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New Nintendo ON video


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Pretty funny but I was expecting another revo mock up like the original ON video.

Same here, but that video was hillarious.

But I swear i mentioned the idea were the guy is playing nintendogs on his revolution and throws his controller to throw the frisbee. I mentioned it some were on this board i think it was in the topic revolution advertising?

Ah well nevermind, at least we got some comedy, even if its made by fanboys of Nintendo's or another companies kind.

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Ahh this clears a few things up for me, i had no idea what ON was and was getting very confused because i am yet to see the revolutions E3 video, my mates letting me borrow his dvd so i can see it.


i thought the fisrt ON video was good and this one is hilarious, i like the one where they're skipping and she trips, the one where he's brushing his teeth and where the controller starts jumping on that woman

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