out of bed especially, I suppose.


This post on the Eidos forums is pretty informative, although I'm not sure where they're getting some of the info from. Apparently the game comes with 16 Challenge Maps — 8 Combat, 8 Invisible Predator — with the Joker DLC being a further 8 maps, so it's a decent addition. There's also going to be a Home apartment, the Batcave Outpost, which I'm sure Daft is excited about; the post says it'll be free, but I'll believe that when I see it.

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Able to play as The Joker in eight Challenge Map which will be released as downloadable content on August 25th on the PlayStation Network. This DLC will be free.


There will be a "Batman Arkham Asylum Batcave Outpost Apartment". Apparently, this will be only for PlayStation Home. It will contain items such as the Batsuit, Batmobile, and Batwing, along with various Bat-gadgets. This content on PlayStation Home will be free.


The comic book "The Road to Arkham" will be given to PSP owners via download on the PlayStation Network. This comic will be free but will most likely NOT be able to be read by your PS3.


The PlayStation 3 version of Batman: Arkham Asylum will use some elements of SIXAXIS Motion Control.


Hell yes! Daft is very excited about the Home stuff. :D I love the generous use of 'free' but I think you've got it right, I won't hold my breath.


The exclusive Challenge Maps from the GameStop / Play.co.uk preorder and the Collectors Edition will possibly be up for download 30 days after the release of the video game.


Fingers crossed.

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They only needed to score it a 90 or over to get the review out early. Why give it a 96 if it isn't that good?


Gamesmaster are pretty generous with their reviews anyway!


What's more, please tell me you're not one of those people who pays real money to buy virtual items for your virtual incarnation of yourself on Home???

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