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PlayStation 3 Console Discussion


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I don't want to tempt fate, but my 2 year old PS3 has had no problems at all. It has the occasional crash or freeze, but I think thats more a software problem.


Same goes for my 360, never had RRoD or anything.


My Sky+ HD box however, breaks on a weekly basis.

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Games freezing is usually a glitch in the actual game. Unless it happens every few minutes, in most games, I would never blame the hardware, or even the firmware, OS, ect.


My PS3 has been good. Though, I just got it in september, so I would expect it to have been good so far. I guess we'll see how the slims fair down the road. My Wii on the other hand had the flash memory go on it, and I had to pay $75 to get them to "Fix" it (While you get your old case back, they replace the innards).

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I don't want to tempt fate, but my 2 year old PS3 has had no problems at all. It has the occasional crash or freeze, but I think thats more a software problem.


Yeah same here, my console has froze a few times but not had any hardware problems at all. Still, I said the same about my Xbox when everyone was saying theirs was breaking and a week later mine packed in. So I'll probably be back in a week...

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I've posted this in the App thread as well, but I have a feeling someone here might have a better idea of how to do this:


So, I connected my iPod touch to my PS3 over Bluetooth, just to see what would happen, and it seems to see it as an audio input device. I've got new headphones with the microphone, so my iPod can input audio, but, from the iPods end, I can't seem to get it to output to the PS3, even though the PS3 is set to input audio from the iPod. I've done a few searches for Apps that might be able to output audio through bluetooth, with no luck. Has anyone come across an App that will do this (Free, or Paid), or has managed to do this before?

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I've come to love the DS3. Apart from the triggers which are awful. Every time I squeeze them I swear they're going to break (I've already lost one DS3 this way).


For the record my hands are massive. I can stretch 9 keys on my piano.

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I don't have any problem with the DS3 to be honest, the triggers could be better but those gioteck trigger grips do the trick


Yup, the gioteck are life savers.



Anywho, my problem is with the damned analogs. Seriously bad. Except for Katamari and Tekken, the 360 controller is just better in almost everything (exclude the D-Pad of course).


But if I'm being honest, the only games in which I notice the DS3's flaws are shooters, because percision matters and those analogs are just NOT right!

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I'm in love with God Of War.


Got Collection for Christmas (never had a PS2, so new to the series) and holy bejeezus, its awesome. Think I'm nearing the end of 1, but I'm gonna go straight onto 2 once I finish. Though whoever decided to keep the door opening to R2 should be shot.

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But if I'm being honest, the only games in which I notice the DS3's flaws are shooters, because percision matters and those analogs are just NOT right!

It's more an issue of acclimatisation and software calibration, I think. For instance I find aiming on the PS3 version of BF1943 to have a subtler central deadzone than the 360 version, making small adjustments whilst sniping easier. I doubt you'll find anyone complaining about using a DS3 to play Modern Warfare 2, either, as Infinity Ward obviously spent a good amount of time tweaking things. On the flip side I've never felt comfortable with Killzone 2's aiming, even post patch; on the 360 side of things Perfect Dark Zero's stick calibration ruined what was otherwise an alright — if bitterly disappointing — game.


I think my perfect gamepad would be a 360 controller with the d-pad and face buttons of a DS3. As is I'd say the DualShock with RealTriggers clinches it for all round versatility.

Edited by Aimless
Added variety.
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Just had the fright of my life. Guy came to pic up my ps3, and lo and behold I had forgotten to change the harddrive inside! Worser still, the old one was in a harddrive enclosure! Had to screw and unscrew like my life, well my ps3's life, depended on it! Lucky the guy comes from the same country we do so my mum was able to chat him up a bit! Hopefully my ps3 and myself will be reunited soon.

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The Wii has to be the most reliable. Making crap games really was a master stroke. lol


Just to throw a spanner in the works...I'm on my third Wii!


Yup, the gioteck are life savers.



Anywho, my problem is with the damned analogs. Seriously bad. Except for Katamari and Tekken, the 360 controller is just better in almost everything (exclude the D-Pad of course).


But if I'm being honest, the only games in which I notice the DS3's flaws are shooters, because percision matters and those analogs are just NOT right!


Only problem I have the analogues is they could do with a slight curve into them (concave?) for your thumbs to sit better in, I do find after long periods of time that my thumbs hurt.

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