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The next one will be portable, probably on the DS


Didn't the maker of Smash Bros say it was shown to him but he thought it wouldn't work as well on the DS so it was kinda put on hold?


It will probably come soon enough....He was probably getting us of the scent and it will be announced at E3 or something! :D

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I don't think so. In fact in a recent interview Sakurai said that there are no real button limitations on the game, as was proven by the fact it works with a wiimote, so it is possible to put it on DS, but he said that there were no plans at the moment...


Can't remember where I saw that.


Smash is too big a franchise to ignore. I do feel with extra downloadable content, for example, new characters and the like Brawl could last well into next gen, giving a good breathing space between this and Smash 4.


^Hearkens back to my original post^


not DS but Gameboy 2. I disagree that DS has made it redundant, i think 1 screen is better than concentrating on less powerful useless 2nd screen.

I want my money going into something that uses all functions well.


Smash Bros could easily work on the DS, hell, no-one heard of Jump Superstars?


Though I admit I haven't played it, from what I've heard its a game ala Smash Bros in that loads of popular characters from Animes like Dragonball and One piece come together and have a massive Brawl! (pun intended :P)


Suppose to be loads of fun, only downside is it wasn't localized for America or Europe.

Smash Bros could easily work on the DS, hell, no-one heard of Jump Superstars?


Though I admit I haven't played it, from what I've heard its a game ala Smash Bros in that loads of popular characters from Animes like Dragonball and One piece come together and have a massive Brawl! (pun intended :P)


Suppose to be loads of fun, only downside is it wasn't localized for America or Europe.


I wish it had been localised. It's the only fighting game out there with Samurai X characters. (Also, Oliver Tsubasa, Yugi and Kochi Kame)

DS is region free so Jump ahead.


I like to understand stuff. Plus, the fact that there are other games, and that I don't know many other guys in JUS, prevent me from making the leap.


The next game will probably have:


A longer adventure mode (I just finished it last night).

A better stage builder (the current one is OK but its not perfect).

A character builder (Similar to to the mii builder only more options and less cartoony looks. You would also be able to set attacks and weapons.)

More smaller modes (like break the targets, multi-man melee.)

More characters and Stages.

A better online mode with no friend codes and voice chat. (The game's rated "T" (in north america) kids aren't supposed to be playing it really so why can't Nintendo put voice chat in as a option for both friend and random matches).


This is NOT the last game in the series.

Sakurai thought that Melee would be the last too. He only claimed that he made it AS IF it were to be the last. In other words, he didn't do like the Need For Speed team, which three months before one games release comes up with new gameplay elements and content for the NEXT game.

Sakurai implemented everything he could think of that there was time for, and he at times made delays to fit the stuff he wanted.


I believe the next game will contain even more characters, and more levels. A better adventuremode, and perhaps completely revamped controlls.


Thing is there is a limit to how much more can be improved:

The brawl disk is double sided and has just about the maximum memory possible on a dvd/cd.


in the next smashbros i dont want them to change much ,i only want them to add new features like adding more characters stages more things in the stage builder 2 more third party characters in it a longer adventure mode with lil bit voice acting in it not to much but just a bit

This is NOT the last game in the series.

Sakurai thought that Melee would be the last too. He only claimed that he made it AS IF it were to be the last. In other words, he didn't do like the Need For Speed team, which three months before one games release comes up with new gameplay elements and content for the NEXT game.

Sakurai implemented everything he could think of that there was time for, and he at times made delays to fit the stuff he wanted.


I believe the next game will contain even more characters, and more levels. A better adventuremode, and perhaps completely revamped controlls.


They will not change the controls. Sakurai will probably be murdered in his sleep if he did that.

They will not change the controls. Sakurai will probably be murdered in his sleep if he did that.


Just like I killed Shigeru for coming up with the idea of a cell shaded Zelda. Or like when I killed him a second time for changing the controlls in Metroid Prime from real FPS controlls to a Zelda-ish lockon. Oh, but before I did that, of course I killed the entire Metroid Prime team for making Metroid an FPS.


It's in Nintendos nature to make unexpected changes in winning concepts. The controlls and gameplay have gone as far as the can go in Brawl, the only thing left to do, so the series won't become a new Mario Party, is to toss nearly everything we know about Smash Bros out the window and do something mindblowingly new.


For example imagine Smash Bros leaving the whole 2d gameplay fighting behind, and making it a fully fledged 3D battle game. Imagine controlling Link just the way you do in the Zelda games, and then throwing in Samus the way she plays in Metroid, and so on. Then perhaps you throw in vehicles so that Link rides Epona and Fox flies the Arwing.




I dont really want them to , this one looks to be so inclusive of everything it would be very hard , well possibly 1 more but not for a long time i think /


I disagree in all ways possible with the Character Builder idea. Smash Bros. is about famous and unique characters coming to together, playing in their own special way with their trademark abilities. Making a Character Builder will completely rip away the essence of Smash Bros. and make it a generic fighter game.

I disagree in all ways possible with the Character Builder idea. Smash Bros. is about famous and unique characters coming to together, playing in their own special way with their trademark abilities. Making a Character Builder will completely rip away the essence of Smash Bros. and make it a generic fighter game.



me too i also dont want anything like that in it character builder ( and if they do then i only and then only want it if its a Mii character of your own )

Guest Maase

I don't think that, i think its exactly what i need...


Its like playing with you against Nintendo Characters :D


If it's a Mii, I don't mind. The only customizable aspect of it would be the appearance, but the moves would be the same for every Mii.


Of course, a Mii would be a "Mr. Wii"-like character, and we still need to get "Mr. SNES", "Mr. N64", "Mr. Gameboy", "Mr. GameCube" and "Mr. DS" out of the way...

^ You're complimenting those games right? For a moment i thought you were slating Metroid. Tsk.


Exactly. At first I hated ALL those ideas. I still disslike the Celshaded graphics of WW, but MP turned out to be great.

Exactly. At first I hated ALL those ideas. I still disslike the Celshaded graphics of WW, but MP turned out to be great.


Every great game has an original concept within it, and almost all the best series expand with a freshness overhaul. Yeah its make and break, but its worth the gamble.

I guess Smash hasnt gambled thus far but theres only 3 games in the series. MK could have had a few added elements (i dont think mk wii really adds much difference.

Smash Bros could easily work on the DS, hell, no-one heard of Jump Superstars?

Yeah....I owned the first one.

Brawl fits on a Duel Layered Disc

You can't fit anything epic like Brawl on a DS cart appart from an RPG.

Putting effort into a downgraded Smash Bros. seems pretty pointless to me, especially since it'd also need Multi-carts etc...


Exactly. At first I hated ALL those ideas. I still disslike the Celshaded graphics of WW, but MP turned out to be great.

Well it's especially ashame for you that WW's better than TP then ey.;)

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