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How do you feel about fox hunting? Do you think the law should be harsher, or do you think the government have been inconsiderate?


Personally, I think fox hunting is a terrible 'sport' (if you can call it that), that murders countless foxes every year for little to no reason. Discuss.


Can't you see the fun in slaughtering harmless, defenceless, crimeless, small mammals for no reason other than "enjoyment". :wtf:


Oh, wait, did I say "fun"? I meant "pointless cruelty..."


I think the people who do it should be shot...not really because of the fox hunting but because most the people who go fox hunting are a bunch of country bumpkin rah rah tossers.


I am aware that is a ludicrous SWEEPING generalisation.

Got no problem with it myself. Not really my thing but if other people want to do it then they should be allowed to.


Why? Why should it be treated any different to to the deliberate murder of a human?


Not even going to comment. I'm obstaining from this thread as I doubt anyone will want to hear anyone else's view.



I'd love to hear evryone's view, being the sole purpose of this thread's creation.

Why? Why should it be treated any different to to the deliberate murder of a human?


To be fair, no one stopped the foxes from organizing "human hunting".


I quite like foxes, however i'm not really too bothered about fox hunting. Shoot me if you will for having this opinion, but i'm not that arsed about it.


It's only pest control made fun.


Awaits hate

Why? Why should it be treated any different to to the deliberate murder of a human?

Because it's, er, nothing like the deliberate murder of a human, is it?


It's only pest control made fun.

Is the right answer. End of thread.

Because it's, er, nothing like the deliberate murder of a human, is it?



Is the right answer. End of thread.



In terms of law, no. But who are we to judge which lives should be ended, regardless of creature? If I killed a fox, I'd feel just as bad as if I'd killed a human.


I quite like foxes, however i'm not really too bothered about fox hunting. Shoot me if you will for having this opinion, but i'm not that arsed about it.


It's only pest control made fun.


Awaits hate


How anyone could be entertained by hunting innocent creatures like foxes is totally beyond by understanding.


I saw a news report about some anti-fox hunting people, who witnessed a fox get killed by some hunters whilst driving, and were seen in the news report sobbing their eyes out over the dead fox.


It made me laugh. :laughing:

In terms of law, no. But who are we to judge which lives should be ended, regardless of creature? If I killed a fox, I'd feel just as bad as if I'd killed a human.


Have you never killed a bug?


How anyone could be entertained by hunting innocent creatures like foxes is totally beyond by understanding.


I'd guess it's more about the social side. A big meet up of the posh land owners riding around the countryside on horseback, in they're posh red suits. Hunting the foxes would be just abit of entertainment.



I'd love to hear evryone's view, being the sole purpose of this thread's creation.


It's not u, it's everyone else. Most people come into these threads to state their opinion not have a discussion. Short answer:



Good: Creates employment for people, bridges the class gap, keeps English heirtage alive, keeps national heritage sites funded, is actually sport (like exercise and team work kind of thing).


Bad: Most hunts are just blood trailes now. Hardly ever a fox involved so the arguement for animal rights i kind of invalid (it was a huge debateably grey area to start with!) Dangerous sport (my only genuine concern) and encourages the breeding and upbringing of more ferral dogs.


How anyone could be entertained by hunting innocent creatures like foxes is totally beyond by understanding.

Exactly. You don't understand it, so you shouldn't comment on it. I don't understand it either, so I just leave them alone and let them get on with it. You should do the same, they're not doing you any harm.

Exactly. You don't understand it, so you shouldn't comment on it. I don't understand it either, so I just leave them alone and let them get on with it.


I said I didn't understand how people could do it, not why. Please, if you canot contribute to the thread in an appropriate manner, then leave.


Have you never killed a bug?


Obviously. Not of my own accord, mind.

I'd guess it's more about the social side. A big meet up of the posh land owners riding around the countryside on horseback, in they're posh red suits. Hunting the foxes would be just abit of entertainment.


I liked your opinion before. Now I just think that you're a narrow minded bigotted tit. Have u been on a hunt? Do you know people who do hunt? Do you have anything near vaguely first hand experience of the sport?


People who have a go at people for being "posh" are just self-pitying wankers. It's a knee-flinch response which is totally uncalled for. I REALLY hate people who actually discriminate against others for having any money at all. A lot of the people who go on the hunts aren't that well off.

No, ironically.


What exactly do you have a problem with? Its a form of pest control.


If you are arguing about animal cruelty I'd argue battery chicken farming is incredibly more inhumane than fox hunting.

What exactly do you have a problem with? Its a form of pest control.


If you are arguing about animal cruelty I'd argue battery chicken farming is incredibly more inhumane than fox hunting.


I only ever get free-range meat and dairy products, as I agree battery farming is just wrong.


Foxes may be pests, but they can be dealt with in more efficient ways than fox hunting. They don't need to be hurt at all.


Jamba wins this thread, I agree with everything he says. The people who just say they do it because they like killing animals really need to do some research about it before saying anything.




What would these more effective ways be navarre?

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