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Sonic Unleashed


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If that's true then i'm happy. Not getting hopes up for it, but if it was true then it's a good chance it would be a on par or better then Secret Rings which would be fantastic. The style looks great and all and as said gives me hope but still.


Ah well gotta wait and see.

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Holy Shit! Sonic in Africa!!? That building behind him is none other than the ancient Mali mosque aka the biggest sand castle ever built. So this game might be set in actual real worlds.




What if the tide comes in faster than expected, it will be washed away :shakehead:indeed:

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Infomation: These are screenshots leaked from an official SEGA FTP-serve. The resolution of the pictures indicates that those are actually screenshots of an Xbox 360 or PS3 version, while the filename of one of the artworks (ONM_CoverArt) could refer to the Official Nintendo Magazine. Another clue is the filename of another artwork, probably for the PLAY magazine. Maybe we are dealing with a multiplatform title here, which is going to be released for PS3/360 as well as for the Wii.

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Woah for a second I thought this was a neogaf thread. I wonder where I got that idea?

Anyway here's a stolen theory from the gaf thread:


Levels could have multiple routes or could be expansive open worlds.


Take a look for yourselves:





Innovation. In a Sonic game? Perish the thought.

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