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Urg, dam friend codes, sort of kills it a bit for me if I was ever going to get it, as I won't know anyone on the thing lol.


But yeah, I don't think Nintendo will ever allow proximity chat, it's the best part about the new Socom lol.


I think Nintendo are just scared of kids getting sworn at. Personally I think Wii speak will sort a lot of the problems. Most people in clans and those who play seriously will have each other's friend codes.

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I think Nintendo are just scared of kids getting sworn at. Personally I think Wii speak will sort a lot of the problems. Most people in clans and those who play seriously will have each other's friend codes.


The problem with that is, you still have to get enough people together to have have a match, and make sure they all have each others friends codes. Since there's no lobby system, you're not going to be able to find your friends without actually having a friend match. Or have Nintendo let them have a lobby system?

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The problem with that is, you still have to get enough people together to have have a match, and make sure they all have each others friends codes. Since there's no lobby system, you're not going to be able to find your friends without actually having a friend match. Or have Nintendo let them have a lobby system?


Not at all. I have a COD team of 3-4 players. We all have Skype and we arrange a time to play, set up a conference call with headsets then I invite all of them into a party with me then search for an open game. It's dead easy, we have a real laugh and it works well.

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I would think its either this or Monster Hunter 3. I'd love it to be this though. This is one game that could really benefit from a lobby system.


I don't think it's this. And it might just be more B/S. Matt spends a lot of time building internet hype for IGN by letting half truths and bits and pieces out to generate discussions like these.

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I don't think it's this. And it might just be more B/S. Matt spends a lot of time building internet hype for IGN by letting half truths and bits and pieces out to generate discussions like these.


That is true, but now with the rumor that Kid Icarus Wii was supposed to be shown at E3 08, I'm giving him a bit more credit now.

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Not at all. I have a COD team of 3-4 players. We all have Skype and we arrange a time to play, set up a conference call with headsets then I invite all of them into a party with me then search for an open game. It's dead easy, we have a real laugh and it works well.


So because you found an awkward work around the problem doesn't exist at all?

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Hmm. I think the graphics aren't that great to be honest, especially the buildings/surroundings, they just look like something from an N64 game. Though to be fair, i'm watching this on a PIP screen and on low res. I'll give it a watch on high res on the full screen soon.


Meh, still seems the same. Though it looked kind of weird when I was watching it, i'll try and see some more footage later. I'll get this, but I don't think right away.

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Yeah there something odd about the graphics. Edges don't seem all that smooth on alot of objects and abit jaggy. Character models are a bit rough aswell. There were also some wierd graphical destortions of some kind when weapons were being fired.


But still, they are putting alot of effort in so I'll keep an watch on it!

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I really hope it does sell well since I think it deserves for what they're doing. I hope people will be picking this up right of the shelf and sell 1,000,000 +. A sequal would be most welcome. Just dunno if i'll get it straight at launch though since I think the graphics looks slightly odd and jaggy.

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We'll be lucky if it even sells 100,000 total at this rate. Too many people thinking "Looks a bit jaggy, wont buy at launch" and it wont generate any hype at release and sales will end up lagging.


A bit jaggy and rough or not it has great lighting for a Wii game and some cool bump mapping at some moments. It also is another Wii FPS that seems to have the perfect aiming nailed down (fully customizable) and just a ton of effort poured into it as a whole.


I'm not sure how representative that new video is anyway. This older one still looks great to me and I see no reason why the game would look worse now than it did before.




I'm probably gonna be buying this at launch just for the hell of it, simply to make sure I don't waste the opportunity to give a hardcore wii game with some effort the support it deserves.

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It has no split screen multiplayer... wtf 0_o.


Can't believe I just read that lol. I was sort of starting to see parralels to this and the Goldeneye / Perfect Dark on the N64 :(. Arg.


But mmm, I dunno how it'll turn out, I really can't figure this game out lol.

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I don't see what yer saying about the gfx, for a Wii game i think it's one of the best looking games i've seen on it. The only thing that I think looks odd is the blood slatter effect when you shoot someone, but other than that it seems wicked. Plus the Wii has always had this strange issue of videos and screens not looking as good as the actual game, who knows might be better when you get it on the TV :heh:

I'm looking forward to this and hope we get a solid release date soon so I can preorder. And looking at the new vids and that one showing the new features, the custimisable HUD, damn that's awesome, I think I might turn the HUD off totally, I always find the HUD distracts in FPS games, since you know your character isn't seeing those icons.... with the exception of something like Metriod Prime where they made the HUD make sense and you know you were seeing things exactly how Samus was.

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I used to think the environment was bland, lacked personality and variety. But I look at the latest trailers, how can we say that now? Sure its not a Metroid Prime, where every room and texture was different, but its a FPS and not an adventure game so its normal.


It overall looks amazing, with its own unique style (but also reminds me of GoldenEye which is nice), lots of customization, good controls and solid online support. I'm buying it, and telling everyone I know with a Wii to do it too.

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