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Things you look out for in games

mcj metroid

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Just an interesting topic I thought of while I was writing in another thread. I know by the thread title you may well be very confused of what I have talking about but i'll try explain.


There is always something people enjoy about games. Personally I love music in videogames. It keeps me coming back to the games. I am not that bothered about graphics as much as other people are(although terrible graphics is another thing)

of course you're going to say good gameplay.

But even within gameplay. Do you get like your games to be easy or hard?do you like turn based or real time gameplay? Do you like games to be unrealistic and wacky or to be as realistic as possible?


Just try to tell me what you look for when you're buying a new games or games you've loved for years:)

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Definitely originality.


I've always loved games that are completely different from what people are used to, hence my love of games like wario ware or space channel 5, which is usually reason for mockery from my friends since they think those are so weird.


But also simplicity. For me the less buttons I need to know the better, games should be as much "pick up and play" as possible. This is why I hate football games, because of all the different combinations that I need to know to play decently, I just don't have the patience for that!

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Music is definately something that will keep me hooked into a game. A catchy theme will always keep me coming back. Warioware Smooth Moves has me coming back all the time just so I can hear the odd soundbyte or two over and over again. I loved the music in Blast Corps, that and its tight original game play had me addicted for hours. I wish I could find another game like that.

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Gameplay. It needs to play right, i'll always except niggles, but the overall experience shouldn't be ruined by clunky controls.

Originality. I don't want every game to be a new IP, but i want new ideas thrown in to keep things fresh.

Art design. Please, anything but brown. When developer take the time to create a world, rather than a level, it shows. Vegetation, architecture; so much more important than HD or photorealism.

I've believed for years that sound is a far more immersive sense than visuals. The music, the sound effects all need to help create a world.


In a nutshell, its the overall package. I may take a punt on a lower rated game, if it hits some of my buttons, but overall i'm a whore to a review, but even then i'm selective about titles- they need to turn my crank.

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Games that will make you say "Oh Snap" or games who work like eye candy (Eternal sonatra I thinks thats the name of it) and the music in that game is simply awesome.

Games with big explosions almost never let me down and there are also those scary games that make you go crying to sleep and last but not least steampunked, that is all.

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I want things I can kill and blow up.. and titties..


But's its very different.. sometimes I like the pain of crawling through a game on Hardcore/veteran/death Incarnate and so on.. at other times I want to progress quickly to see the locations and kill and blow up things..

now games with LOOOONG cutscenes I tend to avoid.. or games where the "level up system" requires you to read 1000 pages to understand

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well, a good story will keep me going, hence my rpg love.


i also think set peices are important. freedom is all well and good but moments in mp3 were breath taking, as can only be achived through scripting


it may just be me, but i like it to be fairly easy to kick ass, impressive looking feats should be fairly easy to pull off, it just looks more exciting.


difficulty is hard too set. while too easy feels patronising and dull, to hard is just annoying. once you have a good stratergy sorted, you shouldent still have a huge struggle. you dont have to die to be challenged. this of course isnt universal, games like viewtiful joe benefit from the death, retry approach.


accessability shoulden't mean lack of skill needed. im fairly good at mario kart, but every so often, there is the indignity of having several blue shells smack my face off, and a clear worse racer nip ahead. fine when with friends, hell, its nice when a friend gets victory, but in single player, it feels cheap. smash bros seemed to get it right, a begginner could play fine, but some one who put the time in would be better.


still, its important to remember why we play - fun. i dont want to spend hours figuring out some "advanced technique" snaking just seems to detract from the overall game, people care more about doing insanly well then having a good time.

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i should also say that a good world and its inhabitants add alot to a game for me. feeling for the caracters makes a game much more enjoyable for me. mario galaxy supprised me, usualy main mario games use npcs as tip disspencers and nothing more, but the toad brigade made me laugh and just enjoy their antics.


paper mario has a prime example of the charm a world and its inhabitants can give off.

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Basically anything that I know I will find fun. I don't care if it is almost identical to a previous game I've played, as long as I'll find it fun. Music is pretty important, but bad music won't stop me buying a game.


In terms of graphics, I don't really care as long as they don't ruin the game, and I think we've got to the stage where the graphics in all new games are good enough for me.


Luckily I'm not one of those people that choose a game solely on its graphical capabilities, so I actually have fun when I play a game.

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...a bit of eye candy...


Someone likes the smutty games. :wink:


Not sure what exact criteria I look for when I want something. I like to think I play a decent variety of games so that means I look for a lot of different things. Generally of course I try to get the quality games and avoid the stinkers because I like my games to be playable, you know. Unresponsive, unplayable messes shouldn't be allowed to be released, lol.


Oh and you can't help but love a good cult hit!

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When it comes to any games gameplay is absolutely king. However, I do look for certain other things - moreso on Wii than PC (only other platform I play on) since some games are feature light.


So, graphics. I'm not a graphics snob in any way but it's extremely annoying to play a game that looks bad. I'd much rather smooth and clean visuals than detailed or feature packed. I still play CS 1.6 but I struggled through CoD3 on Wii. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 on Wii looks like it did a good job on this actually, clean and smooth visuals over pixellated detail.


I really appreciate the music in games but it so often fails to impress. Mario Galaxy was brilliant, Smash looks like it will top even this. This is never really a deal breaker in the same way graphics can be though.


Finally, my absolute biggest gripe with the Wii - online play. With online play so many titles could be drastically improved. Playing against ai is simply boring over time. I'm not the only one demanding online play either. Worms could have been brilliant but sunk. I predict that Sluggers will also fail when Strikers did so very well. I think, from now on, I really want the Mario Kart quality of service in my decent Wii games. Shame Smash won't achieve this but then it will have so much external support it might not matter.

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One word: CHALLENGE! I'm not a fan of having 'stupid fun' - pointless, unprogressive fun. I won't fork out £30-£40 1-3 times a month just for that. I could have 'fun' playing old roms day in and day out, but that isn't enough.


Leaderboards/online play are great incentives for me. I play to win, and if I lose I'll only be encouraged to play a bit more harder and gain some skill, giving the game a lot of depth and making gaming in general something...more...cultural - Something Nintendo have yet to grasp.

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It's so interesting the medium can offer so many different things for different people...


Game world: A believable, cohesive, interactive game world. Ocarina of Time, Shenmue, GTA III comes to mind. The graphics, the sounds, the music and the gameplay must work as a whole and fit the game world. Games that you feel are more than just... games.


I just read an article that divided gamers into 4 categories:


- Killers (multiplayer type of gamer, focus on competing with other players)

- Achivers (focus on achieving goals, gathering points etc. in games)

- Socializers (have fun and interact with others)

- Explorers (likes to interact with the game world)


I'm definitely leaning to the explorer type here.

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I don't care, in some games I like certains things to find me, in others I like to pay attention to the details to find new things. Bottom line is, if I'm enjoying it, I'm good. Different games can be enjoyed for so many different reasons it would be just wrong for me to state what I want in games.

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Guest Maase
One word: CHALLENGE! I'm not a fan of having 'stupid fun' - pointless, unprogressive fun. I won't fork out £30-£40 1-3 times a month just for that. I could have 'fun' playing old roms day in and day out, but that isn't enough.


Leaderboards/online play are great incentives for me. I play to win, and if I lose I'll only be encouraged to play a bit more harder and gain some skill, giving the game a lot of depth and making gaming in general something...more...cultural - Something Nintendo have yet to grasp.


I don't know if you already have it, but i recommend you Dr Mario, best online and leaderboard i ever played in a Nintendo Console

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