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Football Season 2008/2009


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Good luck to them [/through gritted teeth]

I got so much stick last night, it just wasn't funny after a while. wankers.


Back to the Albion...

Same old story for us again. Can't complain though, such is football.

Was an entertaining game. City's support was laughable :hehe: the only times you could really hear them was when they booed hughes' decisions.


Apart from the result, good game. Happy with our boys, showed our character and i've gotta love them for it...


Boing fucking Boing :yay:




You gotta love Big Mick McCarthy



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And Everton vs Man U extra time ends at 0 - 0, time for penalties.


EDIT: Everton's Cahill...Misses over the crossbar! Berbatov to take the advantage


Berbatov's shot is saved!


Baines for Everton...Scores!


Ferdinand next and...Saved again!


Neville next for Everton...2-0 to Everton!


Vidic next for Man United and he puts it away for 2-1 but nearly misses


Vaughn scores for Everton, 3-1


Anderson next for Man U, needs to score...And he does, 3-2


For the win, Jagelka...And Everton are through 4-2!

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Manu deserved that for being nobs on penalties. I don't like Berbatov, I thought he was great at Spurs but now... Just no.

Rio and Vidic penalty takers?

Put on your strongest penalty takers first, ala Anderson, he wouldve put confidence in the rest of the team.

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Manu deserved that for being nobs on penalties. I don't like Berbatov, I thought he was great at Spurs but now... Just no.

Rio and Vidic penalty takers?

Put on your strongest penalty takers first, ala Anderson, he wouldve put confidence in the rest of the team.


Completely agree, what the hell was Dimi thinking?! I knew Ferdinand would miss as well, was speaking to a friend on Facebook and actually said "Rio... wtf!?" when I saw he was taking one!


In all honesty United should've had a penalty but then I'm not gonna kick up a fuss about it, everyone knows United get their fair share (and another teams share) of decisions go for them, so you've gotta expect some to go the other way, it's just a little annoying when its in the FA Cup semi-final!


I'm not too upset to be honest I kinda had a feeling that we would actually go out of Europe and the cup so its nice to see we're still in one! I felt even less confident when I saw the line-up as well, Fergie took a risk and it didn't pay off, that's life!

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Berbatov is just too cocky / lazy. He comes up with some nice little touches and hes good for goals (usually), but i would be more than slightly pissed (if i was a united fan) at some shite attemp at a nonchelont penalty when he clearly has the ability to beat the keeper for that range.


I'm not all that fussed, but it would have been great to see a team take all trophies going; It would have been such a feat. I really hope Liverpool take the league now, as the 5 trophies is no longer possible for utd and i would love to see Liverpool (mainly Gerrard :heh:) get their hands on the premier league.




Actually thinking about it i am slightly fussed.... Berbatov, you sir are a penis !

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First of all, when looking at the team-sheet, I knew that this would spur Everton on either more. But, you can understand why Rooney and Ronaldo were kept away from this game. They've played a huge amount of games this season, and they needed a rest before the next league game.


However, that is not to say that we put out a shit team today, because we didn't. I doubted Macheda would have the stamina and influence to last the whole game, but he kept going and proved me wrong. He was more influential in the first half, but he still put a lot into the whole game. What a fantastic talent that he is proving to be.


I thought Anderson once again had a good game, and it was also ace to see Wellbeck and Gibson getting a start today. Wellbeck was a strange player today, as he had his influential moments in the game, but then also had moments of sloppiness. The same could be said for the Da Silva twins. I was pumped to be seeing them today, and they played well on the whole. However, there were moments when they were caught out of position or were second to the ball, but they kept going and going and they both grew in stature as the game went on.


So, I'm proud of how the team played in the game. However, saying that, we needed a bit more "bite" or "edge" to our game. Having Scholes in the second half helped our midfield, but I think we were missing maybe another player who could have grabbed us a goal. There were moments where we probably could have made more of our chances, but we didn't play awfully nor exceptionally today. Instead, it was an even game, where both sides were just missing that key player to nick a goal. I still think the penalty decision that was given was wrong, but I would also have been pissed had Everton nicked a goal from a corner or something. The penalty claim will be remembered as the talking point, I think.


I hate penalties, and I don't like winning or losing on them. When it comes down to it, it's a lottery. I really don't regard the Champions League Final Victory over Chelsea that highly because we won on a lottery. To me, that takes the shine off it. But, we didn't play well in the shootout at all. Berbatov's penalty was rubbish, but had the keeper gone the wrong way, it would have probably been heralded as amazing. The thing that gets me is the order in which the penalties were taken. Why were Ferdinand and Vidic put before Scholes or Tevez, or even Anderson (who scored)? That baffles me.


I'm sad that the team didn't win today, but all credit to Everton. They pushed us and I respect Moyes for what he's done at his club. Good luck to Everton in the final.

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If you'd have asked me friday I'd have said the final will be Arsenal vs Man Utd.


