glucoseaddict Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Tried both of those and neither have fixed my problem. I've had a look online in other chat forums but to no avail, gonna have to ring customer support methinks. Thanks for the advice all the same Blue Ninja0
Ollie Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 I didn't want to start a thread for this as it seem's a bit pointless, so I hope this question is suited to this place instead. I'm getting a Wii for Christmas (at last ) and I have been looking at Wii points on can't work it out. I had 18000 stars but they were about to run out so I had to spend them on shit. Now I have loads of registration cards waiting to be used. I was going to buy points with them, but you can't until you link your Wii (which I don't yet own) to your stars account. Could someone explain how the process works please? Do they mail you a points card in the post if you buy points with stars, or does your Wii find out electronically? Also there was some fuss about how there isn't always points available, is this still true? Thanks guys and gals! : peace:
nekunando Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 I have managed to get Wii Points a few times from the site (though I don't check it regularly..) When you purchase the Points with you Stars, you will be given a code instantly which you can then enter into your Wii straight away ..I know my Wii is linked up to my account, but I don't know if you would be able to put in a code that someone else purchased with their account or not (as making this impossible would seem to be the only reason to need to have the accounts linked)
Surly Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 / nando / said: I have managed to get Wii Points a few times from the site (though I don't check it regularly..) When you purchase the Points with you Stars, you will be given a code instantly which you can then enter into your Wii straight away ..I know my Wii is linked up to my account, but I don't know if you would be able to put in a code that someone else purchased with their account or not (as making this impossible would seem to be the only reason to need to have the accounts linked) Don't worry. My friend had stars that he let me turn into points on his account and then I used the points on MY wii, not his. It didn't give me any trouble.
lostmario Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 No, once you use your stars to buy a point card, say 100 wii points card. I think a screen pops up with the number you need to enter in your wii to add the points. Sorry, I replied to the message from the previous page not realising it had been answered.. IGNORE.
Emerald Emblem Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 I've suffered this issue for ages now, only Mario Strikers has let me play against friends online. Brawl and MKWii don't let me join matches with friends at all.
DazDude Posted December 7, 2008 Posted December 7, 2008 Having an odd problem here, Have recently started to notice when playing some of my games and on the wii menu I'm getting what can only be described as random black pixels, thing is its more noticeable on some games than others, For example on Sonic Unleashed its extremely noticeable as pretty much ruins the gameplay picture most of the time, where as something like Mario Kart I barely think I've noticed it. Though Wii Music only appears to have a tiny bit of it so I can't for the life of me work out what's wrong, I have yet to try using the HD cable on another family members TV as I only use the standard def cable as my TV is not HD. failing that I think its gonna have to be sent off to Ninty for analysis
DazDude Posted December 14, 2008 Posted December 14, 2008 Well as far as I'm aware it was doing the same thing on my old TV so it rules the TV out as far as I'm concerned, I have contacted Ninty and from what they suggest it sounds like something they need to take a look at, so I think I shall send it off to them after christmas is over and done with.
Wesley Posted January 4, 2009 Posted January 4, 2009 Seriously... what's the best solution for Wii to monitor (either VGA or DVI)? I can't believe that Nintendo never brought out their own VGA cable.
Emasher Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 The Wii Doesn't support Digital Video, so you're going to have to use VGA. The May-flash VGA cable is pretty good, and even comes with a headphone adapter and VGA gender changer. Just make sure you get a ferrite core for it, otherwise you're going to get noise. If you're going to hook it up to another VGA cable (as it has a female end on it rather than a male on for some reason), you would probably be ok though as most VGA cables do have ferrite cores built in. The may-flash one will also work with a PS3. No matter how you hook it up though, every few minutes the screen is going to go black for a fraction of a second because of the way the Wii outputs video and they way monitors input it. Also, you're not going to be able to play any games that don't have progressive scan as monitors don't support interlacing. Wii VGA cables also come with a colorless composite video jack on it. This is actually just the luminance component cable (the green one) and hooks into the composite input in your TV. The Wii thinks its hooked up through component, so you can switch it over to 480p.
Wesley Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 That sounds like a real half-way solution... I have just spent a few hours reading up about it and... wow. I think I might just get a different monitor, lol. I was thinking of chaning my older 20" monitor anyway... Thanks very much for the help, dude.
Emasher Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Its not actually as bad as the product reviews make it out to be. I read tons of negative reviews, then once I actually bought the cable I was amazed with it.
Wesley Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Fuck it, if you're amazed I'm amazed. Let's do this shit. (Wooooooooowee!)
Wesley Posted January 6, 2009 Posted January 6, 2009 Okay got it and I just need to wait until my girlfriend comes back on Sunday with a TV so I can quickly change the settings on the Wii to 480p. Is there anyway I can do it without a TV? The Wii detects my controls, I just can't see anything... can you navigate the menu via the D-pad or the 'cube pad? I could just blindly navigate the menus and change it.
Emasher Posted January 6, 2009 Posted January 6, 2009 No. I've heard some people have done it blindly before though just with the infrared though.
Wesley Posted January 6, 2009 Posted January 6, 2009 I am going to try and do that tonight or tomorrow. When you start up the Wii for the first time is there a really annoying "Hello, tell me this and this and this"? I'll try and look at screens of the menus I guess.
Emasher Posted January 6, 2009 Posted January 6, 2009 Oh, this is the first time you've turned the console on? It will be harder then (yes, there are). You're probably best just waiting then.
Wesley Posted January 7, 2009 Posted January 7, 2009 Shit hot, I managed to get past the introduction setup - all the OK buttons are on the bottom right. Now just to change the settings...
Blue_Ninja0 Posted January 7, 2009 Posted January 7, 2009 Each time the wiimote pointer goes over a button it rumbles a little bit. Use that as a hint to know where the hand is. But if you haven't memorized the position of the menus this won't help much.
Andyliini Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 I have a quoestion recarding Wii's Internet connections. Is it possible to use 3G router to put Wii online? I can't afford a true broadband, but a mobile broadband is cheap enough. Now i just need to know is it possible to put Wii online with 3G router. Do I need a specific one, or do they work at all?
Blue_Ninja0 Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 As long as it has wifi or you have the USB to ethernet Wii adaptor, I can't see why not.
Emasher Posted April 26, 2009 Posted April 26, 2009 Ok, so my Wii seems to have stopped working today. I was trying to play Resi 4 Wii and for some reason, the console just wouldn't turn on. I unplugged it, and plugged it back in, and it turned on. Then if froze when I was trying to load up the game, so I did the same, and the next time it got to the title screen. So I load up the game again, and this it froze while I was trying to load the actual game, not the save file but the level. So I do the same and this time it freezes on the health and safety screen. I'm going to leave it unplugged for a while at someone's suggestion, but if the problem persists, is the best thing just to send it in to Nintendo to get it fixed? Its off warranty.
D_prOdigy Posted April 26, 2009 Posted April 26, 2009 Always the best thing to do is to phone Nintendo. Even if it's survived its warranty, there's a decent chance they'll sort it out free of charge.
david.dakota Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 has anyone else had their wii's freeze while connecting to wfc. I've only really noticed it on Animal Crossing since 4.0.
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