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Wii Beats Xbox360 In UK And DS Beaking Records Sales..


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=P I'm not ignoring them, I keep pointing them out at every opportunity, watch I'll do it again - I'M SURE SMG AND METROID PRIME 2 ARE TWO BITCHIN GAMES. I'll say it again - they are only two games!! Two! One more than one and one less than three. I can criticize a console for a lack of good games if it only has two surely! I don't care how phenomenal SMG is, it would have to come with a free moon to make me consider the Wii as a 360/PS3 beater. I've played 7 Wii games enough to judge them and out of them I only really liked two of them and even then only in multi player. I've owned a Wii for a year and trust me before hand I was excited. Now I have completely changed my mind based on the experience I personally have had with the Wii.


I've never played Bioshock, Halo 3, Gears of War, Mass Effect and Dead Rising, therefore the 360 sucks.


That doesn't make sense right? How can I say the 360 sucks without even play it's best games? I can't, it's illogical and stupid. Just like you can't criticize the Wii's poor library, without playing the best games in the library. I've never said it was a 360/PS3 beater, or that 2 games is enough to make the library good (I'd put more then 2 games on the list anyway), but to criticize a console for not having good games while simultaneously not playing the good games already avaliable doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


What the hell can the Wii do to convince you it's got a good library of games if you're never going to play them? :S

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You've got to remember developing a Wii game takes a third of the money, a third the workforce size and a third the time scale, so even if 360 / Ps3 games sell better that doesn't mean they're more profitable.


Excluding a few Nintendo made games, some would argue the games have only a 3rd of the quality.


Wii to the masses great.


But theres something I can't put my finger on thats stops me from wanting to play on my Wii. GH3 is the only game I keep going back for a little more. Zelda took me 6 months, and after two worlds SMG has been gathering dust (albeit I think the game is stunning).

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Excluding a few Nintendo made games, some would argue the games have only a 3rd of the quality.


Wii to the masses great.


But theres something I can't put my finger on thats stops me from wanting to play on my Wii. GH3 is the only game I keep going back for a little more. Zelda took me 6 months, and after two worlds SMG has been gathering dust (albeit I think the game is stunning).


I can't really say what that is, but is it the Wii that repelling you or just your interest for games that is wanning? I don't play games anywhere near as much as a I used to, yet I enjoy and appreciate them more then I did as a kid.


And I don't think you can parralel the quality directly to the size of the budget of a game. While a bigger budget game can generally mean a better product, there are too many viriables and exceptions to use it as a general rule.

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I've never played Bioshock, Halo 3, Gears of War, Mass Effect and Dead Rising, therefore the 360 sucks.


That doesn't make sense right? How can I say the 360 sucks without even play it's best games? I can't, it's illogical and stupid. Just like you can't criticize the Wii's poor library, without playing the best games in the library. I've never said it was a 360/PS3 beater, or that 2 games is enough to make the library good (I'd put more then 2 games on the list anyway), but to criticize a console for not having good games while simultaneously not playing the good games already avaliable doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


What the hell can the Wii do to convince you it's got a good library of games if you're never going to play them? :S


Well it could get more than two of them. Even if I did play SMG and MP3, two games are not going to change my opinion on the console as a whole. I sitll think the vast majority of the titles on it are under developed, gimmicky or severly lacking compared to the other versions of the game. As for the 360, failing the games you've mentioned you still have The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, PGR 4, Assasins Creed. I can say a console is bad without playing the very best of what its games has to offer. There are much more things to consider than if the console has one or two really good games. Also I never said it didn't have any good games and keep makin exceptions for the two mentioned but those two games aside,

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Well it could get more than two of them. Even if I did play SMG and MP3, two games are not going to change my opinion on the console as a whole. I sitll think the vast majority of the titles on it are under developed, gimmicky or severly lacking compared to the other versions of the game. As for the 360, failing the games you've mentioned you still have The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, PGR 4, Assasins Creed. I can say a console is bad without playing the very best of what its games has to offer. There are much more things to consider than if the console has one or two really good games. Also I never said it didn't have any good games and keep makin exceptions for the two mentioned but those two games aside,


Oh well, nevermind, this arguement is getting silly now. It's going in circles now and I'm tired of repeating myself so lets just leave it.


You're right though, without SMG, MP3, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Excite Truck, Resident Evil 4, RE:UC, Trauma Center, WarioWare and Guitar Hero III the Wii does suck, infact I might sell mine as without this list of games there is nothing worth buying.

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Oh well, nevermind, this arguement is getting silly now. It's going in circles now and I'm tired of repeating myself so lets just leave it.

You're right though, without SMG, MP3, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Excite Truck, Resident Evil 4, RE:UC, Trauma Center, WarioWare and Guitar Hero III the Wii does suck, infact I might sell mine as without this list of games there is nothing worth buying.


Oh how mature you are.

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That's like saying "let's just ignore Halo 3 and Gears of War on 360". MP3 and SMG define the Wii, and although they, along with Zelda, are the only definitions does not mean they're not going to change your view on the console.


