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Wii Beats Xbox360 In UK And DS Beaking Records Sales..


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Blind to disagree? Narrow minded to think it if you ask me. If you don't think Wii is only going to get better and better then you will be in for a big shock. I bet you only got a DS last year and slagged it off for the previous 2 :)


And about the live thing, I agree the effort that goes into it is very good and I love the added features, would I want them on the VC? Yes I would. But I still spend 100 times more money on the VC and think it has infinitely better games.


Also, we are on a Wii board, this is an amazing achievement for the Wii and its fans, do people really have to come here and slag the Wii off? What is the point in saying the Wii is shit in a thread about it doing really well on a Wii specific board? I don't understand, it is pure flaming. I LOVE having debates about the consoles don't get me wrong, but lets starts a thread that compares the Wii to the 360, the pros and cons, predictions for the future etc etc. And Mikey, you are the only real flamer here, you flame while other people like Jordan put up real points in an intelligent way and then you just say wii's shit and agree with other wii-dissers! Please put more thought into your posts!


I got a DS the day it came out and the same for the DS lite. I love the DS and i always have. Same for the Wii.


That said, the hardcore wii games will only last only 18months or so I reckon. I mean, BWii, Manhunt 2, Zack & Wiki, MOH:Heroes 2 and Fire Emblem have all bombed in America and developers, unless they want to make cash-ins OR party games, will probs get more money from 360/ps3 games.


It's such a shame the Wii doesn't have more power, because once devepers really tap into the 360/ps3's power, every non-casual gamer will probably go out and buy another console.


I know a lot of console owners who love the 360 (Gears, LIVE, Halo, GH3) but don't care about the wii at all. This is mainly because:

-They don't care about party games.

-They love playing online games with friends.

-They don't care for metroid and zelda (only a small amount of people really care for metroid tbh).

- I know A LOT of people that have no intention of playing galaxy. Shame that :(


Either way, wii60 is the way to go imo.

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That said, the hardcore wii games will only last only 18months or so I reckon. I mean, BWii, Manhunt 2, Zack & Wiki, MOH:Heroes 2 and Fire Emblem have all bombed in America and developers, unless they want to make cash-ins OR party games, will probs get more money from 360/ps3 games.


Bombed? Don't be rediculous, obviously it's very hard to tell but chances are all of those games will have turned a handsome profit, or at least broken even. You've got to remember developing a Wii game takes a third of the money, a third the workforce size and a third the time scale, so even if 360 / Ps3 games sell better that doesn't mean they're more profitable.


As for hardcore games selling well, there's plenty of examples. RE4 broke 1 million (and is still selling 50k worldwide weekly), Twilight Princess is headed to 4 million, Super Paper Mario exceed 2.5m, Metroid Prime 3 is closing in on 1 million (selling fastest then MP1 and MP2) and SMG has been supply constrained for alot of time.


It's such a shame the Wii doesn't have more power, because once devepers really tap into the 360/ps3's power, every non-casual gamer will probably go out and buy another console.


That's fair enough though, most non-casual gamers don't only own one console for an entire generation, and it puts the Wii in good stead seeing as a Wii compliments a 360 or Ps3 much better then they compliment one another.


I know a lot of console owners who love the 360 (Gears, LIVE, Halo, GH3) but don't care about the wii at all. This is mainly because:

-They don't care about party games.

-They love playing online games with friends.

-They don't care for metroid and zelda (only a small amount of people really care for metroid tbh).

- I know A LOT of people that have no intention of playing galaxy. Shame that :(


Either way, wii60 is the way to go imo.


There are alot more people though who want a Wii or own a Wii, and probably don't even know what an Xbox 360 is. Obviously these are the dreaded casual gamers, but I don't think people are fair to what they can bring to a console. Companies will make games that casuals and hardcore players can enjoy and these will be what stick out.


Chances are these people will have their mind changed at some point, it depends on what heads to the Wii I guess. All it takes for these people to want a Wii is one incredible game that suits their tastes and they'll happily lay down the money to buy a Wii, by the time this happens it's not like they're going to be expensive anyway.

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It's such a shame the Wii doesn't have more power, because once devepers really tap into the 360/ps3's power, every non-casual gamer will probably go out and buy another console.
Just commenting on this specific argument: games like Call of Duty 4 can't even run in proper beloved HD resolutions on both consoles, so I'd say that the power is nearly tapped. Also, I don't really see why it would be a selling point for the consoles to have the graphics even prettier, as the Wii is no competition in that area anyway.


TBH, I share the same worries, but it really has nothing to do with graphics.

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CoD 4 runs in 600p on 360 and 640p (I believe) on PS3. That's not HD. Same goes for Halo 3, it runs in 640p. I don't care, really, but all this talk about HD and untapped power is just ridiculous.


