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Battalion Wars


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Hi all


Just re-entered my profile here on this very site. One thing that bugs me though is all the bright colours! I'm gonna need glasses or I'm gonna go :eek:!


Anyways, has anyone seen all those videos of Battalion Wars for GameCube on IGN? What a deep game it looks! And better than the one we saw at E3 2004 (as Advance Wars: Under Fire). Kuju have certainly done a good job - that's one to the British developers! :D )

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This is an essential purchase for me. I love the Advance Wars titles on GBA and DS - and a real time spin off should be a hoot.


IGN have raised a couple of issues which have bought the game mark down. With a little more thought, this could have been marked 9+. As it stands, i think IGN's score is a more than respectable 8.8.

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This is an essential purchase for me. I love the Advance Wars titles on GBA and DS - and a real time spin off should be a hoot.


IGN have raised a couple of issues which have bought the game mark down. With a little more thought, this could have been marked 9+. As it stands, i think IGN's score is a more than respectable 8.8.

That is a FANTASTIC score!!

I was expecting it to get around '7' or something like that; It must be a great game!!

The last video i saw looked really good, with very stylish cutscenes, and great gameplay; might have to think about getting this sometime!

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I've got it, and it's plenty o' fun!

It has some downsides (like, only Campaign mode, and not so many extras), but the gameplay is very very fun, albeit it's getting quite hard now, but it's still a blast. You feel very satisfied when you've come up with a good strategy and it really works, you see your enemies turn to smithereens :)

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Great stuff, ive been excited about this game for so long, was gonna import but my JPN cube broke its switch so I cant turn it american :( December 9th will come soon.


Not THAT bothered about no mulitplayer, I expect it so it wont disppoint. Just want a great, fun action strategy game - it looks amazing!!

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Hi guys.


I'm not too sure about this. I've been out of the picture GameCube wise for a while, and so only really heard about it recently. Looks good and is a strategy game which appeals to me. :smile: I loved Pikmin 2, and have been after a new strategy game for a while to play alongside Pikmin.


Those who have played it, what were some of the problems you think it might have?

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