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PSN has voice chat. Either that or I've been talking to dwarf and the others telepathically.


In game? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression PSN only allows text coms when playing games. It has voice chat outside of games only. And this was implied in my previous post, anyone with PSN should have picked it up that I was reffering to in-game, which is where PSN fails. Am I wrong?

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In game? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression PSN only allows text coms when playing games. It has voice chat outside of games only. And this was implied in my previous post, anyone with PSN should have picked it up that I was reffering to in-game, which is where PSN fails. Am I wrong?


Yeah, otherwise KillZone would be a bit lame and Resi 5 would have been dire. :heh:


I'm not sure you can do cross game. Put it this way, I've never noticed a problem and I play quite often with people off the forums. I'm not sure what the difference between XBL and PSN is tbh with regards to chat.

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What? SOCOM has voice chat? 1 game?



Look, I am not being a prick, I will stand corrected if what I'm saying is wrong, but come on... if PSN has only one or two games with voice chat, that's not really a rebuttal to what I'm saying, now is it? Let's be a bit honest here.

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To be fair, only the first half of this thread is about the game.


Agree with Flinky, let's grapple this back on course.


I think hype will break this game. The fans will either hype it too much, or reviewers will be "disappointed" by something that was never intended to be the next big thing.


So far, I think people either belong to the pessimistic or the over-optimistic camp. Why are we comparing this game to Halo? Should every FPS be compared to Goldeneye? Should every film be compared to The GodFather, or Fight Club? Games should be judged on what they do well.


If there's anything that I think this games proves, or is trying to prove, it is that you can get a lot out of the Wii if you put a lot into it. Sure, many people will laugh this off as "generic", but what about the other half of Wii owners who are moaning about not having enough "traditional" games as the 360 or PS3 counterparts.


The truth is, there will never be a balance with fans. You can't please one half without pissing off the other.

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What? SOCOM has voice chat? 1 game?



Look, I am not being a prick, I will stand corrected if what I'm saying is wrong, but come on... if PSN has only one or two games with voice chat, that's not really a rebuttal to what I'm saying, now is it? Let's be a bit honest here.


Lol there is barely a difference between PSN and Live. You can have videochats outside games, and in any online game you can use headsets in-game or in clan lobbies/parties. So not sure quite what you are claiming.


You can register any blue-tooth headset to the system so there isn't really an issue.



And Flink you are 100% right again. I think the Conduit is just going to be a divider.

Edited by dwarf
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I think hype will break this game. The fans will either hype it too much, or reviewers will be "disappointed" by something that was never intended to be the next big thing.


So far, I think people either belong to the pessimistic or the over-optimistic camp.


I am in the middle, to be honest. I never bashed the game and I expect it to be good, but I am prepared in case it doesn't turn out good. So far, I like what I see, but I don't put myself in the "over-optimistic" group. I'm just waiting to see what happens.


Lol there is barely a difference between PSN and Live. You can have videochats outside games, and in any online game you can use headsets in-game or in clan lobbies/parties. So not sure quite what you are claiming.


You can register any blue-tooth headset to chat so there isn't really an issue.



And Flink you are 100% right again. I think the Conduit is just going to be a divider.


Ok, then, I was clearly given bad intel by my sources (I'll be sure to kill them) and I stand corrected. :)


What I had read, and quite recently too, was that PSN only allowed text chat when in-game, no voice. I found it hard to believe, but ultimately found it hilarious. I mean, from Nintendo I expect this kind of backwards thinking (Nintendo online is a joke and will continue to be until they get real), but I didn't expect it from Sony, who are in the HD war against MS.

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Guest Captain Falcon

When it was first announced and people were making out it out to be THE Wii game, I was a bit skeptical (since I'm not a big fan of the genre, though I have nothing against it either) but thought I'd try to keep an open mind. As more and more became known about it, and I started paying more attention, I couldn't help but feel it all looked a touch bland in terms of it's gameplay - it was round about this time that the naysayers started turning up too.


I've not read what was written by Gamereactor, but that article on CVG kinda sums up how I've felt about this game for a long time in that it doesn't appear to be anything remotely special - just better than what's already out there.


