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2008 Exams Thread


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I thought I'd start the annual exams thread seeing as I had a Biology module today, which went surprisingly comfortably. Chem tomorrow, not worried to be honest.


Anyone else had modules today, or up coming ones? How did they go?

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Yeah biology was fine really. There was the odd question that was tricky, but none of the bitch questions that you find alot in past papers. There was nothing on tissue fluid though, which sort of annoyed me because I learnt that really well.

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Guest Stefkov

I've got 2 resits.

C2 I think resit in Computing.

General Studies resit.


If I can get a high grade in the computing one I can get my grade to a B maybe and then my General Studies could move up to a C.

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C1 seems laughably easy to me now, but I was shitting myself this time last year.


I have C3 and physical Geography, and three retakes in the form of human geography, electricity/thermal physics, and my physics practical/astrophysics.


Oh, and, of course, best of luck to you all!

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I didn't find C1 too bad, pretty much like the previous year papers. I just wrote anything for a few of the question to maybe get the working out marks.


My maths teachers are crap and we pretty much had to learn it ourself. What helped me (Which may sound stupid) is Youtube.

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C3 is regarded by most post-AS students as being the hardest, and I'm doing it on Friday. I'm almost worried that I feel confident. I never feel confident about exams!

I'd say C4 is harder - C3 is mostly just making sure that your calculus is good. Then again, I forget what was in C4...

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I didn't find C1 too bad, pretty much like the previous year papers. I just wrote anything for a few of the question to maybe get the working out marks.


My maths teachers are crap and we pretty much had to learn it ourself. What helped me (Which may sound stupid) is Youtube.


YES! as long as they are not american

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C3 is regarded by most post-AS students as being the hardest, and I'm doing it on Friday. I'm almost worried that I feel confident. I never feel confident about exams!


Since I'm taking C3 and C4 this Jan, C3 seems pretty darn easy to me. Once you grasp the trig, everything else is pretty simply. C4 though, not much to learn, but the questions are pretty tough.


Not to put any of you C1 people down but the step from C1 to C2 is pretty substantial, you actually have to learn new stuff rather than regurgitate GCSE knowledge.


I've got a Physics retake this Friday, I don't know how I did bad in Forces and Motion, but now that I'm well trained in Forces, Fields & Energy, M1 and M2 it should be a walk in the park. Can't say the same for F,F&E though, lots to learn and probably the hardest Physics module. I then have C3, C4 and M2, and my last exam is Chemistry (Chains, Rings and Spectroscopy), which I'm dreading so much. I hate organic chemistry, it's just learn learn learn, hardly any thinking about it.

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MY exams are:


Physics (Forces and motion)- 11th.

Biology (Foundation) - 15th

English retake (Spies)-16th

Chemistry (Chains, Rings and Spectroscopy)-29th


Pretty confident for all of them bar Chemistry, though I have13 days to revise for that. Really should put more effort in during lessons though...guess it serves me right for talking to zell so much *sigh*

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