What the **** do I know eh?


Btw I called Cahill and Berbatoss missing and even said Vidic would hit the post, though I more intended post and out, not post and in.

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If you'd have asked me friday I'd have said the final will be Arsenal vs Man Utd.


What the **** do I know eh?


Btw I called Cahill and Berbatoss missing and even said Vidic would hit the post, though I more intended post and out, not post and in.


I thought a United vs. Arsenal final would have been amazing, but sadly it wasn't to be.


The thing that pisses me off now is that there are people who are changing their facebook status to slag off Berbatov. Uh, he wasn't the only one who missed. Just popped onto the 606 forums to take a look around, and it was awful, so I quickly closed the window. Fans can be so fickle.

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I've always said that Berbatov wasn't worth £30 million. :)


I also said Rooney wasn't worth that amount either, still undecided on that one. A striker worth just under £30m should be, in my opinion, bagging 20 goals a season no problem but Rooney has seemed to do that so far... But on his defence, he's still young and Man Utd will get a lot more time from him.

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Thought the youngsters did well. No complaints. Should have had a penalty too. But at the end of a day a shootout can go either way. But what the hell was Berba doing. Lazy penalty. Terrible. Dunno why Rio and Vidic stepped up too seen as we had scholes and tevez out there. Strange. Oh well. Be nice if Everton go on and win it now. Moyles deserves it.

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I thought a United vs. Arsenal final would have been amazing, but sadly it wasn't to be.


The thing that pisses me off now is that there are people who are changing their facebook status to slag off Berbatov. Uh, he wasn't the only one who missed. Just popped onto the 606 forums to take a look around, and it was awful, so I quickly closed the window. Fans can be so fickle.


Tell me about it, some guy on my facebook has been slagging off Fabianski on his status. The twat was a Man Utd fan back in school.. now he claims to be Arsenal. **** off. No gooner would call Fabianski a c**t regardless of how bad his judgement was yesterday.

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Tell me about it, some guy on my facebook has been slagging off Fabianski on his status. The twat was a Man Utd fan back in school.. now he claims to be Arsenal. **** off. No gooner would call Fabianski a c**t regardless of how bad his judgement was yesterday.

I would agree that he is no gooner.

Slagging of players from other teams can be fairly easy, but to do it to one of your own is something else.... yeah, you might have the occasional bitch, but you justify your reasons and know that you love them really :heh:

Zuiverloon has almost caused me to cry in frustation this season, but he's still loved :hehe:


Also: how do you swap teams :confused:

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I've always said that Berbatov wasn't worth £30 million. :)


I also said Rooney wasn't worth that amount either, still undecided on that one. A striker worth just under £30m should be, in my opinion, bagging 20 goals a season no problem but Rooney has seemed to do that so far... But on his defence, he's still young and Man Utd will get a lot more time from him.


Hold the phone, one penalty and he's not worth 30 million? Dude, you should know better than that.


Rooney is worth more to Manchester United than 30 million. As a United fan, I can safely say that Wayne Rooney is what I would call "fucking priceless." The amount of effort he puts into the game and the passion he puts into his football, it's worth much more than money. The thing with him and Berbatov is that they might not bang 3 goals in a game, but they'll set goals up for the rest of the team. This season, Berbatov is the second highest Premier League player with most assists, second to Arsenal's Robin van Persie. He may not bang them in, but he creates opportunities for others.


Thought the youngsters did well. No complaints. Should have had a penalty too. But at the end of a day a shootout can go either way. But what the hell was Berba doing. Lazy penalty. Terrible. Dunno why Rio and Vidic stepped up too seen as we had scholes and tevez out there. Strange. Oh well. Be nice if Everton go on and win it now. Moyles deserves it.


The penalty was stupid, but was Rio's that much better? He did the run and stutter as well, didn't he?


Tell me about it, some guy on my facebook has been slagging off Fabianski on his status. The twat was a Man Utd fan back in school.. now he claims to be Arsenal. **** off. No gooner would call Fabianski a c**t regardless of how bad his judgement was yesterday.


Although it's fine to have a go at a player every now and again (we call it John O'shea syndrome) it's really unhealthy to do it all the time. You support your team and players, not slag them off.


Seeing Berbatov miss that Penalty in such a fashion was pricessless though. He's such an arrogant man...


That's the thing I don't really understand with any fans. Why do people have this assumption that Berbatov is arrogant? Or that he's lazy. That is just one thing that really grates on me. Now, you're a Tottenham fan, so no doubt your view will be entirely different to others. But, I think Berbatov is far from lazy. He isn't like Wayne Rooney, who chases everything, but he offers something differnt. I had a mate who actually pointed out to me how good Berbatov really is, and I think I spent about 90% of one game just watching him.


