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Vote: Esequiel


Plenty of reasons:


Meh may aswell do. I am Horatio Cane CSI extrodanaire. Im neutral, i can check up on the days events by examianing crime scenes. I know that on that paticular day i targetted the crime scene. I found 2 empty casings from a Walther PPK. I found a notebook that had previously been stolen and 3 sets of footprints running in the same direction.


My liniency is being allowed to name 1 person who i believe was involved. I thought you were the killer, but it came back that the notebook was yours.


As i know the book had been stolen i knew you were the thief. I didnt want to mention it but you did ask.


You didn't answer my first question. Why did you lie about not knowing who I was and then completely change your story?

And why did you withhold this information for so long? And what I find odd most of all - why did you take so very very long to post a reply? I asked the same question twice, and you took ages to answer. Plenty of time to come up with a nice back story.


Before you ask how i know that Vicar was there -


I investigated the scene and found blood belonging to Vicar. Add this to:


And that makes Vicar either the Psychiatrist or the killer.


Ah fuck it:


Vote Vicar


I dont want to be eaten or shot while i sleep. Sorry.


There is no blood in a fire. There is burning but there is not blood. I think you are lying. Again.


Im neutral like you. My win condition is to succsefully link the mafia don to a crime scene and have it lynched. Your a neutral robot Mundi, whats your win?


How would this even work? The original Don...was Wally from where's Wally. How in God's name do you expect him to be at a crime scene. His only part of the game was to stay hidden! He didn't have any killing powers.


And as for why there would be blood... Who knows? There was an explosion i guess?




Just googled the name.... Dont watch CSI miami only Vegas so i wouldnt know. This whole good is bad, bad is good thing is giving me a headache. Of course you would say that Vicar, if your hannibal you eat people. If your the killer youv killed people.


Either way its not good for you is it?


Face it, you're just trying to distract us all. This is all pointing towards Darksnowman/Dom being your team mates as far as I am concerned. And of course the fact you backed them up quickly yesterday just when they needed it.


Just to make sure it's not missed:


Vote: Esequiel

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Im yet to hear from Nintendohnut. If you can confirm that you are the thief at least we know for sure that vicar is lying.


Well I'm not a thief or a or the guy who fires two bullets at everything or a psychiatrist or a killer or the guy from Moskva (I thought he where dead) or a spy or a investigator or a police or the good mafia don.


And that is all I have to go to sleep I would ague with you until Ragnarök but I´m out of time.


until tomorrow Good night

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First of all, i took along time because i was removing C.Panda eggs from an aquarium which is a delecate jobe, im cooper2085 on a forum, heres timestamped proof:




Second of all, i dont make the rules. When Tellyn tells me there was blood, then there was blood. Simple.


Third of all, i ont buy all this good is bad, bad is good crap. Look at the names of the good people who died, and the names of the bad people.


Fourth and final you didnt anwser my question. Its dead easy. Your the thief. Admit it, then tell us who Hannibal is seen as you have his notebook. If Hannibal isnt Vicar then Vicar is the guy who has been killing all the evils.


Its really really simple.

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First of all, i took along time because i was removing C.Panda eggs from an aquarium which is a delecate jobe, im cooper2085 on a forum, heres timestamped proof:




Second of all, i dont make the rules. When Tellyn tells me there was blood, then there was blood. Simple.


Third of all, i ont buy all this good is bad, bad is good crap. Look at the names of the good people who died, and the names of the bad people.


Fourth and final you didnt anwser my question. Its dead easy. Your the thief. Admit it, then tell us who Hannibal is seen as you have his notebook. If Hannibal isnt Vicar then Vicar is the guy who has been killing all the evils.


Its really really simple.


Apparently you don't know what is going on. It's clearly not as simple as you think it is.


However, you seem to be missing the point. I believe your story is ALL MADE UP. This means that you made up the bit about blood, not that Tellyn told you it. So that point isn't really the best one ever. But then you go on to say Vicar is the one who has been killingall the evils...if you don't believe the 'crap' about good is bad etc, why do you suddenly want to lynch someone who is killing all the bad people?


And finally, you wouldn't exactly be the first to admit there could be a 'good' mafia...seeing as you are in it.


The point here is this: you just told everyone you know something for sure, and now you need me to confirm it? Your story just doesn't add up. And you still didn't tell me why you lied in the first place!

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The point here is this: you just told everyone you know something for sure, and now you need me to confirm it? Your story just doesn't add up. And you still didn't tell me why you lied in the first place!




"Oh hi guys, Nintynut is a thief who hangs with the hannibal and shit"


"Oh fuck lynch him"


I only said it was you because you asked. Your still avoiding the question here, tell everyone who you are and that will clear my name... but you wont will you...


You vicar and mundi seem to have a gang going on here.... Coverup?

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"Oh hi guys, Nintynut is a thief who hangs with the hannibal and shit"


"Oh fuck lynch him"


I only said it was you because you asked. Your still avoiding the question here, tell everyone who you are and that will clear my name... but you wont will you...


You vicar and mundi seem to have a gang going on here.... Coverup?


A few things: First of all, you have already said this - the thief was stealing from Hannibal, not 'hanging around' with him. How does this make the thief bad in the first place? If anything it mean's he isn't bad as he's stealing from Hannibal.


Secondly how would me admitting anything clear your name? Even if I was the thief that doesn't mean you aren't lying! You have just come up with a story that makes you sound innocent. You could be anyone, in fact you could be the shooter who fires two shots for all we know and you are attempting to place Vicar in that position to cover your own tracks.


One other thing - a gang? That really is a very weak attempt to turn this whole thing around and get the spotlight off you.


