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LittleBigPlanet Thread


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They really need to change the name to LittleBigContinent. :laughing:


Guessing other people may have read that news that came out yesterday.


I did..i don't know what to think of it..it's kinda ashame..but not a massive deal..i think every country has someone in it whos massively creative and will make good levels etc..but i can see why people wouldn't want it region-locked to specific countries.

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I did..i don't know what to think of it..it's kinda ashame..but not a massive deal..i think every country has someone in it whos massively creative and will make good levels etc..but i can see why people wouldn't want it region-locked to specific countries.

Don't get me wrong..........I totally agree with what you said, and I don't think it's a massive deal either.


I just find it a bit silly going with the whole premise of the name and also from the beginning the way the game has been marketed as users all over the world sharing content youtube style, and that has been seriously where it's got the majority of its hype. It sucks really that they've decided to region lock it, but I'm sure people will work out some sort of loophole and be able to share across continents.

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Content sharing is region free but there may be exceptions depending on laws of a country/region. But in essence its region free. So we wont be restricted over 99% of the time i imagine.


Who is getting the Kratos pre order?

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Content sharing is region free but there may be exceptions depending on laws of a country/region. But in essence its region free. So we wont be restricted over 99% of the time i imagine.

Just seen the update just now. They really need to have their people communicating better with the press.

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Just seen the update just now. They really need to have their people communicating better with the press.


Well not everyone can know everything sadly. So these things happen too often. But imo you cant put a gun to everyone's head to not speak and have everything always vetted.

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How do you make specific objects, like that metal gear? That must take some time to make a 3D model, then colour it and add detail.


Does anyone know what the story is about in one player? Is there one?

Can you make as detailed levels as the designers and add your own backgrounds. It all seems a bit advanced. Where would you begin?

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I want more info before release, atm it just sounds like a custom 2d level creator with simple platforming and interaction, yet it must be much more than that. I don't know what the game is trying to achieve specifically, yet it looks very cool.

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Sony: LittleBigPlanet not Region-Locked. This is what the Sony dude said:


Hi all, as many of you may have heard already in an interview at Leipzig the senior producer for LittleBigPlanet announced that the game is region locked. This is in fact not the case, and all shared levels in the game will be available worldwide. The confusion arose out of regional differences in how moderation will work as there are different legal rules each region have to play by, and at one point this looked like it may require the game to be independent in each region - however this has been worked around and there will only be one region for the game.... a LittleBigRegion.


Apologies for any confusion over this issue, however I'm pretty sure you're happy with the result.




As far as i am aware there is no story and creation is part of the game so you will be required to create things as part of the learning process. As well as game types etc.


Its really ambitious.


And there is a story, albeit a very light hearted one.

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Can someone please explain to me why everyone is so excited about this game? I know it's a sidescrolling platformer with a big creation aspect. But is that really all there is to it? I don't get it. Don't get me wrong though, I'd LOVE to join in on the pants-creaming this game seems to cause.

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Basically, it's a 2D platformer editor. The hype comes from the sheer level of detail you can ediot down to. It's not just a set piece of items and shapes you can stuff into a level.


I think I read somewhere that if you really took your time with it you could create a motor engine or one of those very early computers with it.

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I think to create 3D objects you get a basic shape and then cut pieces out of it. For example to create a cog you'd take a circle and cut pieces out round the edge.


Backgrounds I'm not sure, though I know you can import textures and such.


Motion you can very much have in.


Watch some video's on GameTrailers to get a better idea.

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Content sharing is region free but there may be exceptions depending on laws of a country/region. But in essence its region free. So we wont be restricted over 99% of the time i imagine.


Who is getting the Kratos pre order?


Where do you get the Kratos preorder from, I've been away for a few days and missed stuff...


Sony: LittleBigPlanet not Region-Locked. This is what the Sony dude said:








And there is a story, albeit a very light hearted one.


Phew good to hear...like I said was away and was worried I may have missed something major.

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