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Is there a place for Wii in 2008?


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With Mario, Metroid and Zelda gone by and probably not returning in a LONG time what would the Wii have to defend against the competition in 2008, especially the PS3?


Thinking about this, I some what feel Nintendo bringing out 2 of its AAA titles so close together within a year could do the Wii more harm than good. PS3 will be seeing games like: Gran Turismo 5, FF13, MGS4, Street Fighter HD, Soul Calibur 4, Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry and more. But the Wii's 2008 line up does not seem as impressive/impactful. Is 2008 the year of the PS3 or has '08 Wii games stealthed it's cases?

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Tellyn: Get The List. :smile:


Bringing out 2 titles close together will only impact on early figures for those games. Once those games are out there, they are there to be picked up and played by gamers. You don't have to buy a game at launch day. I've only recently just picked up Resident Evil 4 for the Wii.


There are plenty of titles out there for 2008. In January alone, we have NiGHTs and Zack and Wiki (according to what Jordan told me last night, I may be wrong with these dates) and February we have No More Heroes (right?). At least 2 out of these 3 titles will prove to be a big game.


Third parties will also bring out games throughout the year that will catch your eye. That's what happened to me with the likes of Guitar Hero 3 and Fifa.

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I have no quarms about 2008. I don't really care what PS3 has, I've never really played games in any of those franchises. Not interested to either.


I will be contempt in the first half of 2008 with:


Zack & Wiki

Ghost Squad

Smash Bros Brawl

Wii Fit

No More Heroes (perhaps)

Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (perhaps)

Mario Kart Wii


And then I still need to buy Metroid Prime 3 Corruption.


I'm sure there are great games in development that will be announced for the latter half of 2008.

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God damn, I had the hugest post typed in here with a lot of interesting speculation, and then I clicked 'Page Back' on my mouse :angry:


Point is, it's really silent around Nintendo. How many games are announced that are yet to be released? Very, very few.

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Tellyn: Get The List. :smile:


Haha, I wondered what you meant at first. :heh:


I've just picked a few games, but this is NGamer's 2008 list of highly anticipated Wii games. There's 120 games in the list.


- Mario Kart Wii

- Samba De Amigo

- Sega Superstars Tennis

- Wii Music

- Wii Fit

- Bully: Scholarship Edition

- Red Steel 2

- Worms: A Space Oddity

- Blox

- Super Smash Bros. Brawl

- Mushroom Men

- Blue Fang Project (Makers of Zoo Tycoon, I love Zoo Tycoon)

- Animal Crossing Wii

- Disaster: Day of Crisis

- Opoona

- Pro Evolution Soccer Wii

- Bomberman Land

- Star Wars: Force Unleashed

- Batallion Wars II

- Fragile

- Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace

- Monster Hunter 3

- House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return

- Super Mario Baseball

- Top Spin Tennis

- Civilization Revolution

- Harvey Birdman

- Donkey Kong Barrel Blast

- Okami Wii

- Kirby Wii

- Sword of Legendia

- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers

- Blast Works

- Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

- Wii Chess (lol)

- Spore

- Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

- SNK Fighters

- Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk

- Fatal Frame IV

- Nitrobike

- King Story

- De Blob

- Zack and Wiki

- Ghost Squad

- NiGHTS: Journey Into Dreams

- Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

- No More Heroes


Then there's WiiWare games not mentioned such as:


- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Little King and the Promised Land

- Dr. Mario

- Pop

- PLATTCHEN: Twist 'n' Paint

- Bomberman

- Star Soldier R

- Pokémon Ranch

- Gravitronix

- Joysound

- Puzzloop



I'm not worried at all. :heh:

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Well it all depends on Nintendo's first party output for me. Wii Fit is released and out (localizing aside) so that just leaves Mario Kart as the only real 1st party game, alongside the almost complete Smash Bros. So just what are they developing? I think they had better been working on the awesome killer app MMO version of Animal Crossing, it would be massive, the first well worked free MMO on a console, might be enough to get hardcore gamers involved and the great sales of the DS version show just how many casual gamers love the game.


The reason I have seen this as so crucial to the future of Wii is there are so many people who only play Wii for the first party titles and the third party titles they can pretty much take it or leave it or will buy the same title on the other consoles.


For the casual gamer there is likely to be plenty to keep them happy and Wii Fit will likely see another explosion of Wii sales (this is if they still aren't going as strong as now)


One other thing that is odd about the Wii that will insure it stays number one and a fantastic seller is how it's cycle has almost been accelerated forward a few years. We had the initial phase of games that tested the pool with wii controls etc...then the next thing would be to continue this and companies to continue to push the hardware and then as the console becomes a platinum seller shovelware starts to appear. This is what happened with PS1 and PS2. But Wii seems to have skipped a stage and due to its phenomenally fast sales we have seen the shovelware come so soon in the consoles life.

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I hope so, the only games I'm really interested in are Animal Crossing, Worms, Samba Di Amigo, Wii Fit maybe, and Wii Music sounds interesting.


Saying that Geometry Wars is the only DS game I'm interested in now as well.


I'm looking forward to seeing some new games from Nintendo, to really show everyone what Wii is capable of. We don't really know anything of the Xbox 2008 line up either, so I fully expect Nintendo to announce some new stuff over the next few months.

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I think 2008 will be a great year for gaming whatever the console you have.


This year was kind of like the testing period for the Wii and now that developers have got the hang of building games on the it then we should see some great stuff from both 1st and 3rd parties.


