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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!


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Ah, true point -- but I can understand if they don't reveal themselves. After all, that would be two names for the mafia to pick off.


So on the one hand, if he is innocent and the Paj is innocent too, that's two targets for the mafia. On the other hand, if O_W is in the mafia, wouldn't it just be another mafia member coming forward? It doesn't seem that either way is hugely helpful or guarenteed...

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No, reveal him now. If you say that, you're allowing anyone to come in, claim you're innocent, then you claiming that person is your friend. If you reveal the person, only they can make the claim that you're innocent.



Yes, I'm assuming that's who the character is, but I have no idea who the member who plays him is.


Well, I can't just reveal him like that. If he's fine with it, great... if not, I'm doomed.

Anywho, if I was mafia member, someone would already be online claiming to be my friend... the fact we have to wait for this specific someone only increases the chances that I'm not in the mafia.


Anyway... it won't much matter, you can check on him to see if it's the truth during the night...


Wasn't it Waste who stalled like this last time until McMad arrived and just killed a bunch of people?


Oh... so now I get your hate towards me. I got you killed... yay. And what I did the other time was keep you talking until both you and whoever else it was posted following each other... then all McMad had to do was talk and we all know what happened.

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As for the whole Eenuh thing, I don't think she's evil at all... I mean, coming forward like that, so sure, if she's evil, she's just dumb as fuck for doing what she did (unless she has some kind of special role or whatever). What I do believe is that she's mistaken, maybe someone took my place, maybe she's the incompetent cop, I don't really know, that's why I wanna hear from her... As soon as possible. Wich, unfortunately... is tomorrow.

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Guilty of what?


I was thinking that by associating with him you would either be a mafia member or good guy depending on the outcome of today, but you're right, we can't prove either with just this, I remember the game with the Sims where they were brothers, one good and the other bad.

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I was thinking that by associating with him you would either be a mafia member or good guy depending on the outcome of today, but you're right, we can't prove either with just this, I remember the game with the Sims where they were brothers, one good and the other bad.


I just hope I don't get lynched. : peace:

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maybe she's the incompetent cop, I don't really know, that's why I wanna hear from her... As soon as possible. Wich, unfortunately... is tomorrow.


Last time there was a hint that her abilities could be wrong she openly spoke out about them so we could agree on it. This time she sounds confident...


I'm not sure what to do. I'll decide later.

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A member with a red name had been sent to ban Ant-Shimmin, who had somehow come back onto the forum.


However, he received a PM from another banned member, and reading it he decided to give Ant-Shimmin another chance.


Rereading the write-up, and assuming the Admins are the Mafiosos, someone protected Ant-Shimmin from the Mafiosos. If it was O_W, it's better to forgive him.


Vote: Nobody


An admin decided to take a snoop around in people's PMs, to try to get more info. He came across one member who he had forgotten existed because he barely ever posts, and sent him a PM.


Litte did the admin know, a silent member was watching who he was PMing.



Who is this silent member? Speak if you saw an Admin send a PM.

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