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Mafia Game #5 - N-Europe Forum War!

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Um there's more evidence to Shorty, but if we do go for Shorty today, go for moogle tomorrow! Your story still doesn't explain my keyword moogle, and with Jonnas's evidence you are the time banner/bomber


so thusly:



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I say we go for Shorty.

Coolness Bears may/may not be mafia, depending on if we believe his story. And if we remember what happened before, he ended the day just before he was going to be lynched.

If moogle is the timebomber, I think he has already used his power and wont be able to use it again.

Jonnas' info says Shorty is the mafia leader, so I think that is an important lead to follow.


VOTE: Shorty

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Well normally the head of the mafia has the power to kill at will every night (I was the almighty Fuhrer remember so I've had experience in the mafia) so if we lynch Coolness Bears the rest of the mafia will be severely weakened with his demise.

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Um there's more evidence to Shorty, but if we do go for Shorty today, go for moogle tomorrow! Your story still doesn't explain my keyword moogle, and with Jonnas's evidence you are the time banner/bomber


so thusly:




Moogle thinks that he may know what the keyword means. You say the keyword is time banner and moogle's character must target a certain person before the game is over. This may mean that he must target said person before time runs out, and he will ban them. Moogle's character is not a staff member but he is a friend of some staff members. And moogle thinks he used to be a mod on C-E.

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Moogle thinks that he may know what the keyword means. You say the keyword is time banner and moogle's character must target a certain person before the game is over. This may mean that he must target said person before time runs out, and he will ban them. Moogle's character is not a staff member but he is a friend of some staff members. And moogle thinks he used to be a mod on C-E.


And Jonnas's info? care to explain his findings? that you killed tellyn?

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-First, I investigated CB a while ago and found out he was Tphi. I assumed he was the godfather;


-Moogleviper seemed to trust CB very easily, so I decided to investigate him. I got that he killed Tellyn, thus proving Domjcg right. I was silenced, so I could say nothing;


-Last night, I investigated Shorty and what I got was that he is the leader of the mafia.


*Coughs LOUDLY at McMad*

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And Jonnas's info? care to explain his findings? that you killed tellyn?


Moogle does not know what that means. Moogle has targeted Tellyn before but he wasn't the person who moogle is looking for so nothing happened to him.

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It seems it is the right thing to do at the moment with the evidence provided.


Vote: Shorty


Jonnas is left pretty open though now because of this, so he probably knows that if Shorty isn't the leader everybody will be turning on him.

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*Coughs LOUDLY at McMad*

Someone may or may not have targeted Jonnas last night over concern as to who they might be.... *ahem*

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wtf, leader of the mafia o_O Shorty doesn't know what to say to that. Shorty thinks there is some pretty damning evidence stacked against him and that it is a shame because he is not on the bad side. Shorty wonders if he can convince people to investigate him one more night, before lynching him? Although Shorty imagines that it is doubtful now. Shorty wonders if perhaps someone has had their information 'misdirected' by another player.


Shorty wishes to vote: Coolness Bears for the reasons he said yesterday, because he knows that CB is tphi, the leader of the forums and wonders why Coolness didn't get lynched earlier in the game when Coolness nearly had the majority vote -- and used a power to end the day early. Although Shorty thinks it will do no good because he worries that the forum members cannot be swayed at this point.

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So it appears that the evidence against Shorty is not actually about Shorty. In that case...


Moogle Vote: Coolness Bears

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Someone may or may not have targeted Jonnas last night over concern as to who they might be.... *ahem*


That couldn't have come at a worse time, I was certain shorty was platty! But..Shorty, why can you control minds?

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That couldn't have come at a worse time, I was certain shorty was platty! But..Shorty, why can you control minds?


moogle did not know Shorty could control minds. Moogle asks DomJcg where this info has come from.

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Eenuh has no idea what is going on right now. Eenuh wonders if maybe someone could explain? D:


Eenuh will also change her vote to CB for now, to get more time for explanations.


Change vote: Coolness Bears

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jayseven is uncertain of many things, and will stick with his vote for now. jayseven is not certain of Shorty's defence; if shorty is in the mafia then coolness is going to be telling the truth that he stepped down, and does not change any perceptions of shorty or moogle. jayseven ultimately does not mind which of the three he should vote for, but jayseven will be patient for the moment.


jayseven is also increasingly wary of the growing number of people talking in the third person and does not like it very much.

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Votes (9 is a majority)


MoogleViper (2) DomJcg, jayseven

Shorty (4) Jonnas, DomJcg, mr-paul, Calza

Coolness Bears (4) McMad, Shorty, MoogleViper, Eenuh

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moogle did not know Shorty could control minds. Moogle asks DomJcg where this info has come from.


Myself! it came from the same place that i got the info that your a time banner/bomber too! I can learn peoples keywords, therefore that is where i got my info from.

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Votes (9 is a majority)


MoogleViper (1) DomJcg


Shorty (5) Jonnas, DomJcg, mr-paul, Calza, jayseven

Coolness Bears (4) McMad, Shorty, MoogleViper, Eenuh

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my buttons are magic hates talking in third person

my butttons are magic wants the person making people talk in the 3rd person caught :(

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Wait, McMad, are you telling me you misdirected me? When was that?


Last night.

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