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The GDC Thread


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With GDC just a few days away I thought a thread was in order. What would you like to see from the conference? What do you think will be shown? Will we finally get a release day for Brawl? Will nothing new be shown or announced at all?


Personally I would like to see some form of release list for us Euro peeps as its getting pretty annoying not knowing when we are getting the big hitter titles such as Smash Bros. I would also like to see an annoucement regarding our "fridge" space issues. Surely with Wiiware titles coming soon a hard drive is in order.


Your turn forumites! :)

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I agree, we NEED a hard drive to be announced before next month. Considering the first WiiWare games are now in pretty much complete and playable forms (I should be getting some beta versions soon) the launch can't be far away, and if they want people to be able to play more than one game at a time, a HDD is the only solution...

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Release dates, release dates and more release dates! Seriously NoE... Release dates!! :mad:


Other than that I'd really like to see some more of Wii Music and Mariokart. Not to mention the E3 airplane demo (in other words Pilotwings) and Animal Crossing, like to find out what's going on with those two. Not that bothered about the fridge thing personally, but I guess it would be a good move with Wii Ware around the corner.

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I think we'll here them announce their next gen console along with confirmation that graphics care to them. I guess Iwata was slightly right when he said Wii games will make you say 'wow' but in the context, 'wow thats a can of shite'. almost all wii games are stuck last gen, although a lot of the time i dont notice because they are so fun.

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WiiWare and a Hard-Drive info would be nice!


erm...oh and details on some other games like Disaster (Is that still alive?) etc..


It's true Nintendo really do have to show us some details on 'new' games, i mean...what in gods name have we 'officially' got to look forward too after Mario Kart,Brawl, Wii Fit?! I mean Autumn, Winter and Xmas 08 is looking sparse for Nintendo games....


Of course it'll be crap, so i'm not looking forward to GDC because of Nintendo this year, all my eyes are on Microsofts conferences first!

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Release dates for us, because it's getting very annoying to be kept in the dark for this long. And a HDD announcement would be nice as well, because with Wiiware coming up, we need one. Would also be good to hear something about the Wii Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, not the Wiiware one.

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Is Iwata going to be doing another keynote at this? If so, I predict:


10 minutes on WiiFit sales in Japan

5 or so minutes on Brain Training.

A few minutes on Wii sales in comparison to GameCube sales at this stage in their life.


i'd replace brainf training with bragging about ds sales... why would he talk about brain training?

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