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it's pretty disgusting for you to make any association between homosexuality and paedophilia. the acceptance of gay people has nothing to do with the moral degradation of modern society, and i'm angry that you'd make such an ignorant comment.


Think about both points n their basics:


Homeosexuality is an attraction to the same sex.

Paedophillia is an attraction to younger people.


Really, nothing sperates them in the fact that were are both feelings and preferences. Really, if a person is born with an inclination to younger people then surely that is not their fault - as is if a person is born with homosexual feelings. Paedophillia is a perseption created by modern society as wrong. Is an animal in the wild wrong for mating under the age of 5? Is it peadophillia if its a 60 year old man and a 16 year old girl (or vice versa)?


What im trying to get across is that it is perception in this modern age. Afterall, why can girls become fertile at the age of 12?


Incidently, i think that it is very very wrong, Although there are some points open to discussion which ive just made.

Think about both points n their basics:


Homeosexuality is an attraction to the same sex.

Paedophillia is an attraction to younger people.



Paedophilia - Exploitation of the uneducated and unwise.

Beastiality - Exploitation of the unaware and unable.


Lovers of the same sex, with all anomalies aside, can consent. They know how they roll.

Paedophilia - Exploitation of the uneducated and unwise.

Beastiality - Exploitation of the unaware and unable.


Lovers of the same sex, with all anomalies aside, can consent. They know how they roll.


And at that point all debate ends.


Athriller wins, everyone else shut up.


Even though I was hoping to hear from CVD on the subject.

Think about both points n their basics:


Homeosexuality is an attraction to the same sex.

Paedophillia is an attraction to younger people.


Really, nothing sperates them in the fact that were are both feelings and preferences. Really, if a person is born with an inclination to younger people then surely that is not their fault - as is if a person is born with homosexual feelings. Paedophillia is a perseption created by modern society as wrong. Is an animal in the wild wrong for mating under the age of 5? Is it peadophillia if its a 60 year old man and a 16 year old girl (or vice versa)?


What im trying to get across is that it is perception in this modern age. Afterall, why can girls become fertile at the age of 12?


Incidently, i think that it is very very wrong, Although there are some points open to discussion which ive just made.


Well homosexuality though is fine with both parties consenting. but a man or women at the age of say 35, fulfilling their sexaul desires with a child of 5 or six is wrong whether homosexual or "straight". that is the difference the ability to make informed & cohierent decisions. it the same way a 35 year old with an incohierent 75 year old is the same crime in my eyes.


you raise some interesting points blackfox, but i still think the differences between heterosexuality and homosexuality are far smaller than the differences between heterosexuality and paedophilia. perhaps not in the basic mating instinct, or in thought, but when paedophillic urges are acted upon there's the factor of exploitation. gay people and straight people are the same in that there's consent between both partners, when you mix an adult and a child that balance no longer exists.


edit - just realised that in the time it took me to write my post three people have already made my point for me :hehe:


Basically; at what age do people think paedophilia ends.


*hypothetically asking*


If i was an 18 year old(an adult) and i saw a 13/14 yo I liked; would that be Paedophilia.


How about the same situation, but say I was a 40 year old. Is it the age of the adult that makes the difference here?


*end hypothetical crap*


I myself am 19, and I regularly find girls around 15/16 attractive; is that wrong?

Think about both points n their basics:


Homeosexuality is an attraction to the same sex.

Paedophillia is an attraction to younger people.


Really, nothing sperates them in the fact that were are both feelings and preferences. Really, if a person is born with an inclination to younger people then surely that is not their fault - as is if a person is born with homosexual feelings. Paedophillia is a perseption created by modern society as wrong. Is an animal in the wild wrong for mating under the age of 5? Is it peadophillia if its a 60 year old man and a 16 year old girl (or vice versa)?


What im trying to get across is that it is perception in this modern age. Afterall, why can girls become fertile at the age of 12?


Incidently, i think that it is very very wrong, Although there are some points open to discussion which ive just made.



Do you know that the human mind develops while you grow up? That is why the government has laws. A 5 year old girl is not mature enough to know IF she wants to have sex that is why her parents and the government have to protect her until she is able to do it by herself.

Obviously you lack some fundamental basics about the process of "growing up". Someone at the age of 16 can have sex with whoever he or she wants because they normally KNOW what they do!

But I doubt that a 11 year old girl who is forced to have sex with someone for a bottle of coke knows what is happening to her.

There are definitly no points open for discussion and your argumentation is very one-sided. Just because you find some points for a certain problem doesn't make it any better.


In my opinion there is no excuse, no "disease", nothing which justifies ruining the live of little boys and girls. Once convicted you should only be able to have one last smoke while someone opens the trap door to break your neck.

Paedophilia - Exploitation of the uneducated and unwise.

Beastiality - Exploitation of the unaware and unable.


Lovers of the same sex, with all anomalies aside, can consent. They know how they roll.


The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children.


Dictionary says its not exploitation,s orry to be a smart ass :P


I'd just like to point out im not a kiddy loving gay-basher, i was just opening up this question a little, but yeah - it is a rather sensitive situation.


Here the law says that the legal age for having sex is 14 years but your partner must be under 18. If he is older a court will decide wether the girl was fully aware of what she did or if she has been exploited.

it's his implication that the acceptance of homosexuality is a negative thing that i have a problem with. i understand that as a mormon you will have different views to me on this, but i found his post pretty offensive. that is all.


where did I imply that? I was actually being neutral, I was implying it as negative as strongly as I was implying paedophilia is positive.


This doesn't deserve disscussion.

It's very wrong, simple as. Any more of these kind of sick threads. And you'll be a goner. Forum rules! :p


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