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That Old Guy


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No-ones saying they haven't, thats part of the point. They shouldn't be saying things like that.


Well, its for stuff like this that I am (and a lot of other people are) an atheist, whatever the pope says doesn't concern me, and I think any religious people who disagrees with this should really question their beliefs.

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My thoughts are he's a fucking idiot.


Your thoughts are absolutely correct and apply to any member of a religion.


Time to break out the old image.




Reality bites.


But what if there is a God and your views are wrong? What then?

(Just throwing it out there.)


Life is a sum of choices, I made mine, and I never back down. Not even for a "possible" God. Seriously, regardless of wether or not there is a God, here's what I have to say to him:


Go fuck yourself, you fucking hypocrite.

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What! Allow gay marriage! Think of the consequences man!

Nazis will ride dinosaurs again! (5 points if you get get that)


Also on the whole the pope has to aggree the old is right because the pope is the word of god shit....

Didn´t the old pope give the Harry Potter books a thumps up and the new one said it´s evil and such

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Also, if there is a God, and he believed my views were wrong, would I not be in a grave somewhere, or be being burned by some religion at the stake? (Extreme example, but you catch my drift).


Of course you wouldn't be burned at the stake by some religion; everyone has the freedom to choose to do what they want.


Then we're all going to hell.


Surely something to be worried about if there's a shred of doubt in you over the existence of God?


People should leave the nicey nicey catholics alone *looks in mirror* and concentrate on the pope, i dislike him tbh, and he looks like evil, and yes he was in the hitler youth, when it was the same standard/level as the boy scouts.


Please don't associate every catholic with your stereotypical views of them.


Catholics should follow the pope and believe what he says, otherwise they're Catholic in name only.


Then we don't spend eternity with the evangelists, Jehovah's Witnesses, or any of the millions of others who claim they are "right"?


That's a good thing in my book.


Your logic is flawed - as only one of the religions can be right, you'd be spending all of eternity with all of the ones that were wrong.


Exactly. He has the responsability of telling people to wear and condom, but because he doesn't, people are dying. I mean, where in the bible does it say "thou shalt not wear latex around ones penis"?


I think it's an interpretation of the "go forth and multiply" thing. The key here though is to understand that not everything in Catholicism has to come from the Bible - yeah it's their scripture, but they have the mouthpiece of God, the Pope who can say things like that without having to be supported by scripture - effectively he speaks scripture.


Stereotypes are generally untrue, but what is being said here is not. Oh, and surely the head of the religion should be representative of the views of it's followers?


The leader of a religion should lead the religion how he thinks God wants it lead, and not be swayed by the changing beliefs of the members. Their views should be irrelevant.


Your thoughts are absolutely correct and apply to any member of a religion.


Life is a sum of choices, I made mine, and I never back down. Not even for a "possible" God. Seriously, regardless of whether or not there is a God, here's what I have to say to him:

Go fuck yourself, you fucking hypocrite.


Your post is offensive to several people on this forum. This is a warning to be more considerate.




By the way, I really dislike "defending" Catholicism, but the rabid hatred generated here is just crazily unnecessary and undeserving.

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By the way, I really dislike "defending" Catholicism, but the rabid hatred generated here is just crazily unnecessary and undeserving.


I don't think there is much point in doing so; it's not like you're going to change anyone's opinion on the matter, and by playing devil's advocate you're just permitting people to run this tired argument further into the ground.

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Surely something to be worried about if there's a shred of doubt in you over the existence of God?


But if he is real:




Your logic is flawed - as only one of the religions can be right, you'd be spending all of eternity with all of the ones that were wrong.



And that's true, then out of all the religious choices, the chances of you picking the right one is really slim.


I'll take my chances.

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Your logic is flawed - as only one of the religions can be right, you'd be spending all of eternity with all of the ones that were wrong.


I can also say that there is a big chance none of the religions are right, and people are just wasting their time believing in it all. I'd rather not belong to a religion that condemns me for being attracted to both women and men. the only religion that doesn't condemn this that I know of are liberal christians, but thats obviusly just a branch off of Christianity.


I'd rather spend an eternity with all those that were wrong, rather the spend and eternitiy with people that dislike who I am because of some book that tells them they should.

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Whatever happened to free speech? So the Pope doesn't like the gays, so fucking what? He's can like and dislike whoever he wants. Who fucking cares?


Thats rubbish. If he didn't have such an influence over alot of people, then it wouldn't be such a big deal, but the fact is he does.