EDIT: Sourcy. PS3 version runs in same resolution apparently.

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I jsut looked at the back of the CoD4 box for 360


"HDTV 720p/1080i/1080p"


Yeah I was gonna say, I didn't think you could get 600/640p. :/


EDIT: I haven't even read through this thread because I can guess what it's all going to be about. I don't see how the conversation could have veered off into Call of Duty 4 running in 600p.

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Yeah I was gonna say, I didn't think you could get 600/640p. :/


EDIT: I haven't even read through this thread because I can guess what it's all going to be about. I don't see how the conversation could have veered off into Call of Duty 4 running in 600p.


Its the internet.


Think Fisher Price.

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How can you say all that you've just said and not played its best games?


Fuck me...


I think most of my points still stand despite it and I did say that at the start of my rant.


I fail to take anybody who claims that the Wii has no quality, yet fails to play big titles such as SMG and Metroid seriously. List me the games that you have owned, or played for an excessive amount of time, and we'll see were your points stem from.


I didn't say it has no quality, just that the other consoles have more. I did make an excpetion for SMG and MP3, saying I thought those would be AAA titles. Admittedly I probably should buy them, but seeing as I'll be selling my Wii soon I see little point. I've played Sonic and the Secret Rings, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wii Sports (obv), Endless Ocean, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, Super Mario Strikers and Wario Ware: Smooth moves. Out of all of them I thought Wario Ware was by far the best but even then that only gets really good in multi player. Perhaps I haven't played enough games to judge the quality of the Wiis library but I don't think it will be much better than mediocre. Zelda was dissapointing.


Woah, wall o text o rama!


Here is the gist of your post from what I could tell:

Wii is aimed at casual gamers. I bought a Wii but wish I hadn't. I want some decent games but I haven't bought any. I'm a casual gamer but I prefer the PS3/XBOX360.


I received the Wii as a present. I want some very good games and there really doesn't seem to be many, I have Zelda which everyone seems to rate but I found it very dissapointing.



Maybe I'm just bias, I do dislike the Wiis control system but it just seems pointless for most games. Like 'Woah I can shake my left hand to chuck a grenade rather than pressing 'L'. How innovative!'. Thats all it seems to be at the moment and maybe thats a problem with lazy developers (which in Wiis case so far has been a big problem). It's nice to see thinks like Pro Evo try out new things like the controller was ment for but cases like it seem few and far between. But then if you're happy with the Wii I certainly don't expect to change your mind anytime soon. It just isn't for me.

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To be fair though, you can't criticize the Wii's library of lack of quality games if you've never played MP3 or SMG. SMG is the best reviewed game in the past decade, and MP3 is no slouch either.


I mean, it'd be like me criticizing the Xbox 360 for it's lack of quality because all I've played is Kane and Lynch, Timeshift and F.E.A.R, it doesn't make sense. It's pretty much why I don't like to criticize the Wii as of yet, I've never had the time for MP3 yet and I'm still playing through RE4 for the first time.

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Two games does not make THAT much impact on the quality of a machines entire library. Just because the Wii has two very good games does not shoot the quality of its entire library up. It just means it has two great games. The Xbox 360 has far moe than two great games. I find it odd that people telling my my opinion on Wii is worthless/invalid just because I have not played two games =P. RE4 is an absoloutley phenomenal game by the way, one of the best released this decade but it is still a port of Gamecube game with different controls.

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Not posted here for awhile, but here goes.


I own a Wii and a 360 and at the moment theyre both getting about the same play time, i think theyre both great consoles in their own right.


I like the first party Nintendo games, so when they come out the Wii gets the play time, it gets the playtime when some 3rd party games that i like come out too.


My Wii also gets its uses from my family/friends, be it while playing on wii sports or mario strikers.


My 360 has been a dust gatherer up untill recently, as the games that keep coming out dont interest me, im not a fan of beat em ups, button mashers, Racing games, Turn Based games, FPS or any game where the developers look like theyve put more work into the FMV sequences rather then the actual game.


At the moment im playing Mass Effect on the 360, im playing through it the second time right now. I must say that i enjoy/ed it, but i thought for a game of its scope it was way to short, id rather the game make you do all these side-quests just so that it pads out the game more, as i dont really like replaying a game once I've completed it.


But for the 360 there are some games coming out for it pretty soon that i will purchase, i dont want it to become a dust gatherer again, because it is a good console.


I like my online modes in games, which the Wii does lack if we're honest, although i do play the odd game of mario strikers over it.


The LIVE service for the 360 is great, however, I got fed up of all the morons that use it, so i am currently only a silver member, which is a shame but i just couldnt take any more of the complete childish behavior of around 90% of my Xbox LIVE encounters.


Also (and i know that this wont apply to everyone) i built myself a new PC a few months ago, so for the FPS games that i want i buy them for my PC rather then for my 360, as console FPS's are way to clunky (i couldnt think of a better word) for my tastes.