We have a great line-up for the start of the year, granted its due to the games getting delayed from Christmas but still its not to be looked down on. With Nights, Zack and Wiki and No More Heroes leading the charge the Wii should be off to a great start next year.


Nintendo are a very secretive company, always have been and no doubt always will be so we will be in for some suprises next year. I mean Matt over at IGN keeps going on about a couple of classic franchises making a comeback on the Wii and hopefully we will see these next year.


That list Tellyn gave was pretty much what ONM printed, though they missed off Fire Emblem for some reason :( Heres what im looking forward to...


Trauma Center:New Blood

Wii Music

Project O ( cant remember its proper name )

Battalion Wars 2

Smash Bros

Mario Kart

Red Steel 2


Oboro Muramasa Youtoden

Fire Emblem

Dragon Quest Swords


Donkey Kong Jet

Geometry Wars


Ghost Squad

Zack and Wiki

House of the Dead Collection

Samba De Amigo

We Love Golf


Tales of Symphonia 2


Animal Crossing

and finally....




Even if MH3 was the only game out on the Wii next year I would be a very happy man.

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Erm, Nintendo have nothing to worry about sales-wise, they could cancel MArio Kart and Smash Bro's and still outsell the competition just from the host of causal gamers who now want to console. Wii Fit is going to be absoloutely huge (it already is in Japan), games like M&S and SMG arn't going to stop selling consoles just cause it's 2008 all of sudden (they're both selling 300K+ worldwide weekly... still).


I would question how the PS3 hopes to improve it's sales with a line up of games which appeal to a very similiar demographic, which is much more nishe then the Wiis, whatsmore at a price that is out of the reach for the majority of console purchasers ($199 is believed to be the sweet-point for gaining mainstream console sales... even the Wii hasn't hit that yet, but you can bet it'll be the first too.)


The Wii was selling out for most of 2007 with no meaningful exclusives, and now that it's getting some that's no reason for sales to decrease.


P.s. I think it's worth noting that Sony has been the most vocal over it's 2008 line up, because it's 2007 line up was clearly the worst (in terms of sales power / generating hype). Chances are both Nintendo and Microsoft have some aces held to their chests they'll reveal once they need to stop hyping up their big games of 2007.

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Apparently Kirby was cancelled or something. GoNintendo had an article about it the other week.


There are no plans right now for a Kirby game on Wii but there are plenty of Kirby fans out there, so in the meantime look out for Kirby in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl which will be released in 2008.


That was from ONM this month.

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PS3 will be seeing games like: Gran Turismo 5, FF13, MGS4, Street Fighter HD, Soul Calibur 4, Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry and more. But the Wii's 2008 line up does not seem as impressive/impactful. Is 2008 the year of the PS3 or has '08 Wii games stealthed it's cases?
Ever thought PS3 is simply exposing it's catalog more because it hasn't delivered yet and it's in third? They seemed pretty desperate last E3.


I mean, X360 hasn't given much insight into 2008 line-up too; generally only the 2007 titles who ended up being delayed into 2008 (Too Human). that and some names like Banjo Kazooie 3 that we've seen no footage, Halo Wars, the rumored Gears 2 and then some third party stuff (like Ninja Gaiden 2)


I'm sure Nintendo has titles too, and third party's (hopefully system sellers) just waiting to be revealed.


I doubt a little that FF13 will come out in 2008. And some others in that list are just third party and multiplatform.

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Is monster Hunter really coming to the Wii? Hope this is not some sick joke as I always wanted to play it on the PS2 but I could not get mine online as I easily I can my Wii. I mean can you imagine swinging the big ass bone swords using the Wii controls. If not check out the vid of the PS2 version in my link. Really wanty this...




Here is what Im looking forward to with the stuff in bold what Im especially looking forward to.


- Mario Kart Wii- Samba De Amigo

- Sega Superstars Tennis


- Wii Fit


- Red Steel 2


- Super Smash Bros. Brawl


- Animal Crossing Wii


- Pro Evolution Soccer Wii

- Bomberman Land

- Star Wars: Force Unleashed

- Batallion Wars II


- Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace

- Monster Hunter 3

- House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return


- Top Spin Tennis


- Okami Wii- Kirby Wii

- Sword of Legendia

- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers


- Blast Works Anyway related to the great classic Rare game for the 64 called Blast Corps?


- Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

- Wii Chess (lol)


- SNK Fighters

- Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk

- Fatal Frame IV


- Zack and Wiki

- Ghost Squad

- NiGHTS: Journey Into Dreams


- No More Heroes


Then there's WiiWare games not mentioned such as:


- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Little King and the Promised Land

- Dr. Mario


- PLATTCHEN: Twist 'n' Paint

- Bomberman


- Pokémon Ranch

- Gravitronix

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Is monster Hunter really coming to the Wii? Hope this is not some sick joke as I always wanted to play it on the PS2 but I could not get mine online as I easily I can my Wii. I mean can you imagine swinging the big ass bone swords using the Wii controls. If not check out the vid of the PS2 version in my link. Really wanty this...



Monster Hunter 3=Wii exclusive, so far.


-> http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17225

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Lets pray that gets released over here. The 1st game bombed in Europe and G and the 2nd game didnt even make it of Japan.


I don't think Nintendo went to the troubles of securing exclusivity just to leave the game exclusive to Japan. That's a massive majority of their market, potential buyers, that could miss out on the game. With proper advertising, it could do really well.

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