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Wow, only just noticed this thread.


The Pope is a moron. Isn't it good enough just to love someone? Why the get bogged down in the specifics...oh, wait, thats what religion specialises in.


Any real Christian would look for common ground, the pope making disgusting remarks like this just help alienate people.


In all honest, why get bogged down in the specifics of God in the first place??! It is mind boggling. You could NEVER EVER EVER hope to understand a being that brought about creation. I'm just amazed people have the audacity to think they could even conceive the will of God.

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Wouldn't it be awesome if religion was only stuff we liked? Sorry but every religion has crap like this, get over it.


Sorry, but that's just a crap attitude. Basically saying "oh well, it's ok if the leader of a massive religion says being gay is wrong, it doesn't hurt anyone so who cares?".


If you were gay/bi or were something that was being taught as wrong, you'd have a completely different opinion.




I love having debates on here, people don't just say stuff like "yeh well, I'm right,.....wanker!" etc which is always nice. :)

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Sorry, but that's just a crap attitude. Basically saying "oh well, it's ok if the leader of a massive religion says being gay is wrong, it doesn't hurt anyone so who cares?".

Like I said, he can say whatever the fuck he likes, and so can you. It's called free fucking speech. Some people don't like gays, get over it.

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Like I said, he can say whatever the fuck he likes, and so can you. It's called free fucking speech. Some people don't like gays, get over it.


I'm not saying he can't say what he likes (well, in this case I am, but I don't care), but when they guy is the leader of a religion which millions follow, he should be allowed to say things like that. Or am I the only one thinking this?


So if the pope was saying "Murder is right, hitler did right in killing all those jews, you should kill them too!" etc etc, that should be allowed because of your free speach thinking?

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So if the pope was saying "Murder is right, hitler did right in killing all those jews, you should kill them too!" etc etc, that should be allowed because of your free speach thinking?


No because that is an explicit example of in-sighting hatred.


What the Pope did was just absurdly heavily imply the message of hatred...thats allowed.

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No because that is an explicit example of in-sighting hatred.


What the Pope did was just absurdly heavily imply the message of hatred...thats allowed.


lol - that really does just show how messed up this world has become. As long as you only imply hatred of something, thats fine. :heh:

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Catholics should follow the pope and believe what he says, otherwise they're Catholic in name only.


So what if Dom says that his god has told him that his version of pope-free Catholicism is "correct"? Surely, by the logic demonstrated by most religious people I know, then Dom is correct - unless, of course, Dom believes something that is in any way different to their belief, then he will burn in hell.


Oh, and before you say "who says religious people think like that", well, the evidence says they do - please, come and talk to some of the people in my school.


In all honest, why get bogged down in the specifics of God in the first place??! It is mind boggling. You could NEVER EVER EVER hope to understand a being that brought about creation. I'm just amazed people have the audacity to think they could even conceive the will of God.


That's one fairly massive presumption - have a look at the semi-recent "Origins of the universe" thread.

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I'm just amazed that you're so shocked at the whole Catholics being against gayness thing. It's hardly something new. I also fail to see how this causes a problem. You don't like Catholics, they don't like you. So fucking what?


Maybe I have a problem with people insisting hatred against people who are doing something entirely natural to them? It's just as bad as racism.


What's shocked me is the Catholic church's failure to grow up, and act responsibly. Also, the Pope's recent attack on atheism would have been comic, had it been said by someone less influential.

(For the record, Stalin and Pol Pots atheism was coincidental to their crimes. It was not to the Crusades, and, as you all know, Hitler was a Catholic.)

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Maybe I have a problem with people insisting hatred against people who are doing something entirely natural to them? It's just as bad as racism.


Exactly. Thats what I'm trying to say. It's wrong having someone tell millions (sorry, Imply) people that something that comes naturally to millions of people is wrong and they'll be going to hell for it.

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Exactly. Thats what I'm trying to say. It's wrong having someone tell millions (sorry, Imply) people that something that comes naturally to millions of people is wrong and they'll be going to hell for it.


But it's in a book written by a dozen or so people at least 1,500 years ago, when there was no demonstratable alternative explanations available for the basis of their beliefs, so it must be true!


Anyway, I digress - the Pope needs to learn to be responsible...


What presumption did I make? :confused:


Just to be clear, I think religion is the attempt to conceive the inconceivable.


That we were created by a conscious being.


Again, I digress...

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