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Wii, I hardly knew you!


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You never guess what. I wake up this morning at 7, the door to my room is open, I think 'odd', i get up and go to the kitchen and find the back door open, now I'm a little bit worried, I look around the kitchen, everything is still there, same with my room. I go into the living room, the light is off but I can see my TV, my guitars, I turn on the light and there's a small empty space where my Wii used to be. The console is gone, the games are gone, the controllers are gone, the sensor bar...is still there, but yeah, someone came into my house just to steal a Wii. It's absolutely crazy, I don't know whether this is what people are resulting to because you can't get them in the shops, or because you can sell one for a huge price but this is how 'Nintendo not meeting the demand' has effected me.

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Cheers, that's exactly what I was typing before the thread set itself up.


But yeah, I'm still in shock, it's just mental, i can't get my head around it. They also got my Gamecube Memory cards, with my Smash Bros Melee save with everything and like thousands of hours of playing. Sigh.

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But yeah, I'm still in shock, it's just mental, i can't get my head around it. They also got my Gamecube Memory cards, with my Smash Bros Melee save with everything and like thousands of hours of playing. Sigh.


That'd be the worst thing for me. I always panick when I think I've lost my GC memory card. Sorry to hear about this, and hope it all gets recovered.

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I don't think they\he\she broke into your home just to steal your Wii, but they\he\she probably thought it was the best they could do. I mean, despite the fact you have expensive guitars, they are not easy to carry and hide, while a tiny Wii is just perfect, not to mention they probably know about the shortages causing the Wii to be sold for thousands of dollars. I, for one, would be glad if someone just took my Wii and left my guitars alone. My living room and bedroom are littered with a bass guitar, 2 acoustic guitars, a 12-stringed acoustic guitar and an electric guitar (and a really old keyboard no sane thief would bother stealing...), now imagine if someone took all that! Still, this sucks. Really does. I live in a violent city, and while no one ever broke into my house, I was robbed on the streets many times. And do you know what sucks even more than people breaking into your home and stealing your games? It's when, like what happened to my little cousin a few years ago, they break into your home, steal your N64, then break in AGAIN in the same week and steal the N64 you had just borrowed from a friend the day before...:(

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On the bright side, at least you can buy a decent console now like a 360! :DJOKES!!! Seriously though, thats awful. Hope they find the thieves or you at least get some money of insurance or something. It seems insane that someone would steal just a Wii, infact it seems insane that thief in someones house would only ever steal one item (and one so small!) but there you go. My condolensces to you =(.

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Wouldn't it be good if there was a way that Nintendo could 'deactivate' a Wii if you gave them your console number? A bit like when you have a phone stolen, the companies can block it based on the IMEI number.


Obviously, it wouldn't work if the stolen console never attached to the internet.


But really sorry to hear about this. Christmas seems to bring out the scum bags. I hope whoever took it get's their comeuppance.

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i know how you feel and yeah they sometimes leave somethings that are even worth more (like they did with me) if you all remembered what happened to me 3 years ago and they stole the complete game collection of mine. (totally worth of 15000,- euro) unfortionaly the insurance dint cover it all (even after the insurance guy told me i was safe)


I really hope you will get your money back and please be carefully they might come back (as they also did with me (luckily nothing stolen only the front door was really broken)


my hard goes out to you!

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How ridiculous is it that you'd panic because of your save files?


If you are saying that, you definitely never had the displeasure of having your 50+ hours Xenogears save file erased by your stupid little cousin! It's not ridiculous, it's outrageous!!!

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I'm sorry to hear that mate.


I'm surprised that my Wii wasn't stolen the other day. :/ Mine's in clear view from the living room window, under the TV. Interestingly, the thieves that decided to have a look for ways into my house went for next door and stole their Wii instead.

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