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UBISOFT's Wii Games


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I don't see why you are complaining. This game being developed for you so why get so worked up about it. Fair enough if it was Nintendo's highly anticipated new IP but its not.


Yeah I don't have a Wii but that doesn't mean I don't want one. There are more than enough solid games by Nintendo and 3rd parties and I don't see the point in getting worked up over such a game.


Again with the insults. I could get a list of people like you who are incapable of proper conversation in Wii Discussion without insulting the people who like it or the console itself. And this thread isn't about the game now, it's about Ubisoft's effort on Nintendo consoles.

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Laugh, that you all want these better looking games when you know, all companies want is moneh.
They ain't getting mine.


All they want is moneh? then why do they invest in the HD's? Wii has cheaper dev costs and a broader userbase (and no, don't aswer, no need to go into console wars)


Point is that... This is idiotic threatment from a developer on Wii games, is pissing in the plate you eat.

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Point is that... This is idiotic threatment from a developer on Wii games, is pissing in the plate you eat.


Except how is it? If there is a market for it, sell it. Simple as. Ubisoft aren't trying to woo you lot.

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Except how is it? If there is a market for it, sell it. Simple as. Ubisoft aren't trying to woo you lot.


Compare their Wii efforts to the titles they're releasing on the 360/PS3. There clearly is an audience for it looking at the Wii's million sellers, seeing as games like Zelda, Mario and Red Steel are up there. They just think there isn't an audience because they are ONLY releasing this casual rubbish.

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Except how is it? If there is a market for it, sell it. Simple as. Ubisoft aren't trying to woo you lot.


There isn't a market for it, that's kind of the point, people look at "casual" games and lump them all together, but the thing is, the "casual" games that sold well, had at least a bit of quality, lots of them were actually good, this isn't. They aren't wooing anyone, they represent the ignorance of most 3rd parties and their inability to adapt to new markets and they're ignoring a huge market segment.

Crappy games will always appear, specially on best selling consoles like Wii, it happened on PS2 too, but coming from a big company that would supposedly make "Nintendo quality titles" for the Wii, this is ridiculous and they deserve to be made fun of. I won't lose any sleep over it, mind you.

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Except how is it? If there is a market for it, sell it. Simple as. Ubisoft aren't trying to woo you lot.
Oh sweet, there's no audience on the Wii for Nintendo-quality games? :laughing: There is, thing is... they aren't Ubi's; not by a mile.


Hell, beyond good and evil wouldn't sell on a platform with Zelda, it's just a Zelda clone, the guys don't want such games with effort, give them babiez! Hell, it's a outlandish assumption, that within a 30 million userbase there's quite a few hardcores with access to it; and the suggestion such games would sell would be like saying RPG's could sell on the PS2 after FFX came out, they obviously didn't!


Who are we trying to fool?


They aren't trying to woo us out, they are just showing us their middle finger and using the money profited from garbage to invest elsewhere.

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Apart from Assassins Creed I'm finding it pretty hard to think of a original IP Ubisoft have made for the 360/PS3 and I really doubt any of them are suited for the Wii and if they were it would probably be best if they were built ground up. Though I don't see how Ubisoft don't think there is a market when Red Steel sold so well.


Yes Ubisoft really should be in disgrace with the graphics looking like that but they are going for quantity over quality at the moment. And if it sells that means Ubisoft (hopefully) spend more on their Wii games and if it doesn't sell they will rethink their strategies.


They aren't trying to woo us out, they are just showing us their middle finger and using the money profited from garbage to invest elsewhere.


Thats the point I'm was trying to make pretty much...

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I was being what Shino mentioned about 360 folk,then I was stating that since me owning a 360 gives me more perspective so I was 'dismissing' his post as invalid :heh:


Seems I failed at it though ¬_¬


Haha, damn! I feel bad for not noticing! Nicely done.

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I asked that Ubisoft mod, Raide, if he could get me an interview with someone representing Ubisoft. Here's his response.


Hi Nathan,


I can understand many Wii owners are upset right now but you should remember my comment was done at a personal level, not an official Ubisoft response.


So many people are posting my post as "This is what Ubisoft thinks of the Wii" and it is not. I was asked what I thought and I replied from my own experience working in a games shop for several years.


I will pass your email onto the PR side of things but it may take some time to filter through.


So now I play the waiting game. Any sensible questions for when/if Ubisoft get back to me?

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So now I play the waiting game. Any sensible questions for when/if Ubisoft get back to me?


Yeah I got one...


"Why don't you put as much effort into making games for the Wii as you do for other consoles?"


"Do you really see the Wii as 'a means to an end' the means being - quick cash - and the end being - proper games for other consoles - is it really justifiable?"


"How much credibility do you expect to have with Wii owners by the end of 2008? Do you think you are keeping your fan base(s) happy?"


K, thats more like three I guess but w/e. :P

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Yeah I got one...


"Why don't you put as much effort into making games for the Wii as you do for other consoles?"


"Do you really see the Wii as 'a means to an end' the means being - quick cash - and the end being - proper games for other consoles - is it really justifiable?"


"Do you think you have any credibility left from Wii owners? When did you first think you lost it all and do you think you can get any back by the end of 2008?"


