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My first reaction was "Oh no's!", then "Hell Yeah!"


This looks very promising! Those graphics make it stand out from the crowd. I hope they can regain the magic of Sands of Time. I wasn't a big fan of it's sequels, but adored SoT.


yeah yeah. Nowt else good though.


As a multiplatform gamer, I can but frown in complete incomprehension of the quote above. :nono:


alright i can't be arsed with a debate. more importantly: this game looks the biz.

the quotes in the OP link say they've removed the time travel and made it more zelda like. Sounds like free roaming dungeons instead of straight up platforming. Interesting move, but I'm not sure I'm convinced- I kinda liked the simplicity of SoT


also, they're claiming the fights are like duels. This makes me happy. Everyone knows the best fights in this kind of thing are the one on one battles with single, powerful advasaries.

Ah if I was a mod...


Anyhoo, stupid trolling aside, this looks awesome, can't wait to see more.


you don't want the truth! you can't handle the truth!


never been!


I jest, really. I jsut don't think much to the wii. The control scheme (lets be honest, the only thing that ever made it good) has been reduced to gimicky shit by a multitude of shoddy third party shovelware.

never been!


I jest, really. I jsut don't think much to the wii. The control scheme (lets be honest, the only thing that ever made it good) has been reduced to gimicky shit by a multitude of shoddy third party shovelware.


It's OK, I'm kidding too. Although your view on the Wii is clearly (very) narrow and misinformed, you're free to think whatever you want as long as you don't go trolling like some other forumites. Ok, ontopic now!


I want to see this in motion, I've been waiting ages for someone to take this approach to graphics and it can look stunning, it looks really close to the artwork that leaked some time ago. I hope they don't go down the angsty, emo path again.


Sands of time would be one of the best of last-gen if it weren't for that awful goddamn combat system. I like the idea of duels though. Might be able to make it look like the combat system of the persian broadsword should be.


from what they've said, it's a more mystical, Arabian Nights thing this time. it's not even sands of time territory. It sounds really interesting because I always liked the fairytale edge to the first game.


Sands of time would be one of the best of last-gen if it weren't for that awful goddamn combat system. I like the idea of duels though. Might be able to make it look like the combat system of the persian broadsword should be.


correction: the system was actually really solid. the problem was just the sheer ammount of killing you had to do with it. Waaaay too much. Going back, the actual fights are far, far more fun that Warrior Within. Two Thrones added the stealth kills though, which made the fights really really good. Almost puzzle like.


Yeah the mechanics weren't bad, but they exagerated with the ammount of fighting. Mixing wallriding with fighting was awesome. Two Thrones was cool too, but SoT is the best.


I must be the only one who think that this looks crap in the way they have designed it visually.


Seriously the settings and the characters don't gel at all, it looks like he's been stuck onto the level in the way it's rendered, coloured and lit. No cohession at all. I don't see this "style" bringing anything new to the character or feel of the franchise especially when its so obvious that they can neither let go of the realistic style nor bravely design an original style. It's a mess, jumping on the cell-shaded train offering nothing visually.

I must be the only one who think that this looks crap in the way they have designed it visually.


Seriously the settings and the characters don't gel at all, it looks like he's been stuck onto the level in the way it's rendered, coloured and lit. No cohession at all. I don't see this "style" bringing anything new to the character or feel of the franchise especially when its so obvious that they can neither let go of the realistic style nor bravely design an original style. It's a mess, jumping on the cell-shaded train offering nothing visually.


Actually, i also don't quite like the style that this is going into. The Prince this time looks rendered into the scene not as such looking suited to the environment. To be honest, this looks like art-work and not actual game graphics. Read the list below the pics, some of it sounds total bull.


A game that looks like artwork? Day 1. (if it's any good)

And in fact, what says below the pics, makes 100% sense with what you're saying. The prince looks like artwork slapped in the environment, because the environment changes dynamically, thus they had to go with a more "normal" look.


Looks awesome. I even managed to get some enjoyment out of Warrior Within. Definitely a day one purchase.




Oh God I had a bit of a nerd rage at one of the posts on that site. :D

But i've gotta say, the only reason I ever played prince of persia was for the free running mechanic. But now that we have Assassin's Creed, that series is pretty much useless to me.

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