The thing is though that these arguements will never be settled because we all have different views and opinions on the games we like. I am just happy that i own a Wii and a 360 so i can pick and choose the games that i want.

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Two games does not make THAT much impact on the quality of a machines entire library. Just because the Wii has two very good games does not shoot the quality of its entire library up. It just means it has two great games. The Xbox 360 has far moe than two great games. I find it odd that people telling my my opinion on Wii is worthless/invalid just because I have not played two games =P. RE4 is an absoloutley phenomenal game by the way, one of the best released this decade but it is still a port of Gamecube game with different controls.


But to criticize a console for a lack of good games, while simultaneously ignoring the good games you're asking for in the first place is simply unjustifiable. It makes you sound like you're talking about the Wii library as a member of the press or some analyst, instead of a Wii owner or as a gamer.


It simply has to be some sort of bias or something, it's the exact same as me saying the Xbox 360 has no good games because i've not played any good games on the console.

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Bombed? Don't be rediculous, obviously it's very hard to tell but chances are all of those games will have turned a handsome profit, or at least broken even. You've got to remember developing a Wii game takes a third of the money, a third the workforce size and a third the time scale, so even if 360 / Ps3 games sell better that doesn't mean they're more profitable.


As for hardcore games selling well, there's plenty of examples. RE4 broke 1 million (and is still selling 50k worldwide weekly), Twilight Princess is headed to 4 million, Super Paper Mario exceed 2.5m, Metroid Prime 3 is closing in on 1 million (selling fastest then MP1 and MP2) and SMG has been supply constrained for alot of time.


Well Zack & Wiki hasn't even reached above 35k yet and considering the Wii sales, that's crazy. Trauma Centre didn't sell more than 15k and MoH:H 2 had similar sales. Manhunt 2 sold something like 19k which is pretty pathetic when you think of the attach rates. I mean, come on mario party outsold all of those and that's just another cash-in (and a lazy one).


Zelda was obviously going to sell loads. It's was uber hyped and it was the main launch game for the system, and for months it went by as the Wii's best game.


SPM sold well because no games had been out for a while so people snapped it up (and the fact that any game that has mario in it sells shitloads). Granted, it sales are still very good.

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Well Zack & Wiki hasn't even reached above 35k yet and considering the Wii sales, that's crazy. Trauma Centre didn't sell more than 15k and MoH:H 2 had similar sales. Manhunt 2 sold something like 19k which is pretty pathetic when you think of the attach rates. I mean, come on mario party outsold all of those and that's just another cash-in (and a lazy one).


Zack & Wiki has sold 130k thus far in it's life, and is still selling 10k every week worldwide. Whatsmore, it's going to sell best in Europe (Nintendo publish it + Tv Adverts + point n click games still sell here).


Trauma Center has sold more then 100k, albeit it flopped compared to Second Opinion which sold 500k + (Surely that nulifies your point though?)


Manhunt 2 sold about 150k which is on-par with the PS2 version, if it's selling as well as it did on PS2 how can you complain?


You're getting monthly sales of annual sales confused with lifetime sales, somehow, so er, go review wherever you're getting these numbers from.

Zelda was obviously going to sell loads. It's was uber hyped and it was the main launch game for the system, and for months it went by as the Wii's best game.


Casual gamers don't care about it though, nor do they care for it's hype.

SPM sold well because no games had been out for a while so people snapped it up (and the fact that any game that has mario in it sells shitloads). Granted, it sales are still very good.


Surely if the Wii is all casualfied though, they're not going to be buying a game like SPM no matter what. Whatsmore it's just one example of many 'hardcore' games which have racked up impressive sales, which goes to show these companies have a sizeable market to try and attract with a good hardcore game on the Wii.

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But to criticize a console for a lack of good games, while simultaneously ignoring the good games you're asking for in the first place is simply unjustifiable. It makes you sound like you're talking about the Wii library as a member of the press or some analyst, instead of a Wii owner or as a gamer.


It simply has to be some sort of bias or something, it's the exact same as me saying the Xbox 360 has no good games because i've not played any good games on the console.


=P I'm not ignoring them, I keep pointing them out at every opportunity, watch I'll do it again - I'M SURE SMG AND METROID PRIME 2 ARE TWO BITCHIN GAMES. I'll say it again - they are only two games!! Two! One more than one and one less than three. I can criticize a console for a lack of good games if it only has two surely! I don't care how phenomenal SMG is, it would have to come with a free moon to make me consider the Wii as a 360/PS3 beater. I've played 7 Wii games enough to judge them and out of them I only really liked two of them and even then only in multi player. I've owned a Wii for a year and trust me before hand I was excited. Now I have completely changed my mind based on the experience I personally have had with the Wii.

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