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Rare talks on THE Revolution controller


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I was wondering when Rare were going to comment on the Revolution Controller although their is a tone of pessimism about the controller it is hushed by respect for the once GREAT partnership with Nintendo.


"We could make [Perfect Dark Zero] work [on the Revolution], but there'd be some changes to the gameplay, I expect; the controller looks like it might lend itself towards a light gun style of shooting, which would be a fresh approach. Personally, I'd like to try using the controller for an hour or more, the length of play session I had when I played Wind Waker, for example...it doesn't look that comfortable to me at first glance. Most people don't use TV remote controls constantly for a whole hour, let alone wave them in the air all that time. I'm skeptical, but that's tempered by my respect for Nintendo and my past experience of working with their controllers."


I really do hate the light gun comparison though some penis at my school was rambling on about how he laughed at it and it is a gimick. *Man I really wanted to beat the SHIT out of him* and my school being a very Nintendo hate environment they bought his propaganda


*in his beagle voice*



i really hate that kid.

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I think every school is anti-'tendo!! People are SO stupid & warped; it's INSANE!!


Some people that own PS2s think the Cube has crap graphics for fuck's sake!!...What the HELL!?!

Yeah I've given up ever trying to have a conversation with people from school about gaming again.

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A fair comment I think, especially for a MS 2nd party, better than Mark Rein's anyways.


In our school it's tradition to publish a mag in the last year with funny essays about teachers, the class and other stuff. We had a quiz in it too (A mate and I were responsible for that) and one of the questions was:


Which of these outdated console systems is the best?

a) Nintendo Entertainment System aka NES

b) Sega MegaDrive

c) Commodore C64

d) Sony PlayStation 2


Answer: Everything except d) is right, NES gives 30 points more than the other answers.



Fanboys at work, and 300 pupils read this :D:D:D

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I really do hate the light gun comparison though some penis at my school was rambling on about how he laughed at it and it is a gimick. *Man I really wanted to beat the SHIT out of him* and my school being a very Nintendo hate environment they bought his propaganda


Dont worry man as soon as nintendo is wearing the crown again (which im sure shall be soon) just ask him if it sucks not to be on the winning team as im sure rare wished they was on the winning team and if you cant guess yet NINTENDO is the winning team.

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Its the same with my school I used to have friends that loves nintendo but now there saying " Im selling my ds for a psp" and " im getting a xbox 360 its WAY better than revolution" and im like omg they havent even played on the damn consoles!!! I HATE MY SCHOOL!!! lol


No-one really even knows much about the Revo for one thing!!

And haven't they heard of owning more thn 1 console?!?

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Probably Chavs. So they probably can't afford it.


They dont buy anything anyway, it "falls off the back of trucks". Ie. Smash, grab, run, drink cheap cider, play the same fifa game they did 4 years ago but with "2006" on the cover. And something to do with burberry and slags covered in makeup.

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Actually ironically enough it has been the CHAVS that have been the most supportive of Ninty in my school. Not that their pro Nintendo or anything because they definitely aren't and they are SONY fans *for some reason* but to be honest I think that days are changing. Nintendo is changing and popularity is increasingly rising.


I also try to sell Ninty products to my peers (not literaly sell them obviously) but I do my bit. I really hate it when people talk shit of them for no GOOD reason no-one seems to appreaciate what they have done for gaming.


But as I was saying I know as DS momentum accumulates and with the advent of such beauts as Mario kart Ninty will pick themselves up. I mean look at who won publisher of the year at the Golden joystick and with KILLER 3rd party support they will really exceed.


As revolution comes I hope we will see a change in the way people see Nintendo.



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