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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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Well I needed Rock Band to be processed on a different card. In hindsight I didnt need to do anything about it as its not out for 3 weeks. I can only hope for one on ebay if they dont give me an order.


On a lighter note, I cant get to London on 2nd June due to C2 Maths Exam. Someone might go for me though.:)


Yeah. It would be nice if limited edition actually meant limited edition for once. Anyone know how many were made available or if there is a print/serial number?


If play don't deliver on launch day I'm going to buy a copy from the shops and eBay the LE. I need this game on launch day.


Bear in mind that Ive been raving on about how none will be playing rock band from play.com till tommorow. Ill be sitting on the stairs waiting for the postie.

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Well if I have to go to the shops to pick up another copy I will. If I do that then hopefully I'll just sell it to my brother.


Fingers crossed that Play do their job (maybe even a bit too well, I wouldn't mind it a day earlier! :p ).

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As a means to get a leg up on their busy, busy Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots launch duties, series creator Hideo Kojima and lead artist Yoji Shinkawa will be appearing at the HMV on Oxford Street in London, England next Monday, June 2nd, 19 days before the game releases. Rather than signing copies of the game itself, Kojima and Shinkawa will be signing exclusive HMV sleeves that will slide over your copy of MGS 4, available with your £5 deposit on the full game. Autographs will begin promptly at noon, with sleeves available from 9:00am.


While I suppose it would be much more appealing to have them signing copies of the game on launch day, it is nice to see Kojima and Shinkawa taking the time out of what is sure to be an extremely busy early June schedule to show the UK some MGS lovin'.





Ahhh! That's the day before my first exam. Shitniggles.


I'd pay the £5 for the preorder then not actually buy it when it gets released and put it somewhere on my LE.


Buggerfuck. I want to give Hideo Kojima a hug.


Edit: I could revise on the train to London. May not be such a bad idea...


Second edit: Ah Daft already posted this. Sorry.


Third edit... :


Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima and lead artist for the series, Yoji Shinkawa will be singing pre-release HMV exclusive sleeves of 'Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots'


hmv 150 oxford street on Monday 2nd June at 12pm*


* Please note that due to time constraints access to meet Mr. Kojima and Mr. Shinkawa will be strictly limited. 300 sleeves will be available from the store on the day of the event from 9.00am.


Access to the queue will be limited to customers with the exclusive sleeve only. Sleeves will be issued upon a five pound deposit being made to pre-order Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots at HMV. One sleeve per customer only, on a first-come-first-served basis, subject to availability.


-HMV site


I think I'll skip it then. If there are only £300 sleeves I want to, but can't spend my entire day queing before my first exam. :(

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I saw those ads on youtube and people in the comments section were saying they were fictional propaganda adverts for PMCs. Apparently there's two American, one British, Russian and French PMC.


Raven Sword = American

Piuvre Armement = French

Werewolf = American

Otselotovaya Khvatka = Russian

Praying Mantis = British


The only explicitly propaganday one is the Werewolf one - 'Can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror? Do you like what you see in your window? Will your children thank you for the sacrifices you're about to make?' - Chillingly similar to, 'Your country needs you' and the like.


This game is going to be incredible. Perhaps Snake will be able to watch TV a la GTA4 and see these adverts? :heh:

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This game is going to be incredible. Perhaps Snake will be able to watch TV a la GTA4 and see these adverts? :heh:


Otacon: Snake, what are you doing? Liquid is activating the launch sequence on Metal Gear Raymond.....


Snake: Hey pee pants will you shut the f**k up, i'm trying to watch my stories


Otacon: But Snake...


Snake: Ah go and watch some of your hentai f*g


(cue 90 minute cut scene about hentai)

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Otacon: Snake, what are you doing? Liquid is activating the launch sequence on Metal Gear Raymond.....


Snake: Hey pee pants will you shut the f**k up, i'm trying to watch my stories


Otacon: But Snake...


Snake: Ah go and watch some of your hentai f*g


(cue 90 minute cut scene about hentai)



Haha, if only!


I'm 95% going to go to the signing. I'm paying £20 (which I don't really have because I'm a poor student) for the train ticket. I'm going to revise in the que because my first exam is the next day. And I'm not actually going to buy the game from HMV, though I'm giving them the fiver for the sleeve/preorder.


I called HMV and the guy on the phone was a bit of a knob. He said he has no idea what time I should arrive and no idea how many people are likely to turn up. I'm going to get there as early as possible. If the sleves start getting handed out at 9, what time do you guys reckon I should aim to get there for? I reckon 6am is a safe bet.


This is such a horrifically bad idea, but it has to happen. This means MGS is costing me £105 in total too (LE, signing + train ticket).

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Well, I'm not sure it's necessary, it's just that as I'm paying 20£ to get to London (from Brighton) I want to be 100% sure I don't return empty handed. You only have to catch a bus I assume?


I'll get the tube (I don't trust the bus to get me anywhere on time, especially in rush hour! :indeed: ). Ok, I think I'm going to get there for 8. If you get there earlier at least I definitely won't be the only one there if it turns out I'm over reacting. :heh:

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Haha, if only!


I'm 95% going to go to the signing. I'm paying £20 (which I don't really have because I'm a poor student) for the train ticket. I'm going to revise in the que because my first exam is the next day. And I'm not actually going to buy the game from HMV, though I'm giving them the fiver for the sleeve/preorder.


This is such a horrifically bad idea, but it has to happen. This means MGS is costing me £105 in total too (LE, signing + train ticket).


You're right, its a bad idea.

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Gonna try get there for 7am, leaving Brighton at 5:45. This actually comes with benefits. Waking up early will mean I'll sleep well the next night before my exam, and it means I'll spend the whole time whilst in the que revising.

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