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Why do people dislike Red Steel?


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I still don't get it. I've heard people complain about the graphics, but even now, aside from a couple first party titles like Mario Galaxy, it remains one of the best looking games on the Wii. The lighting effects especially were brilliant.


Also, I never had a problem with the gameplay. People complain that the FPS controls weren't the same as what they wanted (ie metroid prime, medal of honour etc). However... I found that was more a part of the gameplay then a detriment, it played differently, so what? Many games play differently, shouldn't you be happy for the variety? Personally I found it an interesting challenge, kinda like a lightgun based shooter. The idea was not to let the enemies get behind you, hence not needing to worry about turning around.


Also, some of the controls were just brilliant, it felt great to push your hand forward in that sudden jerk to freeze time and shoot everyones guns away, trying to keep that up to balance that meter and be able to use it consistantly added depth beyond most shooters. Also, the swordfighting worked pretty damn well for a first effort. I enjoyed it, and generally found that as you figured the moves out and got better at doing them properly, you'd well, succeed more. Which is what I'd expect, so what was up with all the complaints? Blocking caused me some problems at first, untill I realised I wasn't doing it right, after that I could block consistantly and it wasn't a problem at all. So yah I don't understand the complaints about that either.


So in conclusion, in future, I hope they don't go changing this series! Personally, I think the series should keep it's unique gameplay, without that, it's just like every other shooter on the market. And lets be honest, in that market, Conduit is gonna beat the crap outa it :P

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Red Steel was...alright for the time. The graphics still hold up, for Wii standards anyway, today and some of it still looks impressive. The soundtrack is also really good but the voice acting sucks big time. It's a bit of a mixed bag as far as presentation is concerned.


The controls are seriously outdated today and I tried to play it recently....and I couldn't do it. I'm just too spoiled with what MoH and MP3 offered and considering upcoming FPS's like CoD5 and The Conduit offer the same kind of adjustable options, Red Steel is just too clunky.


If Red Steel 2 could offer excellent controls, bad-ass sword play, and fix the voice acting and other presentation elements, it may be a good AAA title.


Maybe though, it is one long shot considering their track record on the platform.

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Guest Jordan

It was a generic ass'd shooter with an awful control scheme. Maybe thats why?


If you want a decent shooting mechanic, go find Metroid Prime 3 or MoH: Heroes 2.

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Erm, the cutscenes were almost laughable (god they were so rushed), the voice overs were pathetically bad. Sword fighting was poor and so much hassle. The AI in the game was some of the worst I've seen and on top of that the controls were awful, they were sometimes alright but come on, it's lightyears away from MP3.

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I enjoyed Red Steel. I loved going through the game with the pistol or uzi as the machine gun and shotgun just didn't feel right (probably cause you'd have to grab them with both hands)


The controls weren't a problem at the time, but now I've played MP3, they are a bit clunky. I've not played any other FPS on Wii, so I have no other basis for comparison. I don't like wartime shooters for some reason - I prefer ones that offer something a bit different like Half Life and The Conduit looks interesting.


But I've finished Red Steel and haven't got the heart to pick up MP3 again. I'm about 20% through it and just can't be bothered with it now. I loved the first two, but just can't get into this one.


So I probably enjoyed Red Steel more than MP3, though that may change when I do eventually get round to finishing it.

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I agree with most things said in the first post, though I want to highlight a few points:


The sword fighting was terrible. It wasn't so much because it wasn't 1:1 (though it's going to be awesome in RS2), it was more that the game's translation of the Wiimote gestures was so horribly done. I found myself swinging the Wiimote left and seeing my character swing the sword to the right. This proved excruciatingly annoying when you HAD to do the combos correctly 3 friggin' times before you could move on.


Next up, I liked the cutscene style, as it really added to the atmosphere that I absolutely loved about the game.


