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Could you kill someone?


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I could never kill anyone. Ever.


I cannot understand how someone can physically do this to another human being... What the fuck have you done to yourself if you have the incentive/need to batter someone to death..


Seeing a dead body makes me sick to the point of almost passing out... I dread to think how I'd feel if I had caused it =(

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Could I? Mentally, I think everyone has their breaking point, a situation in which they'd kill to preserve something. Physically? I'm a geek, so I doubt it.


I try to avoid treading on ants if I see them, so I certainly don't want to kill a person. Even if threatened/pushed I'd try to wound, not kill. Death is the last resort.

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I could never kill anyone. Ever.


I cannot understand how someone can physically do this to another human being... What the fuck have you done to yourself if you have the incentive/need to batter someone to death..


Seeing a dead body makes me sick to the point of almost passing out... I dread to think how I'd feel if I had caused it =(


Picture a man going in his pocket to pull out a gun and he was gonna shoot your mum/dad. Could you not shoot him first?

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Picture a man going in his pocket to pull out a gun and he was gonna shoot your mum/dad. Could you not shoot him first?

i'd have to ask him which one he was intending to fire at first before i stopped him... :smile: if someone shot my father FOR me i'd have to send them a fruit basket out of gratitude.

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I don't think i could kill someone tbh, not with intent any way. Hurt them yes. Badly.


There you go, we think alike. But blowing brains is gay, I'm a chainsaw guy! :D Or a sledgehammer. :D


Taking a scalpel to someones kneecap would be more effective. Then again, thats torture, not killing...


I have more of a motivation to hurt someone than kill them. I can't think of anyone that I would want to snuff out as it were. If they die then they can't remember how much you want to hurt them and change their ways neh?


True. So true.


I'd rather keep someone alive with a constant reminder of what they did than have them dead. Killing them would set them free, leaving them unable to wipe they're own arse is true punishment!

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I don't think i could kill someone tbh, not with intent any way. Hurt them yes. Badly.




Taking a scalpel to someones kneecap would be more effective. Then again, thats torture, not killing...


Ahh... but Torture's an art... :heh: Killing is random violence. The art of torture... I won't even go into that.

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Violence for violence's sake is the mark of a true psycho, it's sickening. I can't think of anyone that deserves to die


everyone deserves to die...that's why we...die? Are you immortal? Please don't tell me you're one of those!!! Some deserve it more than others, some don't deserve it...

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Would it be too much if I were to ask why mate?


He ruined my life, that's all you need to know.


i'd have to ask him which one he was intending to fire at first before i stopped him... :smile: if someone shot my father FOR me i'd have to send them a fruit basket out of gratitude.


A girl after my own heart.


I'd rather keep someone alive with a constant reminder of what they did than have them dead. Killing them would set them free, leaving them unable to wipe they're own arse is true punishment!


It's tempting, but I think a long drawn out death would suffice.

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everyone deserves to die...that's why we...die? Are you immortal? Please don't tell me you're one of those!!! Some deserve it more than others, some don't deserve it...


I'll rephrase. Nobody deserves to be killed.


But as OW said, what were you on about?

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The thread title sort of says it all. Obviously I'm not encouraging murder or anything, but im just curious to know what would push you to murder and your opinions on people who do it in certain circumstances.


Me personally, the only 2 ways I could do it would be if somebody harmed my child or If I was in a war situation.


Just sort of got me thinking as I was watching a documentary examining the section of the brain which pushes people over the edge and it would seem alot of fairly normal people have been pushed, have killed and are condemned as scum. Maybe we all have it in us? Im not sure.


Opinions and views?


Sounds pretty interesting! What was it on, and do you know what part of the brain it was?

As for myself, it's actually a question I've often wondered to myself, and sometimes I wonder if it's bad that I am even havin gto contemplate the question. I once heard that only 2.5% of people or something similar are actually capable of killing another person, or something similar. I'd like to think I couldn't, or wouldn't, but I've considered if someone was to seriously hurt my family or so, how I would react. I've had a few violent outbursts in the past when people have, in my eyes, taken things too far or properly taken the piss, and I always regret them after, once the red mist comes down you can just end up acting on instinct without thinking at all, and so that's where I've considered if I could actually end up killing someone in a fit of rage. Sometimes, I think of death being an easy way out, which makes me feel even worse.

Does it make me weird?

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