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Still Alive is on Lisa Miskovsky - Last Years Songs [Greatest Hits], Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive (The Theme From Mirror's Edge): The Remixes and Mirror's Edge OST. :p


I found an OST that was nothing but remixes of the theme song, they were all terrible -_-


Yesterday the servers were down so I had a go on time trial offline. Got up to 35 stars (as proof, you can see I have the achievement) but then it didn't save the stars because I wasn't connected! So even though I have the achievement for 35 stars I actually only have about 25. le sigh, the qualifying times are set whether you're online or not so why? >.<


I just spent the best part of two hours trying to do the Jacknife Speedrun. Luckily I did it in the end, albeit a meagre 7 seconds under par. I did die twice, though, so I imagine I could probably shave a minute minute off that. Well, if I ever wanted to play that level ever again, that is.


chapter 3 speed run can smoke my pole, fyi.


I'm SO close. Just can't seem to stop making dumb mistakes on easy stuff.


Restarts on this game take the piss too for two reasons: they take ages and mock you by showing you stuff you can't do in game. bastards.


I feel that Aimless n Dan, I managed to finish all the speed runs and I don't care if I can shave a minute off anywhere... I'm never doing them again >.<


The time trials aren't so bad. With the exception of Playground 3 and the Atrium levels, they're all fairly easy to get 2-3 stars on.


To be honest I'm only really doing the Speedruns for the Trophies. They're a bit rubbish as if you make a single mistake right near the end of a level it can well mean having to do the whole thing again. I think it would work a lot better if reverting to a checkpoint also dialled back your timer to its value when you hit that point; getting the absolute fastest times would still require not dying as you'd keep your momentum.


I'm up to 35 stars now, so I'm going to call it a night. The Time Trials are really well implemented — bar EA's temperamental servers — and I've enjoyed finding some of the shortcuts out for myself. Of course it's also good to watch the route for the person at the top of the leaderboard for tips, and chasing them to see where they go is almost a game in itself.

This game is 24.46 in game, I wanna get but it isn't a good time for it. I suppose this price won't last long right?
...at that price if I buy it again I will have made a profit. hmmmm......

Got this yesterday, completed it today.


It is probably the worst game I would have bought of the past couple of years. There are some good bits but the plot is appalling. Faith controls like a lemming. She has no sense of self preservation at all. Half the time I swear she tried to grab ledges with her nose only to realise just before impacting into the ground a hundred metres below that this didn't work the other million times she tried it. She must have a phobia of drain pipes because she just doesn't want to know about them half the time.


The graphics are pretty nice when I wasn't blinded by the excess bloom effects.


This was most frustrating game I have ever played. I'm regretting even renting it.


Faith now takes her place as my most hated video game character ever.

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