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Guest Stefkov

Awesome, so he's got a sort of grapple hook. The picture near the middle where he's upside down and the things are flailing around looks cool.

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He looks like a proper ninja in the art! Some cool looking things there that will hopefully be put to use in later episodes- like grapple, wall climbing, swimming, etc.


I went back to it there and followed the link to Frontiers website and had a look through some of the other art there. I found this snowy looking one which looks good to me. It would be cool if they add in some other weather effects like snow and rain for the next games.




(couldn't figure out how to copy the image from Frontier's site, so after some Google, I nabbed this from NeoGaf.)

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Happened to me too! I had to restart.


Anyway, i found the last chest (obviously!) but that really annoyed me. I don't even remember how i got there, or how i missed it all the time i was searching. It's bizarre, and it just fortifies my opinion that they need to adress the navigation next time around.


Then i got to the boss dude.


Is it me or was i the only one who didn't know what to do on this guy? I'd never pulled up one of those glorb pods before, and i'm pretty sure the game never told me it was possible to do so.




It's a great game dont get me wrong, but it ignores an important aspect of game design that is communicating with the player. They seriously need to address it next time because punnishing the gamer for no reason and having them feel hard done by is the worst game flaw you can have in a game (according to game design principles i studied at uni). I'm sure there will be those out there who give up and never play it again because of this, which would be a damn shame.

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I too had never defeated that particular enemy form before and had to check a guide to complete it! Crazy for such a short and otherwise enjoyable game. Bring on the sequels though, hoping they listen to all criticism, bearing in mind the limitations.

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Yeah I had no idea what to do with Magmok. I thought it was likely just me being thick, lol. I eventually figured it out, but it was just by luck- at one point I was near to the glorb patches on the back of his hand and I noticed something come up in the corner of the screen. Press Z to PULL or whatever. So the next time he slammed his hand down I got on his hand to see what could be done.



I think a map would have worked out really well. But at the same time, I think the game was small enough and short enough that you didn't really get lost, so they were able to get away with not having a map. Future games and episodes would really benefit from some kind of map- even with just the bare essentials on it.

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Yeah, maybe a map isn't entirely necessary but as i said before, an on-screen indication of where you are as you enter a new area would have been nice. Or even signposts that you can read like in Zelda just to tell you where you are.

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For me personally it wasn't a problem.. If you're like me, you like to kill everything that should be killed :D. So yeah, to me it was obvious what had to be done. Some lovely animation by the way in this game, just adds to the artstyle, but this boss for example, it was very cool to watch him emerge. And so sweet when you've ehh "purified" him, he picks up Deo.


About glitches: I've never been pushed throught the ground myself, but I had a rock disappear, which I needed for a switch (the switch was actually what made it disappear.. D'oh.). And there's the occasional framerate issue..

And not a glitch, but an oversight in my opinion, especially since the rest of the animation is great.. Toku can't simply push a rock or seed.. He just bumps into it. Actually, it's the same if you walk into a wall.


Oh well, just as VC games, it's always possible to update Wiiware games.


Anyway, do you get anything special for collecting every statue? Or is that spoiler material? I'm missing one. I'll come back for it later, but I'm currecntly playing Final Fantasy.

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Yeah, maybe a map isn't entirely necessary but as i said before, an on-screen indication of where you are as you enter a new area would have been nice. Or even signposts that you can read like in Zelda just to tell you where you are.

Yeah, signs that you could read would have been cool. There are one or two throughout the game already, and I remember the first time I seen one I tried pressing Z at it in an attempt to read it.


Anyway, do you get anything special for collecting every statue? Or is that spoiler material? I'm missing one. I'll come back for it later, but I'm currecntly playing Final Fantasy.

I'd like to know as well. I have two left but I dunno if they are worth searching for...? ::shrug:

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Not 100% sure but there are 2 doorways on the left of where you land; one slightly higher than the other. This is the door which leads to the vortex ability which may be what you need for the other door and the one on the right which leads to the chest. I'll check now.

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Not 100% sure but there are 2 doorways on the left of where you land; one slightly higher than the other. This is the door which leads to the vortex ability which may be what you need for the other door and the one on the right which leads to the chest. I'll check now.


Got the vortex power already...hmm...gonna go back to it later see where I can instead from my last save

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Got the vortex power already...hmm...gonna go back to it later see where I can instead from my last save


Couldn't see where you were going wrong but leaving an area usually resets all the essential pieces, so, yeah, check back again from another way and see if anything appears that you can use to access the doorway. Normally the vine doors can be burned, the solid wood doors need a projectile with vortex ( including crab enemies! ), and the crystal doors need the special wind stone and vortex to open. The last ones don't need to be slung at the door, just let it rotate and the sound will break the crystal. If there's a pressure switch, there must be something in the same room to use to weigh it down and any ring switches need to be pulled upwards. I take it you know how to re-light any smoldering torches?


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Couldn't see where you were going wrong but leaving an area usually resets all the essential pieces, so, yeah, check back again from another way and see if anything appears that you can use to access the doorway. Normally the vine doors can be burned, the solid wood doors need a projectile with vortex ( including crab enemies! ), and the crystal doors need the special wind stone and vortex to open. The last ones don't need to be slung at the door, just let it rotate and the sound will break the crystal. If there's a pressure switch, there must be something in the same room to use to weigh it down and any ring switches need to be pulled upwards. I take it you know how to re-light any smoldering torches?


yeah I knew everything you told me...there was a crab enemy in the room when I got there but I killed him and he never regenerated...

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My game rather annoyingly crashed 2 hours in having almost reached the 3rd chest. Having reset my Wii I then went back to reload my game and my save file had vanished! So I started again..now managed to get all 4 chests 19/24 statues and going back to Deo in just 1 hour 20 mins.

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My game rather annoyingly crashed 2 hours in having almost reached the 3rd chest. Having reset my Wii I then went back to reload my game and my save file had vanished! So I started again..now managed to get all 4 chests 19/24 statues and going back to Deo in just 1 hour 20 mins.


Well, at least you sorted it one way or another lol! I still need just one statue but there's very little incentive to look for it.

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