He's got a great touch, and he is very different to many strikers out there. The problem with the current team is that we're not providing him with enough service, but if we did, we'd be scoring a lot more this season. We're not creating as many chances as we did last season, but that's for many reasons. Ronaldo getting closed down, him playing more like a winger this season and not a striker like he did in the last.


Once Berbatov gets the ball, he looks to do something with it. He either passes it quickly, or he holds it up. You won't find many instances where he gets dispossessed. Count how many times he gets into the opponent's box, and you'll see exactly what I mean about us not providing him with service.


Almost as good as Ronaldo thinking he had lost the Champions League final with his penalty miss last season, only for John Terry to slip-up at the last minute.


That just shows you anything can happen in football.


Anyway, I'm gonna stick up for Berbatov here. I like him, and I hate players in general being made out as scapegoats. Why is there always the need to blame someone?

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I also like Berbatov generally :smile:. His control his amazing, his ability to see and produce such tidy but game changing flicks / passes is priceless and he has goals in him.

The thing that sometimes gets me with him is that he can appear to be lazy. His style of play as you said is completely different from that of someone like rooney, so when what he tries doesn't come off he just looks like he can't be arsed with the game.


Missing the penalty tonight; (i think it was you flinky who said earlier) if the ball had gone in, everyone would have been talking about how brilliant it was, but instead it didn't come off and he looked like a lazy tit :heh:

My questioning on this though is, (and this is directed at everyone not just berbatov) why is it necessary to try and do these nonchelont penalties??? the players that usually try them are world class stikers who definately have the ability to beat the keeper from 12 yards, so why not just bury the strike emphatically into the top corner???

Those types of penalties (especially in a shootout) can only be arrogance... no?

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I also like Berbatov generally :smile:. His control his amazing, his ability to see and produce such tidy but game changing flicks / passes is priceless and he has goals in him.

The thing that sometimes gets me with him is that he can appear to be lazy. His style of play as you said is completely different from that of someone like rooney, so when what he tries doesn't come off he just looks like he can't be arsed with the game.


That's it with him. It's all about the touch and control, and getting into that goal-scoring position. Imo, the best passing passages of play that Manchester United play are when Berbatov is involved. He can spot a good short pass, or switch the play to the other side of the field. There are goals in him, and he is hungry for them. Sure, he looks like he is lazy, but look at who he is in the team with: Rooney, Tevez, Park, Giggs, Ronaldo, Scholes, Evra, so forth. They are all players who want the ball and aim to get it. Players like Carrick rely more on positioning. Being the right place at the right time.


Rooney is someone who will track back 50 yards to win that ball. Berbatov is someone who will sneak into the box to nick you that goal, or to be on the end of a cross. Both different styles of play, but you need that.



Missing the penalty tonight; (i think it was you flinky who said earlier) if the ball had gone in, everyone would have been talking about how brilliant it was, but instead it didn't come off and he looked like a lazy tit :heh:

My questioning on this though is, (and this is directed at everyone not just berbatov) why is it necessary to try and do these nonchelont penalties??? the players that usually try them are world class stikers who definately have the ability to beat the keeper from 12 yards, so why not just bury the strike emphatically into the top corner???

Those types of penalties (especially in a shootout) can only be arrogance... no?


Is it arrogance, or stupidity, or "style"? It could be any of these. I hate it when players do it, because you just want the ball rammed home into the corner. The thing is though, had the penalty had gone in, there would be talk about it for five minutes and then we would have moved on. The fact that he has missed changes everything. He shouldn't have tried it, but what if he had taken a perfectly fine penalty and missed anyway? Would he still be seen as "lazy"?

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The thing that we don't really take into consideration with penalties is the pressure involved on the players, so maybe this has an effect on what they decide to do when they're stood 12 yards out with one kick to make them either a hero or a villan.

I personally would have had no problem had he missed in a similar manner to cahill, who i'd like to point out has had nothing said against him at all (at least in my hearing).


In all fairness to berba, some of the most energetic people on the planet would look lazy when stood alongside any one of the players you mentioned, let alone all of them. And as you say, mixing those different talents together in balence is what makes a great team.


Just for future reference, if he ever becomes too : peace: lazy : peace: we'll take him off your hands :p

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Saw the match in a french bar last week (Chelski v Liverpooooool). I personally thought it was one of the best matches I'd seen. Sure the defences were iffy and some of the goals were goalkeeping errors, but blimey the heart put in by liverpool and chelsea's resistance and their ability to comeback (both pool and ski) was great. Alex's shot was amazing. I thought Ivanovic had a pretty bad game which was a shame because he did so well in the first leg.


We are through to two finals now so its all good. I think the FA cup final is in our favour, we will put a strong side out since its the final game of the season and hopefully win. Barcelona is going to be a tough game.


Heard Arsenal and Chelsea game was a bit rubbish. Something about an Arsenal player pushing the referee and not being booked/sent off seems a little bit weird. Where's the respect from the player and the discipline from the ref??? Sort it out lads.

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