Also, about 600p issue of last page, it means it runs in a 16:9 resolution with 600 vertical pixels, so 1024x600, not HD resolutions. The fact that the box says 720p/1080i/1080p only means it upscales. The low resolution is to blame to the anti-aliasing and (at least in Halo 3's case) HDR rendering.

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Ey up, lads. Its Christmas! Lets just agree to..I dunno...can we just all hug or something? nobody's gonna lose an eye.


Ah don't worry I like these arguments I find them interesting enough. I never mean anything that seriously, even if it may seem like it. *hugs


Indeed, I guess someone had to see sense somewhere down the line.


Right thats just confused me but nontheless *hugs

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I can't really say what that is, but is it the Wii that repelling you or just your interest for games that is wanning? I don't play games anywhere near as much as a I used to, yet I enjoy and appreciate them more then I did as a kid.


And I don't think you can parralel the quality directly to the size of the budget of a game. While a bigger budget game can generally mean a better product, there are too many viriables and exceptions to use it as a general rule.


My interest isn't wanning, considering I'm studying a Computer Game degree.


As for the 3rd of the quality, in your post that I originally quoted you said something about 3rd the budget, 3rd the workforce and 3rd the timescale (or there abouts). So when I replied to that about 3rd the quality I was taking all three of the things you said not just the budget. The fact that Wii games generally take less time is because most of them are rushed. The fact that Wii games have smaller teams working on them is because most use code from older games, or are ports.


But it would appear the discussion has faded so I'll drop it here.

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Oh well, nevermind, this arguement is getting silly now. It's going in circles now and I'm tired of repeating myself so lets just leave it.


You're right though, without SMG, MP3, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Excite Truck, Resident Evil 4, RE:UC, Trauma Center, WarioWare and Guitar Hero III the Wii does suck, infact I might sell mine as without this list of games there is nothing worth buying.


In fairness RE4 is practically ported, Paper Mario is one of the worst games I have played in the last 3 years, Excite Truck is nothing to get excited about and Zelda was intended for the gamecube. This is coming from a proud owner of the Wii from launch.

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In fairness RE4 is practically ported, Paper Mario is one of the worst games I have played in the last 3 years, Excite Truck is nothing to get excited about and Zelda was intended for the gamecube. This is coming from a proud owner of the Wii from launch.


That wasn't really the point, it's just so foolish to criticize a game library for being bad when you automatically discard some of it's best games for no apparent reason.


I guess it's all about circumstances as well, I'd never played RE4 before so it felt like a new game to me. Whatsmore I don't think less of TP cause it was on GC, because I've only played the Wii version.


I can imagine people could get bored easily with the lack of games though, if they play them alot. I don't have much time nowadays for the console so games tend to last me longer, if I were 5 or so years younger chances are I'd be bored out my skin with the console. If you're in that situation though I don't see why anyone would own just a Wii.

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My interest isn't wanning, considering I'm studying a Computer Game degree.


As for the 3rd of the quality, in your post that I originally quoted you said something about 3rd the budget, 3rd the workforce and 3rd the timescale (or there abouts). So when I replied to that about 3rd the quality I was taking all three of the things you said not just the budget. The fact that Wii games generally take less time is because most of them are rushed. The fact that Wii games have smaller teams working on them is because most use code from older games, or are ports.


But it would appear the discussion has faded so I'll drop it here.


That's not true. Wii's architecture is similar to GC's, so programming for it obviously takes less time and less workforce, because it doesn't have such powerful hardware the budget's are smaller, the only thing that takes time (and it's considerable, specially in its early life) is wiimote usage.

3rd party games have been sucking because they are sraight, lazy ports, as simple as that. If a company invests more in developing a Wii game it can still take less time than developing a 360/PS3 game of the same "caliber".

You can't say that programming for dual cores and making hi def graphics or working in a totally different type of processor (CELL) takes the same time and team size than making a game on a Wii.

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My bad. Sell it next December when the price is right?


Easy mistake- maybe, but I doubt the price will go astro like it has the past two years. I'm sure I'll find something do to do with it =P. Maybe I'll even start to like it this year if things improve.

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I love the way these threads just repeat every week or so. Usually starting with Nintendo fans saying how nice it is that the Wii is selling well, only to then be shouted at by people who believe that the PS3 should be selling better.


The 360 is a great console. It has a lot going for it, great online, great graphics and a great catalogue filled with very good exclusives. The Wii also has a lot going for it, great exclusives, a wonderful VC full of Nintendo classics and a whole new way to play games.


Personally, if I had to just play one console, it would be the Wii. I wouldn't miss out on Nintendo exclusives for anything. But that's just me. I don't think anyone adds anything to the weight of their argument by coming on here and rubbishing the Wii after ignoring it's best games.


How could anyone say the 360 was poor and have ignored Halo 3, Bioshock and Ghost Recon? They couldn't.

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