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Has anyone here got/played Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction? I've rented it and I'm finding it mind-bogglingly simplistic compared to other platformers. It's actually quite refreshing and easy going fun, but I'm not sure it's worth having it rented when I could send it back and potentially get Bioshock 2 or Heavy Rain or something like that instead. Should I keep going? Is it short, or does it get way better quickly?


It's average, and gets repetitive. I'd choose Heavy Rain if I were you, it's a bloody well spent 9 hours of entertainment.


It's aimed at kids, it never gets very complex. I'd also say that A Crack In Time is the better game by quite a margin, so my advice would be to play that instead: it has a lot more platforming, the space interludes are far more interesting, plus Clank's Braid-esque puzzle sections break things up nicely. Not that they're worlds apart, you understand, but if you're after a few hours of inoffensive fun you'd be better served by the latest entry in the series.


Heavy Rain is definitely worth the rental. It's an easy game to criticise, but despite its many flaws I found it very involving. It should only take 6-8 hours to see the credits roll, and it would be a good game to play with your girlfriend or room mate over the course of a night or two. There are lots of endings, but it isn't really something you'll want to play through multiple times; I found going back and toying with different outcomes a bit like exploring the deleted scenes on a DVD.


Oh, hmm, I thought this was the newest game. To be honest I don't even remember adding it to my list. Maybe I'll wait and see what my second game to arrive is, and decide based on that. Until then, I am having fun, just not really being engaged or challenged in any way. Also I haven't gotten a single trophy yet, just how many PS3 games are trophy-less? I had believed it to be a tiny fraction.


This is lovefilm I should point out, not a local Blockbusters, so I have over 10 games on my list and the decision of which game arrives next is barely influenceable. In fact it's determined largely by things like whether a game is popular, or whether the spotty teenager who's off work in 10 minutes can be bothered to go to the shelf at the end of the room instead of just posting me the low-priority game that just landed on the desk by the door.


Well it sounds like you've got a lot of ollllld games. R&C came way before the trophy patch.


I think it was 2 years before trophies were added?


Mega fail, I just found R&C Tools of Destruction in a pile of games a friend lent me a few months ago.


...what a waste of money v_v


Sorry to hear that. I do stuff like that, pretty lame, but face it; there's worse things you could've done.

I'm not surprised someone had lent you it because it doesn't really have replayability, plus it's really cheap due to the amount of copies lying around.

  dr4hkon said:


Whoooop. Played the XBOX demo some time ago. Will defo get the PS3 version though.


You wont regret it, one of the best XBLA games ive played! I recommend all PS3 owners to make a purchase when its out!


Here's something for you:


I bought the UK-Version (I think it is the UK-Version...well, it's the PEGI-Version) of Borderlands which is incompatible with German DLC. I already paid money for Zombie Island to find that out. :blank:


Amazon is offering PSN dards from Austria.


If I create an Austria-account, use one of the PSN cards to download DLC for Borderlands (which should be the uncut version), will this work?


Not really, since I'm currently not employed and in about 5 months I'll hopefully be a student, which will leave me with less money. :hmm:

So actually, I don't want to spend some of my saved money without getting something in return.

  dr4hkon said:
If I create an Austria-account, use one of the PSN cards to download DLC for Borderlands (which should be the uncut version), will this work?

It should state in the item description on the Store which product code the DLC is compatible with. It'll be something like "BLES12345", with obviously the numbers being different, and you can find out which version you have by looking on the spine of your game's case.


Ive been playing a lot of MW2 on my PS3 this week and on occations been using my headset to talk with friends (the PS3 offical one). Ive noticed that everytime i talk for longer than a few seconds it cuts me off almost every time for a few seconds.


Do you reckon my headset is fucked or is it just MW2 being shit?


FFS our second ps3 has stopped reading disks. Utter tripe. We use it for play tv and watching movie content on in the living room. Kinda annoyed as it is out of it's warranty.


However, my ps3 is fine though and has an extended Gamestation warranty so tempted to do a swop. Trouble is, mine is 40gb and the broken one is 60gb. Anyone think I could get away with this?


I thought the Blu-ray drives were relatively easy and cheap to replace yourself. I would at least consider that, in case Gamestation keeps track of the serial numbers.

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