K, thats more like three I guess but w/e. :P


Changed the last question :heh:

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Why no Beyond good and Evil for the Wii? Nintendo Magazines were chasing after Ubi for months, and it's generally said the GC version was the SKU that sold the most... that and the fact that it was hard to greenlight as is, due to the previous one having flopped, yet, Wii has lower development costs, a broader userbase and a big Zelda userbase (with BG&E being frequently classified a Zelda-clone) you've also said you're making Beyond good and Evil more casual this time around (something usually atributed for the Wii) so why announcing it for every platform besides the Wii?


(^big question I know, but I feel it really has to be a mouthful like that, in their face so they can't run)


How can a Prince of Persia Wii not be in development? (if he starts trying to run tell him it wasn't in development in the beggining of may according to that EDGE magazine. point standing that they've been doing the other versions and left us as a secondary B-team effort)


How can they be proud to announce ubisoft montreal is behind Dogz?


What is their average budget for Wii games, counting with ports and these games?


How could they not anticipate the Ubiday's fiasco?


Do they stand by Raide's comments (their dork representative, that defended the quality of the titles at hand, that they were all we should be getting and how Wii was not a gamer platform, blablabla)


Why should we look forward for their products when all they've done is backstabbing us?


What took them so long to listen to the consumer?

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Did you simply forget to make Assassins Creed fun or was it an intentional move to make it a mind numbing bore?


F*cking up the Splinter Cell Series was a bold move. What was your motivation?


No one likes Rayman. (you can say it with an inflection so it sounds like a question)


Does the Prince of Persia team know that Persia wasn't filled with generic white primary and secondary characters?

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To continue the mod story!


From Kotaku:


Ubi Forum Moderator: Wii Games "are not amazing new AAA games"




That's a little nugget couched in a defense against charges Ubisoft has a crappy lineup for Wii and doesn't care. Oh but they do care! The lineup is crappy for a reason! Read on.


On Ubi's forums, a commenter complains, "we get no new Core-titles and when we get some like Shaun White Snowboarding it looks worse than SSX on the Cube. Doesnt really look like Ubisoft is trying to put some effort in it."


The moderator comes back with a well-what-do-you-expect argument, without saying exactly that. The Wii's a console parents buy for kids, he says. "Parents who are buying a console for their children do not really care about Prince of Persia, Rainbow Six or Far Cry on the box, they want games that are going to be good for their children and not get them in the local newspaper."


Then, quoting a bunch of sales figures, says Ubi's mindful of the Wii's growth market, which is casual gaming, not Assassin's Creed. "If you look at the most successful Wii games, they are not amazing new AAA games, they are predominantly family orientated [THIS IS NOT A WORD] games/alternative games."


I made a D in college logic, so I am amenable to corrections. But if I have it right, this is what the guy himself is saying


• Games that sell well on Wii are crappy (at least by "normal gamer" standards, as the questioner describes himself).

• Ubisoft makes games intending for them to sell well.

• Ubisoft makes games for the Wii.

• ... (profit!?)


Also, if you're a Wii gamer and think I'm pouring on the hate, your own people are sending around and signing a petition to demand Ubi make better games on the Wii. Sign it if you want, but I doubt it'll budge Ubi's Nintendo strategy. (Next up: Gerbilz!)


Finally, I like this plea:


"As for Shaun Whites on the Wii, can you at least wait to get some more information and gameplay on it before binning it? Most people have seen a few screenshots and they already hate it because it does not look as good as the 360 etc but to damn a game just because of looks, and without actually playing it is just silly."


No, actually, that's the status quo.




Here is the full forum topic on "Do you have anything at all for normal Wii-Gamers ?"





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I am requesting that everyone forward this email I have received to everyone you know.




Apparently Ubisoft has decided to employ viral marketers for damage control after this Wii fiasco.


On VGChartz one appeared with thw profile:merkh66


His first post was promoting Ubisoft's FarCry2 as seen here:



Soon after he decided to go to a Nintendo discussion thread speaking out on Ubisoft's latest fiasco in this thread:



What occured next was a futile attempt at trolling the Wii and eventually got in a war of words with poster Bored4life.

At page 8 however everything just fell apart because we now realized that Bored4life strung him all along as seen here.



Please go down to the part where Bored4life goes into detail on how to expose a viral marketer and explains how he did it.I think everyone needs to know about this new fiasco as well as quote Bored4life statements where he exposes him here:Brilliant!


After he ran he then went on to promote Ubisoft's Endwars in another thread here:




I think this is a lesson that needs to be learnt.

Why do Ubisoft insist on this ****?



Here is my question; Can they get any f**king lower?:mad:

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I asked that Ubisoft mod, Raide, if he could get me an interview with someone representing Ubisoft. Here's his response.




So now I play the waiting game. Any sensible questions for when/if Ubisoft get back to me?


Nintendo choose your compagny and one of your game (Red Steel) to be featured during their E3 2006 conference, trusting you to promote the console and advertising your game in a great way. Don't you feel you've betrayed them by developping only very low quality games for Wii?

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Do you now feel it is now in the consumers' best interests to allow EA to fully purchase Ubisoft, rather than begging the french Government for money to enable you to stay 'French'? Honestly, if I were EA with my 20% share in Ubisoft, i'd be kicking arse right now.


EA may not be perfect, but at least their offering some genuine support to Wii - for both casual and less casual gamers.

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Actually, EA are probably the best damn publisher, bar Capcom and Nintendo, on the Wii right now. They understand that the Wii is a fantastic console and don't treat it like shit.


I agree. We may moan about Rock Band missing portions like online, and DLC, but its a damned sight better than the appalling "output" from Ubisoft.

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