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Reggie Teases, "Big Holiday Game to Be Revealed At E3"


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It'll be around for a while, the average joe ain't gonna want to replace the thing for the foreseeable future. At the same time though i doubt Nintendo will wait longer than Microsoft or Sony to release a new generation, the Wii already looks underpowered without lagging 2 generations behind

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Tough call about Wii shelf life. With DL content and the VC we could see it having a long life. It could be the true alternative to going HYPER NEXT-GEN!


I always say it but a console tends to get it's defining games when on its last legs and with a console like Wii being ultra friendly to develop for, we could see the "greatest game machine ever" in regards to titles available. That will mean people (traditional gamers?) buying a console for the next gen possibilities and others (that larger audience) buying a Nintendo product for the "different" games and key Nintendo franchises. (Now isn't that what we've been doing for the last year now?). Time will tell, but I think it's looking rather good for Wii. I can't help but think the wii balance board will invite thousands more gamers (and thus developers) to the console.

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Ipods are updated quite a lot, i don't think Wii will be updated anywhere near as often but i really don't see it as it is for too long. It is an updated GC after all. Don't get me wrong, i think the big N made the right choice with Wii (including the name). Storage media is more clearer now thanks to the end of the HD format war and manufacturing costs of the horsepower to do HD gfx, physics etc will be much cheaper.

I would greet a Wii2 with open arms even if it means my wallet is lighter. Mario,zelda and metroid in glorious HD... yummy :heart:

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Well its got to be a game thats gonna beat banjo kazooie 3 for the 360, which has been hinted, and proberly will come out over christmas


Im thinking the games COULD be

. Animal crossing

. F-zero

. New zelda shown ( BUT NOT RELEASED UNTIL 2010) Twilight princess was shown 3 years b4 release

.Luigis mansion wii!!!

. Another game for new gamers- Wii singing/kareoke?

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TP was actually 4 years.


I think Nintendo should release two consoles, they could both be pretty much the same except one would have a Hard drive and would be more powerful it would be able to play all the games on the weaker system. The weaker system would have flash memory and could only play games specifically for it. Nintendo could refuse to license mini game collections and casual games on the more powerful console so it would just be the hardcore games on that and the weaker console would have casual games plus some of the major titles like Mario on it.

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I'm saying no for Zelda. Just seems far to soon. Perhaps yea their working on it but not shown till next year imo. As for the big game, it pretty much seems it's AC. Nothing else really fits into the 'casual' and 'hardcore' side as much as AC can.

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Curent Wii? seven years?? :confused:
Stop thinking in old terms of technological achievement, the Wii was outdated before it even reached the market. Unless the Xbox 720 and PS4 will have Wiimotes and be priced at $100, the Wii will be innovative and competitively priced enough (Nintendo has an unbelievable margin) to last that long. A Wii2 will probably come out earlier though.


Really, everybody's past caring about HD and the graphics by now, and especially the mainstream is happy enough with playing Wii Tennis and Mario & Sonic.

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I'm saying no for Zelda. Just seems far to soon. Perhaps yea their working on it but not shown till next year imo. As for the big game, it pretty much seems it's AC. Nothing else really fits into the 'casual' and 'hardcore' side as much as AC can.

Far too soon? What on earth are you talking about? This is NINTENDO we're talking about. Now'd be about the right time to announce Zelda, judging from how things went with the last one, don't you think?

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Stop thinking in old terms of technological achievement, the Wii was outdated before it even reached the market. Unless the Xbox 720 and PS4 will have Wiimotes and be priced at $100, the Wii will be innovative and competitively priced enough (Nintendo has an unbelievable margin) to last that long. A Wii2 will probably come out earlier though.


Really, everybody's past caring about HD and the graphics by now, and especially the mainstream is happy enough with playing Wii Tennis and Mario & Sonic.


Soon enough Wii's 'innovative' advantage will be near non existant. I'm sure either the next xbox or sony (with an accessory) wil bring something out that duplicates and maybe even improves on Wii's motion control, if it's sony then ps3 will be a lot cheaper in say a year or 2 so then it will be: why get a Wii when you can do the same on ps3 for example and in HD, plus watch blu ray movies.


