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  • Daft


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I was just wondering, how can i identify when my Controller has finished charging, I assume thats why the USB wire that connects to the PS3 is included.


The light stops blinking.


On the top-front of the controller. To the right of where you plug the USB in. If the controller is turned off, then all four lights will blink until it fully recharges, then all lights will go off. If the controller is turned on, then only one light will blink until it fully recharges, then it will stay a solid red.


Does it charge when plugged into a Wii? That would be the easiest way because of that Connect24 bullshit.


If so, that will be the most use my Wii ever gets :laughing:

Does it charge when plugged into a Wii? That would be the easiest way because of that Connect24 bullshit.


If so, that will be the most use my Wii ever gets :laughing:


Yeah it does...I used to use my Wii to charge my ipod before I got my new docker most use I got out of it for a while...


When's the next lethargic gamers? Looking forward to it.

And Daft, any chance I could write a piece or two for remedial-waste? Nothing regular, just a contribution every now and then?


PS. Borderlands is going to be fucking awesome.

When's the next lethargic gamers? Looking forward to it.

And Daft, any chance I could write a piece or two for remedial-waste? Nothing regular, just a contribution every now and then?


Maybe. We've got a good (lazy) little team that has a done style. You could write something but I can't guarantee I'd put it up. If it's good enough then definitely.


I'm very harsh. But then you (or I) could re-write it.


You've got to remember, everyone who writes for RW has worked in the games industry long enough to hate it, themselves and the world and then some.


PS. Borderlands is going to be fucking awesome.


Good man. :D


You sound as if it's a big organisation that only let's in the best of the best, although the standard is great to be fair to yourselves. Obviously for articles I'd ramp up structure and lingual skills and use metaphors to make it hilarious to read, as all satirical writers understandably 'resort' to when composing their new piece. I'll post you one some time, don't expect anything majorly soon, but I wouldn't mind having work displayed/appreciated in some form, for starters I find it easier to write about videogames but also there's barely ever an opportunity to do so unless it's a short forum post.


And it helps me excercise my narrow experience of journalism, if you can call 'waste that.


Yeah, go for it. Whenever you want (it's about as casual/lazy a site as ever there was).


We're picky on who we let in because we all know each other, we've all worked together. I don't know too much about you. :heh:


You know what the deal is in terms of style/quality so you'll probably have no problem.

Posted (edited)

Ah right how did you guys come to know each other then? And yeah, I'll just be the dunce in the corner chiming in whenever I feel like I have something worthy of saying to my superiors.

May do something on Borderlands' potential, the more I see the more excitable I get. So excitable I am. To think I was considering getting a job to pay for a PSP Go recently...


You seen any of the Lethargic Gamers episodes Daft? Not sure I've mentioned them to you but they are quite impressive, check Flamey's sig.

Edited by dwarf

We all worked at Square and we all intermittently work at Square.


I wanted to do a co-op review of Borderlands. You can help me with that if you want. That'd be a big help actually.


I haven't checked out any LG videos bar the first one (which I loved).


Yeah whatever needs doing I'll do (as long as I want to do it, so that's slightly limiting) but yeah, Borderlands co-op review sounds good. Unless I've read it wrong though, I think the 4 player thang is just an option - you play the campaign on your own but can let people drop in and out if you wish (and occasionally duel if bored).


Still, official headset would be good, hopefully I can convince a couple of mates to get it. Still feel slightly uncomfortable when conversing to forumites especially when games seem the ony topic of convo. That's partly due to the shitty nature of my Jabra though so everything seems awkward when I have to resort to remaining silent after I say 'Sorry, can't hear you' for the 5th time.


I've got my Sony headset which I'm sure has died because I haven't charged it for an aeon.


Can you not link campaigns together? Like doing missions completes them for both players.


I'm not sure, I'm just following Jayseven's ghost and reading through the Boderlands Wiki. Still very sketchy information, not just this site either. More games should keep the info lock down like this, that way I can play through them without knowing who dies and who shags who.


Yeah, less info on games would be good. I've been pretty out of the loop with Uncharted and Assassin's Creed. Maybe seen a bit too much Heavy Rain but until it's out I'm going to try and avoid all info.

Posted (edited)

Speculation around the web always means that curiosity kills the twat. I just can't help myself - kids can't be deprived of their candy, especially when it's viewable through a misty yet transparant window.

Edit: Even if it is bad for their teeth.


Yup, that's a surprisingly good one.

Edited by dwarf

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