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How do you get them?


He leaves them on the ground, you pick them up and then give them back to him. Then you can to Nook and place an order.


The fortune lady told me if someone else pick up six weeds in my town in December, him or her will get a reward. Anyone want to try?


Gutted this didn't arrive today, got sent recorded delivery yesterday, crappy Royal Mail. I cancelled my GAME order and went with shopto to try and get today which cost a bit more ¬_¬

Gutted this didn't arrive today, got sent recorded delivery yesterday, crappy Royal Mail. I cancelled my GAME order and went with shopto to try and get today which cost a bit more ¬_¬


If GAME have dispatched it, how can you cancel it? Ah never mind, I see what you mean.


I didn't get it, Tellyn :S


How do you do that? Are you still able to cancel your order? Even when its already being dispatched?


Yeah, just as Tellyn said. I had originally ordered this from GAME, but was too late in the day for it to be posted, so I cancelled it, ordered with shopto since you can order up to 5.30pm and get it the next day, so I ordered from there hoping it would arrive today. It got sent yesterday but didn't arrive today which kinda sucks.


Ah, got it.


Damnit, i really want to test the Online, but i just can't find someone to test with.


Also: How do i get Bugs? I have the net, but i don't know how to use.« it.


Lads sell this game to me i played the gamecube version to death couldnt get into the ds version i'm thinking maybe cause it was too soon after the gamecube but im really tempted by this one. Are a lot of people playing online? Is there much new? Sell me Sell me!


I'm loving this game!


Just went over to Yoochem's town again, where myself, Yoochem, Rhys and Hydro started a 5k bet yesterday for who could catch a coelcanth first. I arrived today and within 5 minutes I caught one, was awesome. I then caught a Tuna, followed by 2 football fish and a red snapper.


Hydro took a pic of my coelcanth so hopefully he'll upload it later, if not I'll have to try to find the cable for my digital camera (don't have an SD Card reader)


PS, Welsh Gamer, you still owe my 5k! :heh:


Edd, I posted the pic on the stickied thread. :) You were lucky tonight! At least I caught a stringfish in my own town before coming online today. I'll hook a coelacanth yet. :)


Great fun fishing in Yoochem's and Welsh_gamer's towns tonight, although I got disconnected towards the end of the session and lost all the fish and bells I'd gotten in Welsh_gamer's town. :( I couldn't seem to get back in again, so David and I went back to my town, but everyone else had disappeared and I had to go soon after that.


Should be back online tomorrow though--I still want a coelacanth of my own!

Edd, I posted the pic on the stickied thread. :) You were lucky tonight! At least I caught a stringfish in my own town before coming online today. I'll hook a coelacanth yet. :)


Great fun fishing in Yoochem's and Welsh_gamer's towns tonight, although I got disconnected towards the end of the session and lost all the fish and bells I'd gotten in Welsh_gamer's town. :( I couldn't seem to get back in again, so David and I went back to my town, but everyone else had disappeared and I had to go soon after that.


Should be back online tomorrow though--I still want a coelacanth of my own!


Yeah, the DC really sucked! I also lost all the furniture/bells that I shook out of the trees :( After that, I just thought "what the heck, I'm gonna go watch House".


I'll get the bells back tomorrow, seeing as my Nook's closed now anyways.


I'm loving this game!


Just went over to Yoochem's town again, where myself, Yoochem, Rhys and Hydro started a 5k bet yesterday for who could catch a coelcanth first. I arrived today and within 5 minutes I caught one, was awesome. I then caught a Tuna, followed by 2 football fish and a red snapper.


Hydro took a pic of my coelcanth so hopefully he'll upload it later, if not I'll have to try to find the cable for my digital camera (don't have an SD Card reader)


PS, Welsh Gamer, you still owe my 5k!


I also was very lucky when fishing in my town this evening (so that's saved, fortunately!). Caught 2 Koi, 1 Red Snapper and 1 String fish, in little more than an hour!


Oh, and welsh_gamer told us he'd give the bells to you when he sees you again, so don't worry ^^


hmmm im tempted to buy this game, ive never played animal crossing before but my wii needs some love at the mo im thinking as i bought a 360 and have been playing that alot recently.

I caught a Coelacanth today!!!


So happy i finally caught one :heh:


Good man! Now you can sell your spares for a hefty amount of cash.


I have been having some good luck with the larger fish appearing at night, I havent been able to catch them but its still nice that they are there :) Im gonna hop in the shower and see if I can make some more cash as my Nooks stays open til 1am.

I also was very lucky when fishing in my town this evening (so that's saved, fortunately!). Caught 2 Koi, 1 Red Snapper and 1 String fish, in little more than an hour!


Oh, and welsh_gamer told us he'd give the bells to you when he sees you again, so don't worry ^^


I tried getting into welsh_gamer's town but it was already full after I donated my coelcanth and tuna. Although I did then catch another coelcanth straight away in my own town so it was all good!


I just built a snowman! :heh:


Quick question about growing trees. Do you have to water them, or do they just randomly die sometimes. I know you can only plant a maximum of 7 trees in an 8x8 area and that you have to be able to dig all the way around them. I spent ages marking out where I'm gonna plant my trees and planted some with the fruits I got from other towns yesterday, but today some of them were dead.


I know there aren't too many in the area and you can definitely dig all the way around them so why would they die? Anybody else find this with any of their trees?

How come Nooks is open till 1am?


I have the 2nd Nook shop so he stays open til 1am.


I just built a snowman! :heh:


Me too!


As for your trees you dont have to water them just keep them a few spaces apart. The best thing to do is just chop down your normal trees and replace them with fruit ones, they will always grow.


I found some little kitten named Katie crying for her mum this morning. Apparently she has got lost and she lives in yesteryeargames town, looks like I need him to finish this little sidequest :)

I have the 2nd Nook shop so he stays open til 1am.




Me too!


As for your trees you dont have to water them just keep them a few spaces apart. The best thing to do is just chop down your normal trees and replace them with fruit ones, they will always grow.


I found some little kitten named Katie crying for her mum this morning. Apparently she has got lost and she lives in yesteryeargames town, looks like I need him to finish this little sidequest :)


The ones that have died are fruit trees though!?


Also I need an axe, when does Nook's store get upgraded?

The ones that have died are fruit trees though!?


Also I need an axe, when does Nook's store get upgraded?


Did you chop a tree down and replace it with fruit? Did it die? Weird if thats the case because in my expereince if you chop a tree down and then replace it with a normal or fruit tree it will always grow. If you plant a fruit tree randomly then it yeah it may die.


As for Nooks he will upgrade his shop once you spend 25,000 bells and a week has passed.


I didn't chop one down, although there was no reason it should have died, there was loads of room and weren't too many other tress in the same area.


If it is a case that they do randomly die then its ok because it means I haven't marked out my tree spots incorrectly, took me a bloody long time so don't wanna have to do it again! :heh:

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