I really don't think Wii will last 7 years fella.


*btw i don't have a ps3, i'm not a fan of it either*


Back on topic, i don't think the game Reggie mentioned will be zelda. I have doubts we will even see a Zelda specifically made for Wii. Nintendo may try and fob us off making out that TP was Wii's Zelda. (i'd love to be proved wrong, nintendo)

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Zelda will be revealed next year if its being made and will be released 1-2 years latter. If it is animal crossing it better have more stuff to do to keep the cores happy, otherwise Nintendo better have another big title planned for this year. If they could get 2 or 3 of their smaller franchises released in the 3rd and 4th quarter they should do fine.


I think a new handheld will be revealed next year and released that fall.


the new console will be revealed the year after that and be released a year latter.

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Zelda is just a big fat no. You've got some key franchises which we KNOW nintendo are working on, and any showing of Zelda would undermine the other games.

I'd rather see Nintendo take 7 year break with Zelda and create something as revolutionary as Ocarina.

AC is an absolute must. It's one of Reggies Bridge Titles. Starfox perhaps. Pikmin 3 without a doubt.

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Guest Jordan



Wario Land?


Wave Race?


There are alot of franchises that haven't even been mentioned so far... Be interesting to see which it is.

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Soon enough Wii's 'innovative' advantage will be near non existant. I'm sure either the next xbox or sony (with an accessory) wil bring something out that duplicates and maybe even improves on Wii's motion control, if it's sony then ps3 will be a lot cheaper in say a year or 2 so then it will be: why get a Wii when you can do the same on ps3 for example and in HD, plus watch blu ray movies.
Simply because in seven years' time the Wii will still be a family friendly marketed console, but now at a price of $100 or even less. Even if MS and Sony will clone it or even go beyond that, it'll still be attractive as the others will continue to market themselves to serious gamers and HD enthusiasts, with a fitting price point. By then Nintendo should have something else up its sleeve though, but the Wii will definitely last that long. Like the PS2 is lasting now.
Back on topic, i don't think the game Reggie mentioned will be zelda. I have doubts we will even see a Zelda specifically made for Wii. Nintendo may try and fob us off making out that TP was Wii's Zelda. (i'd love to be proved wrong, nintendo)
Meh, that's a bit too overpessimistic. I think we'll see a Wii Zelda next year.
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Would love to see something like a Golden Sun for the Wii, spin-off from the Handheld games maybe, and some new Day of Disaster information would be pretty cool, haven't seen anything about that game for ages!


Not going to hype myself up though, every time I do I usually end up disappointed.

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i think it will be


a proper donkey kong game, or a proper pokemon game for wii,

also pikmin wii or ds and smash ds , who knows


it will be animal crossing i can think of nothing else other than a new zelda but it's far too soon.


..i actually hope it wont be animal crossing i can't stand it.




Wario Land?


Wave Race?


There are alot of franchises that haven't even been mentioned so far... Be interesting to see which it is.


he said huge though none of those games you mentioned are huge.. animal crossing sold extremely well on ds..


I believe pikmin will come to wii but it's the BIG GAME he's talking about.

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Zelda is just a big fat no. You've got some key franchises which we KNOW nintendo are working on, and any showing of Zelda would undermine the other games.

I'd rather see Nintendo take 7 year break with Zelda and create something as revolutionary as Ocarina.

AC is an absolute must. It's one of Reggies Bridge Titles. Starfox perhaps. Pikmin 3 without a doubt.


It definitelly won't be Zelda that he's talling about. Zelda could be shown, but it would be several years to release. Reggie specifically said it would be out for christmas.


But Zelda would kick ass.

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The gamer is gonna be excited and the expanded audience is gonna be excited.

That doesn't sound good.


Anyway, if there's some hope in the world I want Animal Crossing or F-Zero with online play. Couldn't play online with the DS version. Even better, F-Zero with online play and 30 human players!

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