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Sky Crawler (New game from the Ace Combat Team)


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mario must be due a plane game this generation


I'd much rather see Pilotwings.

Plus, we're both currently off topic ATM.



Those aircraft are clearly not meant to even remotelly look like real ones, making me think it's another one of those alternate history games, like Crimson Skies...

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Just remember one thing: Rogue Squadron never simulated flying very well. You never ever had any sense of altitude, something that seems to be completely different in SC. SC has a larger drawing distance, and the difference between the ground and maximum altitude of action and enemies is much greater.


I just hope that the name of the game has nothing to do with its pace!

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Just remember one thing: Rogue Squadron never simulated flying very well. You never ever had any sense of altitude, something that seems to be completely different in SC. SC has a larger drawing distance, and the difference between the ground and maximum altitude of action and enemies is much greater.


I just hope that the name of the game has nothing to do with its pace!


Rigue Squadron was an arcade game not a flying sim. LArger Drawing distance? Don't think so. Sense of altitude? Well there were missions in space, in orbit, in land, yadda yadda, so that point is moot :P

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Rigue Squadron was an arcade game not a flying sim. LArger Drawing distance? Don't think so. Sense of altitude? Well there were missions in space, in orbit, in land, yadda yadda, so that point is moot :P


I didn't mean simulate in that sence. When you were at the maximum altitude, it didn't feel particularly high up. The missions in space actually did have a fair difference between minimum and maximum altitude, but on the ground? It felt like the highest alt the X-wings could do was like 100 metres. And yes, the draw distance wasn't that great. Sure, there was no fog, but that's because you were so low and the surroundings were very small considering the genre.


This game seems to be completely different with flight sim-ish scope and altitudes. And that pardons that some objects are less detailed, and that there's fog. I mean, look at the screens, the area that you can see is larger than the entire levels in RS.

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