Lastly (I think, I may come up with something later), you all criticise RS's FPS controls and highlight MP3's, but there is one thing that buggers me about MP3's controls: They're too sensitive. Unless the pointer is in a 10 cm x 10 cm box in the middle of the screen, Samus turns. This proved especially annoying when trying to look up, because there was a very strict limit as to how far up you could move the view. Then, as soon as the pointer began moving downwards towards the middle of the screen again (because that's where the monster you had to shoot was), the view goes down with it, effectively making it almost impossible to shoot the aforementioned monster. Sure, the MP3 controls felt more fluid, but they were also less precise. The controls of RS, on the other hand ... yum.

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The control scheme was very difficult to use and made playing a real chore. I actually would have found dual analogue easier to use than this. The entire gesture system of the sword play was very unpredictable and even though I was only playing early bits, I just felt that the whole thing had no pace and that I was being hindered the entire time.


My biggest gripe was the zoom. It was a required piece of gameplay control and it was painfully difficult to use most of the time that it worked which was occasional.


Multiplayer was good, I really enjoyed it and it had a real Goldeneye feel to it which I had missed. Come of the multiplayer levels sucked ballz tho and the telephone idea, while good was very badly executed i thought.


Whole thing needs more pace and movement and needs to get rid of the sword confrontation. It needs to be within the gameplay.


Lets face it, whoever directed the game must have been high. The presentation in general was high budget, low quality. Most things that people have mentioned already.

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I thought the terrible loading times were one of the biggest let downs.


Having experienced a good amount of years with Nintendo gaming not having loooong load times, I was gutted that this 'new' console appeared with a game of such 'amateur-ness'. The graphics were "ok" and I actually really liked the first hotel level. (It reminded me of Die Hard 1) and yet after a while the sheer lack of quality killed it for me. Stupid loading times, cumbersome menus, clipping issues and moreso, "LIES" (look at the development shots) meant that RS was a major let down. At least ubi set the bar and stuck to it! :o

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I think most of the dislike comes from the fact so much was promised that it failed to deliver on. Considering it was frequently shown at game conventions and hyped up, many (myself included) thought it was going to be a high quality title but instead turned out to be very average.


It also didn't help that at the time, the Wii Remote's capabilities were unknown and many thought the sword fighting would be realtime, not scripted actions.

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The graphics were mostly bland, the sword fighting (which you had to do) was cronic, the multi player was clunky and about a decade behind the times, the level design was boring, unclear and often confusing, the cut scenes looked like they were pulled off the story board for the cut scenes, and the whole thing was riddled with bugs, some even forcing you to restart entire levels.


I suppose, to be fair, you could say the shooting control mostly worked, which would be like saying your car's wheels mostly stay on, even if it is a rickety deathtrap with no mod cons that's prone to bursting into flames.

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Well I don't think it was bad at all. Certainly didn't waste my money on it.


I do think most people's anger stems from simple disappointment. The sword fighting was not convenient at all, and while I tolerated with the aiming controls, I did get annoyed by glitches that made the cursor jutter aggressively. There was clearly a lot of potential to be improved, though.

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Yup. I remember that shot Ren. Then I remember seeing the actual game. Saved my money.


I would pick it up for a tenner now. It doesn't look too bad really. But I knew when I saw those pictures that the game wouldn't turn out that way, and sadly I was proved right. Hate it when the games companies pull stunts like that one.

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Retouched images are crap. But Sony are the worst company ever at that point:

I still remember the incredible "screenshots" from Getaway that were shown prior to the PS2's launch, with real time shadows, and car models so detailed you could see every button in the dashboard. Instead the game was blocky, and had N64-level textures.

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Because of the hype.




what is it called.. quoted for truth?


I remember people going totally apeshit when the first (above?) picture was shown. They would have to make the damn best fps ever AND add Wii control and 1:1 motion sword fight to live up to that hype

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I loved the multiplayer! I don't know how many hours my friends and I have spent playing that, having tremendously fun times. For some reason, the multiplayer really appealed to us.


I, too, believe RS fell victim of the "Twilight Princess effect": Being to damn overhyped and inevitably disappointing. Too bad for RS, its initial hype and the final product were even further apart than with TP.

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