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Wii Freeloader Thread - FAQ & Info in First Post


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Not to sure, but I know he has it anyway.




Now boy! You'll pick it up during our 30 odd matches :heh: I learned most of the stuff when I played against my first matches against Owen, you'll be fine!


I've been posting in that board but no one replies -.-


Owen, i'll make sure I beat you without Smash Balls now >.<


Yeah i've started to post there now! Come on ssj we'll play a 3 player match now!

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From looking at the first page, it should be the opposite. The alternative does updates and the normal not.


And what I am interested about is the last sentence there:



This more or less seems to say that f I upgrade using the FreeLoader that the FreeLoader will still work afterwards?


I see your point, unfortunately me quoting you kills your quote, but the second quote in that post looks to be totally wrong. It isn't wrong, I see you got it off the official instructions. I think in that case, it is referring in context to the second method, and by 'alternative selective upgrade method' actually means the first, main, method.


I've just ordered my stuff from 365games, £40 and hopefully will get here wednesday or thursday(no post on friday, right?). I am so excited, I feel a bit like a kid, and it's some good motivation to get my work done off the pumpeduppedness!

Viper, that sounds strange, have you tried it on a different TV or a different SCART socket on the same TV, if it has one? I have no idea why it won't work, but it worries me. :wtf:

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Well I ordered my loader on wednesday and it arrived friday from Gameseek 11quid(they have loads of good deals btw)


Play-asia brawl is 31 quid


So thats what I did.


Hope that helped. With play asia as well you can pay extra for quick postage.

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Once i get my Brawl copy, what should I do first?

Enter freeloader twice?


Put Brawl in straight after?


I think the first thing I'll do when I get the game is just do a standard brawl with a different character.

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First thing you need to do is put freeloader in twice then insert smash it will say it requires an update do that then your wii will restart. You then need to insert the freeloader again as the wii has just restarted then insert smash and you are good to go. From then on whenever you want to play smash you only have to insert the freeloader the once.

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Once i get my Brawl copy, what should I do first?

Enter freeloader twice?


Put Brawl in straight after?


I think the first thing I'll do when I get the game is just do a standard brawl with a different character.


freeloader twice




do the little update


turn off console


turn on console







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And of course I still haven't got my Freeloader. I'm pretty pissed off right now. Why the hell has this got to take so long to get here from England every single time I order something from there. :mad: Now it's going to be Wednesday at the earliest before I get to play Brawl.

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Ittt's fuccckiinng heeeere!


And it works and everything is awesome and yaaaay!


I'm thinking we Brawl it up on WFC later. :P I'll get my FC in a bit! Not on it right now because parents are using telly for footy and F1 :(

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Hang on, what ghis inserting freeloader twice business? Whats that about?


Also, whats with the update thingymabob? There's no way of fucking this up is there?


The update is harmless, dunno what the fuss was about really. Yea, gotta put it in twice first time so you can get the update.

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Dazzy, by putting it in twice it puts the Freeloader into a different mode - it allows the Wii to update, but selects what things to update so that it only does the thnigs essential to running the game. For Brawl, thats letting the Wii read a 2 layer disc, but not installing other things like the channel duplicates or anything that may brick the Wii. This way it gets the game running without problems, even if the update on it is necessary.

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