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Hell yeeeeeeah!! :D


Seriously though, it does streamline the whole thing a lot. Although they stopped doing push demos which is weird.

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Although they stopped doing push demos which is weird.

They just annoyed me, either cluttering up my HDD with stuff I didn't want/had already played or otherwise needlessly eating into my bandwidth.


Also, I maintain that Automatic Downloads of game updates should be a standard feature. Hopefully they'll announce new Plus functionality at E3, allowing the former to go free.


Yeah, I agree they were more annoying than not but they should have just improved the options. Like allowing you to select which demos got pushed onto you.


Also, considering Sony could have easily made money out of developers for giving demos priority it's even stranger.


Any pre-e3 bantz? Fuck the temporary board until the Live Stream.


Basically I'd like to see some more from Last Guardian and uhm. Maybe a little slice of Resistance but not too much. Uhm. Bit of Unch maybe?


I'm not really sure what they can do that will strike me, the NGP is kinda nyah because I'm not going to be buying one anytime soon.


They weren't horrendous last year. And looking at Microsoft's effort... They'd pretty much have to shoot a baby on stage to top it.


They were pretty fucking awesome the last two years. I'm just finding it hard to get excited which is strange because I really want to see the Vita.


It might have something to do with the 1am start. Uuurgh.


I suspect The Last Guardian will skip this year's show. It doesn't come out until 2012 and we've TGS before then (and potentially another E3).


Hopefully Sony have quite a few surprises in store, but even if they don't it's a fair bet they should be unveiling some interesting third-party Vita titles. I also hope they give PSN games a bit of screen time, even if it's just a montage, as the service really deserves the exposure.


Yeah perhaps. I can't imagine there's all too much for them to be revealing, there's only so many first party resources. PSN games is a good shout, I certainly hope to see a few.


I'm good with a 24" (for my room). My computer monitor is like 20" and it's definitely big enough. I suspect the price won't be right, though.

Been a while since we have seen Dust 514. Still being made in China? Looks very different.


Its a MMO FPS for those who arent aware. Sony getting exclusive is quite a big deal. hopefully it goes through concept into a product! Has any MMOFPS released yet?


PS VITA. $599.

Sony seem to be covering unique aspects of the new Nintendo console through the Vita interaction with PS3 ;)


errr come again?


I was quite impressed with what bits of Sony I've seen so far.


The Vita is 250€ in Europe and 250$ in the US (Wifi version, 3G one is 50 more). Don't know what Choze is getting at. :rolleyes:


No, from a professional standpoint it was not great. Jack Tretton was the only speaker with standout oratory skills.


Although, yes definitely better than MS who are just embarrassing for the most part.


I feel that presentation wise Microsofts would have been better than Sonys if they'd had the content.


Im not a fan of the use of kids but at least the adults they used could all speak well enough and not in the dull tones we got from the Sony one. Im sure last years Sony conference was a lot better with the speakers as well.

I feel that presentation wise Microsofts would have been better than Sonys if they'd had the content.


Im not a fan of the use of kids but at least the adults they used could all speak well enough and not in the dull tones we got from the Sony one. Im sure last years Sony conference was a lot better with the speakers as well.


Yeah, was definitely better last year. All the devs they picked to speak this year sounded really out of breath. I guess the exercise they got from walking to the stage really took it out of them.


Content is king though, so it's not that big a deal.

Yeah, was definitely better last year. All the debs they picked to speak this year sounded really out of breath. I guess the exercise they got from walking to the stage really took it out of them.


Its like how everyone makes fun of MS for trotting out as many minorities as they can in their conferences so Sony thought "Wait a minute, they're missing the fat nerdy ones, lets gather up as many as we can!"


Does anybody else have trouble with the save system in inFamous? Every time I go back to it, I seem to have to replay the last mission I did again. Even though I finished it properly, and got back to the city. I even did an actual save instead of using the auto one. There's no way I didn't finish the missions I was doing. This has happened twice now and it's pissing me off to the point that I don't feel like playing the game any more.


^ I think I remember that happening to me. I don't know why but every time I completed a main mission I did an easy side quest before quitting and that seemed to work.


Well I had the disc version, so I'm guessing both.


And Zechs is unbelievable. I forget how... Zechs-like he is.

Was going to say '...Zechsy' but that would be wrong for obvious reasons.

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