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Forum Awards/Medals?


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To drum up forum fun/community spirit/just a bit of fun?


The idea


So you give an award to someone (which anyone can do) if you feel they strongly deserve it, by posting in bold one statement, e.g. "Thread title of the day award" then post here to say you awarded x to x.


Then when one person has x amount of awards, they receive a small medal picture to put in their sig.


Good idea? Lol worthy idea? Lame idea? Sucks?


I think it could be a bit of fun.

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To drum up forum fun/community spirit/just a bit of lolz?


The idea


So you give an award to someone (which anyone can do) if you feel they strongly deserve it, by posting in bold one statement, e.g. "Thread title of the day award" then post here to say you awarded x to x.


Then when one person has x amount of awards, they receive a small medal picture to put in their sig.


Good idea? Lulz idea? Lame idea? Sucksz?


I think it could be a bit of fun.




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Would have been a good idea if you didn't add the the shitty pointless 'z's after some of the words.


Editted out.


You irritate me more than I thought anyone could.


Aye, I annoy a lot of people. Sorry I guess.


In the right context it can be good Rez, but you take it too far and it stops being funny.


Fair comment. Ill cut it out all together if so many people dont like it. :)


But back on topic (Feel free to discuss my hax in its own thread, I dont mind etc) but for this Yay or Nay?

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Forum awards are always cool, but to be honest we'd all think a different thread was "thread of teh day" or a different quote was "quote of the day", and thus any such awards would end up having less worth :/


Im inclined to agree with this. Any ideas on a better system? Or if its even worth thinking about to alter? Lol.

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Aye, I annoy a lot of people. Sorry I guess.



For the record, you make me chuckle, if that counts for anything.


AshMat what's your problem? So he sticks a few Z's in places, so what? It's hardly a big deal. And nobody's forcing you to read his posts.


Careful Moogle! your messing with the cool kids.

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