I've not been turned of it completely yet though as I'm waiting to here reviews from the final product and the takes from gamers here too. It certainly won't be a day one jobby even if I do decide to get it, but given that 95% of all my games are day one purchases, that's quite the bad sign from me.

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What I had read, and quite recently too, was that PSN only allowed text chat when in-game, no voice. I found it hard to believe, but ultimately found it hilarious. I mean, from Nintendo I expect this kind of backwards thinking (Nintendo online is a joke and will continue to be until they get real), but I didn't expect it from Sony, who are in the HD war against MS.

Can you give me a link to the site or was it xboxfanboybullshit.com?

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Can you give me a link to the site or was it xboxfanboybullshit.com?


Nah, I don't visit such sites (except this one for Nintendo fanboys :heh: ).

It was an off topic thing in a more generic forum, and non-english.

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Well it's been turning anti-nintendo this generation. I for one stopped looking at the Wii through rose-tinted specs. Some people do firmly believe Nintendo still have the edge now which I also understand. Just not for me.

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I think to truly appreciate this game for its full value at the moment, you really have to look at it from the perspective of someone who only owns a Wii. Or someone who really doesn't like Dual Analog and Can't afford a high end gaming PC. The game probably isn't for everyone. If you play 360 or PS3 FPS games a lot it may not be for you. That said, I know people who own 360s for Halo 3 ect, and have high end gaming PCs and own just about all the AAA games for that, but are still hyped for The Conduit.

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So far, I think people either belong to the pessimistic or the over-optimistic camp.


I fear I belong on the pessimistic side. I never quite 'got' this game from day one. The controls sure will be great and the engine sure burst out some nice effects, but apart from that, it looks like a 60%-er (not too bad, but not too good either). The art-style, characters, story, etc. just seem so run-off-the-mill, so 13-in-a-dozen Even the look and name of the lead character are so generic, it's laughable. It promises to revolutionize Wii-controls, but at the same time is so unoriginal in it's concept.


I would love to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath on this being good either. Let's see what the future brings, eh.

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I have never played a FPS on WII, the only taste I got was Metroid Prime and Resi 4 which aren't really FPS's at all.

Analog FPS really bore me so here's hoping the conduit will make me enjoy the genre.

I agree that the places don't look that colourful and original but I think its the gameplay they want to focus on. As long as thats good I'm gonna enjoy it.


Also how is this multiplayer gonna have so many people and not any lag, I don't think they can do it. I've never been much for the online multiplayer anyway...

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Looks like the big multiplayer event is going ahead tonight, so we should expect solid details in the early hours of tomorrow. What's everyone else's predictions? Mine are:


- 16 players dropped to 12 due to technical limitations

- Wii Speak support, but only on solely friend matches

- There won't be many more modes other than the confirmed DM, TDM, CTF.

- Crude acheivements system

- There'll be at least one or two maps that look absolutely awesome

- Not much of an emphasis on environmental gameplay, mostly confined to simple shootouts on corridors/wide areas.

- Friend code system very similar to Mario Kart Wii



I think that's a fairly not-too-optimistic range of expectations. I guess we'll see.

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Ok, this is just as off-topic as the X-Files stuff. :heh:


Anyway, who cares if this is a world-beater or not. I'm not expecting it to be. But, I think it'll be fun, and a lot of effort has been put into this.


This could be a case for Mulder and Scully...


I'm not overly hyped for The Conduit and never have been, but I appreciate the level of effort the people making it are putting in. They seem to be trying to make the game as complete as possible- packing it with features, which is normally something other developers skimp on when making Wii titles.


We shouldn't be expecting it to be a perfect game (is anyone?) but its the first game in what could spark off a successful series. With only owning a Wii, I've not been swamped with FPS games meaning there's a gap in my gaming line up- though I kinda got over that zest for running round shooting things with Duke Nukem and GoldenEye. :heh:

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16 Player as stated before.

Wii Speak With Everyone.

Friend Code system Similar to Mario Kart, but perhaps with a lobby

1 more mode than stated before.

Both teams are trust in different coloured uniforms.

Very limited perks system (like red steel)


Although I only expect a few of those to actually happen.

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