Well if it gets to 1 before majority on me, il give everyone all my information. That includes who the clown is, who indiana jones is, who la cheffe is. No point in being quiet if im going to die.


And one final thing. You know that identity of both the clown and Le Chiffre and yet you have not told anyone? Both of those character's are 'evil' (although we don't know what that means any more) but still...you have withheld information on several people for no apparent reason.

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I have witheld information until such time as it suits me.


Im neutral, il be honest, i dont care if the mafia or the town win. I want to find the don that all. I want to win, i want a nice shiny 1 next to my name for this game. I can see its not going to happen now, thats fair enough. Im not letting out all my info just on the offchance i survive the day.


The reason i wanted you to admit to everyone you are the thief is so that they can see im right about Vicar. If Vicar isnt Hannibal you would know, you have targetted Hannibal twice. If vicar isnt Hannibal he is 2 shot.


Yes maybe it was a weak attempt saying you Mundi and Vicar are in a group, but EMPs dont last forever. As far as im concerned you could all be mafia and since the day started could be allowed to talk to each other.


I accept chances are im going to be lynched, i will admit im gutted.


All i ask is that you give me time before the majority is reached to tell everything i know.


The only way you can be sure about yourself ninty is if you think you know who Vicar is, and you think my info is wrong. I hope everyone can see that there is some sort of protection going on there. Nintendohnut is the thief, he knows who hannibal is. If its not Vicar then Vicar is 2 shot.

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This reasoning seems pretty shoddy, so you're all implying that there are good bad guys and that someone who has info and doesn't want to reveal them, so they dont turn into a target is doing something weird?

I don't buy it, either you are right or you are the bad guys and are just blowing smoke. Not voting yet.

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I'm sorry, but this all sounds like complete bollocks to me.


People are saying that the mafia are marked as good, they're not. As you can all see, the mafia don was killed last night and marked as evil! We know there is a good killer on the loose, that doesn't mean there is this so called good mafia all the real mafia members are going on about.


This just sounds like the mafia trying to get good guys lynched through some twisted logic. I'm definately looking at Vicar being in the mafia, but I have no proof.


What I do have proof of is that Nintendohnut is the thief so...


Vote: Nintendohnut

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I'm sorry, but this all sounds like complete bollocks to me.


People are saying that the mafia are marked as good, they're not. As you can all see, the mafia don was killed last night and marked as evil! We know there is a good killer on the loose, that doesn't mean there is this so called good mafia all the real mafia members are going on about.


This just sounds like the mafia trying to get good guys lynched through some twisted logic. I'm definately looking at Vicar being in the mafia, but I have no proof.


What I do have proof of is that Nintendohnut is the thief so...


Vote: Nintendohnut


Whoa what? Seriously what the hell? First of all, what is this proof and where did you get it...and secondly why are you then voting for me? Is your 'proof' so extensively wrong that it tells you I'm evil for some reason?


The point is this: Esequiel has lied several times, withheld plenty of information that could have helped us kill two more mafia members, and his story doesn't add up (blood in a fire?)


And I personally am also totally confused about whether or not the mafia is made of good or bad people. It just seemed a little too lucky (good, but still too lucky) to have 11 bad guys dead and only 1 good guy. By the sounds of it the evils don't even have a killer...but the goodies do.

But hey, I'm leaning towards that idea at the moment, if you can convince me that the good really are good and the bad are mafia we can start working on offing them. At the moment though I am totally unsure about who is who.

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This reasoning seems pretty shoddy, so you're all implying that there are good bad guys and that someone who has info and doesn't want to reveal them, so they dont turn into a target is doing something weird?

I don't buy it, either you are right or you are the bad guys and are just blowing smoke. Not voting yet.


Well if Esequiel gets lynched then that´s the proof you need, he has said he´s neutral and he´s said that a player is good but that player conflicted that when the whole "the mafia are marked as good" thing came up



I'm sorry, but this all sounds like complete bollocks to me.


People are saying that the mafia are marked as good, they're not. As you can all see, the mafia don was killed last night and marked as evil! We know there is a good killer on the loose, that doesn't mean there is this so called good mafia all the real mafia members are going on about.


This just sounds like the mafia trying to get good guys lynched through some twisted logic. I'm definately looking at Vicar being in the mafia, but I have no proof.


What I do have proof of is that Nintendohnut is the thief so...


Vote: Nintendohnut


Buuuuuuuuuut! the mafia can´t communicate with each other which has been stated twice in the write-up which makes it a bit redundant for the mafia player.


And there is the whole lashing out at one player to use as a scapegoat thing you guys are doing your just revealing yourselfs...

When Esequiel get´s lynched and it´s revealed that he´s really marked as "good" after he said he´s neutral then that´s all the proof we need and we can pretty much say we snagged a couple more of the mafia members in the process to lynch


That being: Darksnowman, Domjcq, Zell and possibly Hellfire

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What is going on here, I thought it was getting thick last night... but whoa.


I know that Esequiel is saying weird stuff, but I'm sure he's not the only one thats holding been holding back information. Sure he might know about this explosion of the other day and whatever else, but its not like we've had bother lynching evil people, so maybe he was saving his info for a quiet bit... or until other people posted with other snippets to confirm his hunches.


Despite all that, it still looks like he's answered the questions as best (and fricking cryptically) as he could. Now I don't know about anyone else, but the people he has accused have not came up with any evidence otherwise. All that is happening is "wtf, me thief? er no, u good mafia. good mafia bad. me no thief." Other people need to talk too. Its all Esequiel so far.


If we lynch him and find out that he is not neutral but in the good/ evil mafia, then we know for tomorrow that Domjcq, Zell, possibly Hellfire and Mundi the useful robot are also in it.

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