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The Wii-mote pointer


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Now, we all love the Wii and I can safely say that the Wiimote works pretty well in most situations. However does anyone else think that the depth perception for the pointer is rubbish?


Any time this control method is used for a game, I instantly cringe, waiting for the imminent event of it hampering my playing experience. For me this has happened endlessly in Red Steel and caused serious problems in Trauma Centre and most recently, it has started to be the only thing bad about MP3. I mean cmon, I love this game but I have had genuine trouble getting through doors because of those fucking pump lock handles.


Anyone else share my annoyance?

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Is that actually measured by the pointer, I thought an accelerometer was responsible for this.


Anyhow I also had this issue, not too many times but still it seems you've had to get the speed right, not too slow, not too fast, otherwise it wouldn't recognize it.

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The Wii calculates 2 signals from the Wii mote (one for each side of the sensor bar) and that is used to calculat the "closeness" of the pointer and the angle when you twist it (a function that works very well).


That's my problem though. I don't want to have to play a game and have to be thinking about moving the controller just right. I wouldn't mind so much if that was meant to be part of the gameplay and you could overcome it with skill but its blatantly not. It actually got worse, the more MP3 i played!

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Is that actually measured by the pointer, I thought an accelerometer was responsible for this.


Yea...stuff like the doors in MP3 are done with the accelerometers. If you hold the remote flat it should work with no problems.

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Its kind of a problem, but maybe its as much the developers getting used to how to get the Wii to fully understand what you're doing as much as anything. I can't remember any cases of this kind of action in RedSteel but I know exactly what you are talking about in Prime 3. Its a motion that somehow both immerses you more into the game, but yet brings you back out of it because its not 100% reliable. I found its just something where you have to work with the Wii a bit, and you can activate those locks ok.

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Well its because it isn't 'like a glove' freedom. If it doesn't flow naturally don't put in in.

If those moments in MP3 moved freely it would be fine, but you have to be measures and forceful instead of using one quick motion.


Doesn't usually detract from games that much.

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I think that the whole set up with your tv and the way you sit dramatically changes how this control system handles. It would explain the mixed response here.


Oh and in Red Steel, it was aiming your weapons. My Wii didnt seem to think that I was pushing quite close enough to the screen all the time even when I was at arms length and practically falling out of my chair. :/

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i had this problem, but resolved it by letting the sensor bar overhang the tv a fraction. I think, for some odd reason, the top of our tv blocked the wii remote's view of the IR in the sensor bar. Try it, anyway.


Same here. Moving the Wiimote too close to the TV caused the sensor bar (on top of the TV) to lose where it was. Works fine now though.

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I think my wii-mote is on the brink of death.. It often loses contact with the Wii and yesterday it went berserk while i was in the menu on Mario Kart (with the GC controller) suddently menus startet appering without me pressing anything.. I looked at the wii mote an all the lights were flashing.. hmmmm

Only way to "kill" it was to take out the batteries..

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I think my wii-mote is on the brink of death.. It often loses contact with the Wii and yesterday it went berserk while i was in the menu on Mario Kart (with the GC controller) suddently menus startet appering without me pressing anything.. I looked at the wii mote an all the lights were flashing.. hmmmm

Only way to "kill" it was to take out the batteries..


That kinda seems like the the batteries are dead :P

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The fact that Hellfire and I never had these problems just shows that this is a person problem, not a wiimote problem.


Surely if the experience varies person to person then it is a Wiimote problem? I do the action that they show me on the screen and it doesn't work as well as someone else... surely that's a design floor to some extent?

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